camion bétonnière

Best cement mixer truck for sale in 2022

Cement mixer truck are vehicles that are used to transport and mix concrete. They have become popular because they allow contractors to save time and money by using them instead of having to haul their own materials or rent heavy-duty equipment from a rental company. Here you can find out everything you need to know about concrete mixer trucks, including how they work and what the types of cement mixer trucks are. You’ll also learn about how much do these machines cost so that you can know whether or not one is right for your project.

What is a cement mixer truck?

small cement mixer truck

camion bétonnière
camion bétonnière

A cement mixer truck is a vehicle that transports and mixes concrete. It is a truck with a cement mixer mounted on the back. The mixer is usually powered by an engine, but it can also be driven by hydraulics or pneumatics.

There are two types of cement mixer trucks: dry and wet. A dry mix truck uses a batching plant to mix pre-measured ingredients together before being loaded into the drum of the truck’s hopper. The dry mix process requires less water than wet mixing because it does not require water for dissolving or bonding agents (par exemple., sable).

Comment fonctionne un camion bétonnière?

cement mixer truck rental

UN camion malaxeur à béton mobile works by rotating a drum that’s full of concrete and water. The drum is attached to an engine, which powers the machine’s rotation and pumps the concrete from the drum through pipes into a mixer truck.

The drum is made of stainless steel, which means it won’t rust or corrode in wet conditions—a crucial feature for any mixer truck that will be used outdoors. It also has industrial-grade bearings on both ends so it can spin faster than most other types of drums.

It’s important for your cement mixer truck to be able to mix up concrete quickly, efficacement, and evenly so you don’t have any issues with its quality when you’re working on a project with it later down the road!

What are the two types of concrete mixer truck?

There are two types of concrete mixer truck, namely:

Hydraulic Concrete Mixer Truck

This type can also be called as a “hydraulic” camion malaxeur à béton since it has an attached machinery that can help to automatically load materials into its hopper. The difference between these two types is that in this one, you have to use a forklift or another vehicle like skid steer loader or motor grader to move around so that you can easily transfer all kinds of building materials such as sand, gravels and others directly onto the conveyor belt at any desired location without any hassle at all!

Self-Loading Concrete Mixer Truck

Self-Loading Concrete Mixer Truck
Self-Loading Concrete Mixer Truck

This type is a self loading cement mixer truck. It has an attached machinery that can help to automatically load the materials into the hopper. The hydraulic system is responsible for lifting the materials from ground level and placing it into the mixing chamber where they will be mixed by rotating blades.

How to clean a cement mixer truck?

cement mixer truck parts

Cement trucks are used to transport and mix concrete. They must be cleaned regularly to avoid damage that could occur due to dirt, dust or oil. Here’s how:

  • Use a pressure washer on your truck to remove loose dirt, dust and oil buildup. You should then use degreasing agent to remove residual grease and oil before washing the truck again with water and detergent-soaked rags or sponges.
  • Clean the inside of your cement mixer truck with soap and water using a sponge or rag, paying special attention to any vents that could allow debris into its motor later on down the road if not cleaned properly beforehand (which is why you want it done ASAP). There’s no need for anything fancy here—just hot soapy water should do!

How to choose a best cement mixer truck?

camion malaxeur de ciment à vendre

camion malaxeur de ciment à vendre
camion malaxeur de ciment à vendre

There are a few things that you should look for in a cement mixer truck when buying one:

  • How easy is it to operate? You don’t want to be stuck with a truck that requires you to spend hours learning how it works. Find out if there are manuals and videos online so you can get started right away.
  • How easy is it to clean? Some trucks have hard-to-reach places where dirt and grime can accumulate, so make sure your new truck has an easily accessible interior that makes cleaning simple.
  • How much maintenance does the truck need? You don’t want something that will break down all the time! Look at what kind of track record other owners have had before deciding on which model is best for you.
  • Can I drive this thing all day long without getting worn out? Concrete mixing truck can be dangerous if they’re not comfortable enough for long drives! You’ll want something with good suspension and ergonomics built into its design—or at least adjustable seats so they fit perfectly around your body type’s needs.

