设备型号:TS-6.5 自装式搅拌车

发动机型号:潍柴道依茨 6105 涡轮增压
齿轮箱型号:ZL-315 动力换档变速箱
齿轮:2 向前 2 后油箱:370大号
液压系统总容量:278 升
油箱:16 升减速机:KY07-5-J
液压泵:Interpump Hydraulic Motor:SUNNY63
水箱:1465L 供水:时间继电器
Overall Dimensions(L*W*H):8450*3050*4830

Weichai Weichai engine, ZL-315 动力换档变速箱. ZYQ13-3J. , The truck has all accessories for construction, earthwork and agriculture, this truck is ideal for work on all types of roads, including mining, quarrying, dams and complete engineering projects for civil contractors in the fields of highway design, road maintenance, road repair work and building the highway ramp


1.The 6.5cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 水平度数.

2.4*4 四轮驱动, 变矩器传动皮带开式齿轮油泵.

3.The maximum speed of 6.5m3 self-unloading concrete mixer can reach 23km/h.

4.The 6.5cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. 它确保了混凝土的良好质量.

