small concrete mixer truck


If you’re looking for a small concrete mixer truck, you’re probably wondering what it’s called, how much to pay for one, and what people call them. This guide will answer all those questions and more. It’ll teach you about the best brands and models of mini mix concrete trucks out there today, plus give you tips on how to find the right one for your project.

What do you call a small cement mixer?

small concrete mixer truck for sale

small concrete mixer truck
small concrete mixer truck

A mini cement mixer is a small concrete 搅拌车 用于露台等小型建筑项目, 人行道和车道. 它们也被称为小型混凝土搅拌机和迷你搅拌机.

  • 小型水泥搅拌机容量为 1 立方码 (35 加仑) 或更少, 最小的在范围内 3/4 立方码 (或者 10 加仑).
  • 小型混凝土搅拌车的容量介于 1/2 立方码至 3 每负载码. 这意味着它最多可以承载 35 一次加仑混凝土; 然而, 一些型号有更大的水箱,可以容纳 6 材料码一次! This makes them ideal for contractors who need frequent deliveries or those who specialize in large jobsites where they may not be able to return frequently enough each day with their full load size requirements met by having access right away each day.* Small Concrete Mixer is also known as “Mini-Mix” which refers specifically

How many cubic meters is a mini concrete truck?


The capacity of a mini mixer truck is usually around 3 立方米. This means that you will be able to mix enough concrete for a small project such as a driveway or small patio.

If you are interested in mixing other products, then this type of mixer truck would be ideal for you. You can also use it for mixing mortar, plasters and paints.

How wide is a mini mix concrete truck?

small concrete mixer trucks

The width of a mini mix concrete truck depends on the driveway. If you’re going to be making lots of trips back and forth, you’ll want to make sure your driveway is wide enough for two trucks to pass each other. The average driveway is 9 脚宽, which means that if one person is driving in, there has to be at least 5 feet on either side for another driver’s car or truck to pass. You can also use this space as storage for tools and equipment if necessary!

small concrete mixer trucks
small concrete mixer trucks

The total capacity of the mixer truck will help determine how much concrete you’ll need per load; 然而, keep in mind that they can still produce more than what they’re rated for if they have a larger container inside!

How much can a mini concrete truck hold?

cement mixer truck size

  • The amount of concrete that a mini 混凝土车 can hold depends on the size of the mini mixer truck.
  • Mini mixers are defined as being between 0.5 和 1 cubic meter in size, which means that they’re in-between a small and large mixer truck by definition (but you knew that already).
  • As such, if you want to know how much your mini mixer can hold, just multiply its cubic meter capacity by 1 或者 0.5.

How to choose the best small concrete mixer truck?


To choose the best small concrete mixer truck, you must consider its capacity, price, size and output.


价格: 这 price of a cement mixer truck varies between $30,000 和 $80,000 depending on the features it offers. If you are looking for a more affordable model, then go for a smaller truck that can carry less concrete at once.

尺寸: The size of a concrete mixer truck also matters when you are looking for the 右卡车 for your needs. If you need a small truck that can carry around 25 cubic meters of concrete at once, then go for one that has a width of around 2.5 meters and length and height of 4 meters each.

How much does a small concrete mixer truck cost?



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The price of a small concrete mixer truck ranges from $3000 至 $10,000. The cost of maintenance can be anywhere between $50 和 $100 per year depending on how much you use it. Fuel cost and insurance costs vary according to your location and other factors. 您还应该考虑使用您的卡车可能需要的其他设备的成本, 例如拖车或自卸车.


我们希望这 卡车指南 已帮助您了解小型和大型混凝土搅拌车之间的区别. 如果您对寻找最适合您需求的卡车有任何疑问, 请随时联系我们. 我们很乐意回答任何问题并提供有关我们产品的更多信息。如果您有任何问题, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!