Combien coûte un camion malaxeur à béton?

cement mixer truck price

cement mixer truck price
cement mixer truck price

Obtenez des devis de camion GRATUITS

  • Obtenez des devis GRATUITS pour les camions locaux dès aujourd'hui
  • Comparez les meilleurs prix
  • Économisez de l'argent sur votre nouveau camion aujourd'hui!

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La prix d'une bétonnière truck may vary by size and features, as well as the brand and type of truck itself. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 for a smaller single-axle mixer to more than $50,000 for extra-large twin-axle models.

The price will also depend on its condition; if it’s in good shape then you’ll have to pay a premium while if it needs repairs or maintenance then it might make sense to purchase an older model at a discounted rate.


Cement mixer trucks are essential for many businesses and construction projects. When you need to mix concrete, it’s important that you have access to an efficient machine that won’t break down or cause delays in your work schedule. This article has provided information about cement mixer trucks and how they operate so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing one for yourself or your company!Si vous avez des questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 ou [email protected]!

camion de mélange prêt à l'emploi

Best ready mix truck for sale in 2022

Ready mix truck is a heavy duty machine that is used to transport the concrete. Ready mix truck is also called concrete mixer or cement mixer. Ready mix trucks are used in the construction industry for transportation of concrete, asphalt and other materials. Ready mix concrete trucks are some times also referred as cement mixer or ready mix vehicles or cement pourers depending on the application.

What is ready mix truck?

cement ready mix truck

camion de mélange prêt à l'emploi
camion de mélange prêt à l'emploi

Ready Mix concrete Trucks are trucks that transport and deliver concrete. They are used to transport concrete from a ready mix plant to construction sites and also used to transport concrete from a concrete batching plant to construction sites. They can also be used for other types of industry related activities such as transporting sand, gravel or dry stone aggregates over short distances or in smaller quantities than you would use in your business. Camions prêt à l'emploi can be single axle or tandem axle with low loaders (tippers) which carry the material on the back of the truck or flat bed trucks that carry the material in boxes on top of their trailer bodies.

Ready Mix concrete Trucks have either an enclosed cab or open cab design depending on what type of work they need done each day and how long they will be away from their base depot location

How does a ready mix truck work?

ready mix truck parts

Ready mix concrete trucks are used for a wide range of tasks, including construction, mining, and agriculture. Ready mix concrete trucks have been used to pave roads and runways since the early 1900s. Cependant, they weren’t widely available until the 1960s when the demand for them increased dramatically due to increased infrastructure development.

Ready mix plants produce concrete by grinding together cement, sand and water—which can be premixed or delivered as separate ingredients—then adding other additives as needed (for example: fly ash). The mixture is then transported via a conveyor belt from the plant’s hopper into large bins on top of each truck’s mixer drum where it is mixed with steel rollers before being discharged onto waiting trucks or onto concrete pads or forms in place at job sites where it will harden into place.

What is the capacity of a ready mix truck?

ready mix truck capacity
ready mix truck capacity

ready mix truck capacity

The capacity of a ready mix concrete truck is a measure of how much concrete it can carry at once. To calculate the capacity of a ready mix truck, simply multiply its weight by its volume.

Par exemple, if you are looking at buying a ready mix truck for sale in 2022 with a weight of 35 tons and a volume of 12 cubic yards or 3 bétonnière de jardin (a rough estimate), then its capacity is approximately 400 cubic yards or about 112 tonnes. The actual figure would change depending on what type of material was loaded into it and whether it was filled to its maximum level or not (more on this later).

This assumes that there is no additional weight added to the rear axle; additional loads could increase this figure slightly as well as making certain vehicles heavier than others which may result in them having slightly lower capacities than their competitors despite having similar dimensionssuch as when comparing two different makes/models made by different manufacturers who might use different materials during production processes).

How long does ready mix truck last?

ready mix truck weight

Ready mix truck longevity can be divided into three categories: 1) new trucks (often built by the same company that produces the ready mix concrete), 2) used trucks from other industries, et 3) modified models.

In general, a ready mix concrete truck will last anywhere from 10 à 15 years with moderate use; toutefois, it’s important to note that how long your ready mix truck lasts depends on how often you use it. The more frequent your usage pattern is—orduty cycle—the faster you’ll wear out components of your vehicle.

