6.5m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck

6.5m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck | New

Mileages:Brand New
Rated Power:92kw
Oil Tank:16 Liters
Total Hydraulic System Capacity:278 Liters
Water Tank:1465 Liters

6.5m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck with Water Tank, Fuel Tank and other optional Features for Sale 2018 Het talent 9240 E truck type is zelfladende betonmixer. It is used to mix cement, zand, gravel and other materials on site in a stationary position or to transport the mixed products from one place to another. Some of these trucks can be driven by electric power. This vehicle is mainly used in the construction of roads, bridges and high buildings.

6.5m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck
6.5m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck


1.The 6.5cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 degrees horizontally.

2.4*4 four-wheel drive, torque converter drive belt open gear oil pump.

3.The maximum speed of 6.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer can reach 23km/h.

4.The 6.5cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. It ensures good quality of concrete.

5.High quality engineering tires for most jobs.

6.Equipped with an accurate loader weighing system for aggregate and cement weighing to meet precise concrete formulation requirements.

zelfladende betonmixer

1.2m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck | New

Mileages:Brand New
Rated Power:55kw
Oil Tank:16 Liters
Total Hydraulic System Capacity:63 Liters
Water Tank:400 Liters

1.2m3 self-loading concrete mixer truck The vehicle is powered by a Cummins 4BTA + E6 engine with 57kW power and features an advanced electrical system for precision control of on-board equipment. It has a huge dump box largely extending over the tractor cabin and can be fully unloaded in a single operation with a hydraulic hoist. The dump box can be raised to three different heights, making loading and unloading easier while reducing product loss, its mobile system incorporating all possible safety systems gives additional peace of mind in all circumstances

1.2m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck
1.2m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck


1.The 1.2cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 degrees horizontally.

2.4*4 four-wheel drive, torque converter drive belt open gear oil pump.

3.The maximum speed of 1.2m3 self-unloading betonmixer can reach 23km/h.

4.The 1.2cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. It ensures good quality of concrete.

5.High quality engineering tires for most jobs.

6.Equipped with an accurate loader weighing system for aggregate and cement weighing to meet precise concrete formulation requirements.

2022 latest self loading concrete mixer for sale

De self loading concrete mixer is a kind of new type machine for mixing concrete. It can mix materials by one time, it saves labor cost, reduce work steps and improve efficiency. It is widely used in commercial construction sites or civil engineering projects like road construction, wall building, urban construction and so on.

2.6m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck


1.How to use a self loading concrete mixer?

2.We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be the right one for your needs.

3.Make sure you know what you need and then read more to find out more about the different types of mixers.

4.What is the best mixer for concrete?

5.We are here to help and we want to make sure that you are getting the best mixer for your needs.

6.This is not something that you want to do wrong.

7.7.It is important that you get it right and then you can use the self loading concrete model that you get for a very long time.


How to use a self loading concrete mixer?

The first thing you need to do when using a self-loading concrete mixer is ensuring that your site has sufficient space around itespecially when you’re mixing up large batches of concrete. You also need to check that there are no obstructions nearby which could cause damage if they were hit by flying debris (e.g., windows). Eindelijk, make sure that everyone who’s going to be working near your site knows how far away they should stand while they’re operating equipment such as this because getting hit in the head by flying debris could lead someone back into hospital!

We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be the right one for your needs.

We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be the right one for your needs.

1.8m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck
1.8m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck

The first thing is that our mixers can be used inside and outside. They are made out of stainless steel, which will help prevent rusting and corrosion. The inside of the mixer has been coated with epoxy paint so it’s easy to clean up after use, no matter where it was used (indoors or outdoors). This keeps maintenance costs down while still offering a quality product that lasts longer than other models on the market today!

1.2m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck
1.2m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck

Make sure you know what you need and then read more to find out more about the different types of mixers.

You need to know what you need and then find out more about the different types of mixers.

Find out what you need, make sure that you know what you need and then read more to find out more about the different types of mixers.

You need to know what you need, make sure that you know what you want, and then keep reading because we’ve got a lot more information on concrete mixers for sale.

What is the best mixer for concrete?

The best mixer for concrete is the one that will be able to mix your concrete for the job you need it for. There are many different types of mixers, each with their own specifications and features, but they all have one thing in common: they need to be able to mix the concrete properly.