How to choose a best ready mix truck?

ready mix truck dimensions
ready mix truck dimensions

ready mix truck dimensions

Before choosing a ready mix concrete truck, vous devriez considérer les facteurs suivants:

  • The quality of the truck. The quality of a truck can be determined by its manufacturer, brand and model. It’s important to buy a high-quality ready mix truck as it will be more durable and reliable than other trucks.
  • The capacity of the truck. A good concrete mixer pump should have enough capacity to carry all materials needed for your project such as cement, sand and gravels etc., this will help in maximizing your profits while reducing waste due to overloading or underloading.
  • The engine of the ready mix concrete mixer machine plays an important role in determining how much horsepower it has which affects how much work can be done by one person at any given time period so always choose one according to your job requirements (for example if you need something to move around quickly then go with something that offers more power).
  • The size of the truck. The size of a ready mix concrete truck is determined by its length, width and height which you need to consider before buying one. Par exemple, if you have a small job then go with something that’s smaller in size but if it’s large then buy something with more capacity.

How much does a ready mix truck cost?

prix du camion prêt à l'emploi
prix du camion prêt à l'emploi

prix du camion prêt à l'emploi

Obtenez des devis de camion GRATUITS

  • Obtenez des devis GRATUITS pour les camions locaux dès aujourd'hui
  • Comparez les meilleurs prix
  • Économisez de l'argent sur votre nouveau camion aujourd'hui!

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La prix d'une bétonnière truck depends on the capacity. The larger the capacity, the more expensive it will be. Ready mix concrete trucks are available in capacities ranging from 2 à 5 cubic yards and can cost anywhere between $100,000 – $200,000. If you don’t have that kind of money lying around and would like to pay for your ready mix concrete truck in installments instead, you may want to consider leasing one instead of buying it outright since this option is much more affordable than purchasing one outright.

Ready mix trucks are available in many different options:

  • Power plant typeThis type of ready mix truck has its engine located at its rear end and drives through all four wheels with power being transmitted through an engine shaft which runs parallel to the axles; this is also referred to as “four-wheel drive” or 4WD
  • Closed cab – These types have full cab enclosures covering the driver’s seat area from above with two side doors (one on each side) located below that allow easy access into or out of the cab via steps mounted onto each door; some closed cabs also offer additional ventilation/heat vents within their cabs as well as roll-up windows along with safety glass windshields


Ready mix trucks are the good mixer truck to buy in 2022 because they have a lot of benefits.

Section: They are very durable and reliable. If you buy a ready mix concrete truck, it will last you a long time.

Takeaway: Buying a ready mix truck is the best decision you can make if you want to save money on your business expenses over time.If you have any questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 ou [email protected]!

camion malaxeur à béton

Meilleur camion malaxeur à béton à vendre à 2022

Concrete mixing truck are vehicles used to mix concrete and transport it to a construction site. Le camion peut être fixe ou mobile, selon le type de construction en cours. Les bétonnières sont disponibles en différentes tailles et capacités, en fonction de leur utilisation prévue. Ils sont capables de produire plusieurs tonnes de béton par jour lorsqu'ils travaillent à pleine capacité. Dans cet article, nous discuterons des types de camions malaxeurs à béton existants et de leur coût avant d'entrer dans les détails de leur fonctionnement et de la meilleure façon d'en choisir un pour vos besoins..

Qu'est-ce qu'un camion malaxeur à béton?

camion malaxeur à béton
camion malaxeur à béton

concrete mixing truck on site

Un camion malaxeur à béton est un véhicule qui mélange le béton dans la bonne proportion. Les camions à béton sont conçus pour le transport de béton, et ils peuvent porter jusqu'à 6 verges cubes (5.6 m³) de mélange sec ou jusqu'à 4 verges cubes (3.6 m³) de mélange humide à la fois.

Concrete truck may also be called cement mixers, qui est un terme impropre; le ciment n'est pas réellement mélangé avec de l'eau lorsque vous produisez du béton. En outre, some people refer to these vehicles as concrete pumps because they use pumps to transfer the material from one place to another via pipes and hoses rather than simply pouring it out onto the ground like you would with a wheelbarrow or bucket brigade system.