A good mixer should be able to mix the concrete quickly and efficiently so that it can dry out faster than if it were left unmixed. If you’re planning on building something from scratch then you want a good quality self-loading concrete mixer because this type of machine is designed specifically for mixing large quantities of dry materials such as sand, stone dust and cement powder together in order to create strong foundations which will last long into future generations without needing any repairs or maintenance work done on them once complete

We are here to help and we want to make sure that you are getting the best mixer for your needs.

If you are looking to buy an automatic concrete mixer, it is important to know that you are getting the right machine for your needs. Our team of experts can help ensure that you find the best machine for your business. We want to make sure that you are getting the best machine for your company and we want to make sure that we help make this process as easy as possible for you.

This is not something that you want to do wrong.

When you are looking for the best self-loading concrete mixer, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. You have to make sure that you get the right size of mixer for your needs and that it is going to be able to do what you want it to do. It’s not going to be something that is easy on your wallet but it will help ensure that your business is running smoothly.

It is important that you get it right and then you can use the self loading concrete model that you get for a very long time.

It is very important that you get it right and then you can use the self loading concrete model that you get for a very long time. Don’t make the mistake of getting the wrong model, or not getting a self loading concrete mixer at all because if this is something that you will be using every day, then it needs to be right.

The best way to ensure that this happens is by speaking to someone who knows all about these things so they can help guide you through the process of buying one.


We are here to help and we want to make sure that you are getting the best mixer for your needs. This is not something that you want to do wrong. Make sure you know what you need and then read more about the different types of mixers. We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be right machine for concrete.

2.6m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck

Truck Type:Self-loading concrete mixer truck
Total Hydraulic System Capacity:75L
Mileages:Brand New
Rated Power:78kw
Oil Tank:16L
Water Tank:400 Liters

This self-loading concrete mixer truck is a new model, which is powerful and flexible. Equipped with 78kw engine, 75L petrol water pump, wide mixing drum and double-door discharge system, it is also equipped with 16L oil tank and 400L water tank to ensure the work efficiency. We insist on high quality and reasonable price!


1.The 3.5cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 degrees horizontally.

2.4*4 four-wheel drive, torque converter drive belt open gear oil pump.

3.The maximum speed of 3.5m3 self-unloading concrete mixer can reach 25km/h.

4.The 3.5cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. It ensures good quality of concrete.

5.High quality engineering tires for most jobs.

6.Equipped with an accurate loader weighing system for aggregate and cement weighing to meet precise concrete formulation requirements.

1.8m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck

Truck Type:Self-loading concrete mixer truck
Total Hydraulic System Capacity:75 Liters
Mileages:Brand New
Rated Power:78kw
Oil Tank:16 Liters
Water Tank:500L

The Self-loading concrete mixer truck is mainly used for mixing large amounts of concrete for projects. Equipped with a hydraulic lift, it’s easy to load and unload the mixer. It comes with a 16 liter oil tank, 500 liter water tank and 78kw rated power engine. Moving at a speed of 50 kilometers an hour, you can’t help but admire this beautiful truck.


1.The 3.5cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 degrees horizontally.

2.4*4 four-wheel drive, torque converter drive belt open gear oil pump.

3.The maximum speed of 3.5m3 self-unloading concrete mixer can reach 25km/h.

4.The 3.5cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. It ensures good quality of concrete.

5.High quality engineering tires for most jobs.

6.Equipped with an accurate loader weighing system for aggregate and cement weighing to meet precise concrete formulation requirements.

1.2m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck

Truck Type:Self-loading concrete mixer truck
Total Hydraulic System Capacity:63 Liters
Mileages:Brand New
Rated Power:55kw
Oil Tank:16 Liters
Water Tank:400 Liters

This Self-Loading Concrete Mixer has a total hydraulic system capacity of 63 liters, with an oil tank capacity of 16 liters and water tank capacity of 400 liters. It is capable of mixing cement, sand and aggregate for use in the construction industry. The mixer may be used to mix concrete in a variety of ways including continuous mixing and batching. Its bucket has a mixer capacity of 4 cubic meters and a dumping height that can reach 3 meters high.


1.The 3.5cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 degrees horizontally.

2.4*4 four-wheel drive, torque converter drive belt open gear oil pump.

3.The maximum speed of 3.5m3 self-unloading concrete mixer can reach 25km/h.

4.The 3.5cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. It ensures good quality of concrete.

5.High quality engineering tires for most jobs.

6.Equipped with an accurate loader weighing system for aggregate and cement weighing to meet precise concrete formulation requirements.