What is the capacity of a concrete mixing truck?

concrete mixing truck dimensions
concrete mixing truck dimensions

concrete mixing truck dimensions

Concrete mixer trucks have a capacity of 15 à 20 verges cubes, which is the largest capacity concrete mixer truck. Par exemple, un 3 bétonnière de jardin can hold roughly 7 tons of concrete at one time and requires about half an hour to fill. While this may seem like a lot, it only accounts for about half the weight of some large homes.

A 20-cubic yard concrete mixing truck can hold up to 12 tons at one time and take up to 2 hours to fill. This larger capacity will be able to handle even more material in its hopper than the 15 cubic yard machine, but it also takes longer when being filled because there’s more material inside it

How long does concrete last in mixer trucks?

how tall is a concrete mixing truck

In order to maintain your concrete mixer truck, you must make sure that the mixer drum is cleaned and the water system is free of excess debris. The blades should also be regularly inspected to ensure they are not cracked or broken. Once a year, the transmission should be serviced by an expert technician from a licensed garage.

The proper storage of your concrete camion malaxeur is important for its longevity and functionality. La meilleure façon de le ranger lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé est de le garer sur un sol plat à l'abri où il n'y a pas d'objets pointus ou d'autres véhicules à proximité. Vous pouvez également le garder à l'intérieur si possible sans exposition au soleil et sans réglages de climatisation à 50 degrés Fahrenheit (10 degré Celsius).

Cleaning your equipment after every use will help prevent mold growth as well as other damage that can occur when moisture collects inside of pipes due to poor ventilation systems in some older models made before today’s stricter standards were implemented by manufacturers worldwide.

What life expectancy of a concrete mixing truck?

concrete mixing truck hire
concrete mixing truck hire

concrete mixing truck hire

The life expectancy of a concrete mixer truck is dependent on how well you take care of it and how much you use it. If you’re looking to buy a used concrete mixer truck, alors vous devez connaître la durée de vie prévue du véhicule avant de vous engager à en acheter un.

Par exemple, si un camion malaxeur à béton moyen de 20 tonnes dure 30 années, alors il sera judicieux de s'assurer que le vôtre a été bien entretenu afin qu'il puisse durer au moins aussi longtemps que ses contemporains. The same logic applies here when we talk about buying a new camion malaxeur volumétrique: si votre revendeur local affirme que ses camions ont une garantie à vie ou mieux encore, 25 ans sur les pièces et la main-d'œuvre (ou quelque chose de similaire), then make sure that they’re telling the truth before committing any money!

How to choose a best concrete mixing truck?

camion malaxeur à béton à vendre

When buying a concrete mixer truck, vous devez tenir compte des facteurs suivants:

  • Capacité: The capacity of your truck should be enough to handle all of your needs. If you are running a construction company, then you will need an industrial-grade crane with an increased capacity that can carry more than 6 tons at once.
  • Lifespan: The lifespan of the machine depends on how much work it does and how often it is used. Par exemple, if you use your truck for small projects or infrequent ones, its lifespan will be much longer than if you are doing large-scale construction projects every day.
  • Prix: Prices vary according to quality and brand name of each product available in the market so choose wisely before deciding on which one is best suited for your needs!

Combien coûte un camion malaxeur à béton?

concrete mixing truck price
concrete mixing truck price

concrete mixing truck price

Obtenez des devis de camion GRATUITS

  • Obtenez des devis GRATUITS pour les camions locaux dès aujourd'hui
  • Comparez les meilleurs prix
  • Économisez de l'argent sur votre nouveau camion aujourd'hui!

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The concrete mixer truck price can vary from $130,000 à $600,000. It depends on the capacity and features you need. Par exemple, if you need a small concrete mixer truck for your private use, then the price will be cheaper than if you want to buy a large capacity one for commercial purposes. The brand, country of origin and model also affect the cost of your vehicle.

The engine size and power are crucial factors in determining how much it costs to buy a concrete mixer truck because they determine its performance as well as fuel consumption rates over time before needing replacement or repair work done on them again after use over time past their normal lifespan expectancy rate due to constant wear-and-tear that comes along with every machine type including human beings themselves because we all eventually die eventually regardless whether we’re rich or not since physical death doesn’t discriminate against anyone especially when there’s no cure yet discovered yet


La best concrete mixing truck for sale in 2022 devrait être capable de mélanger le béton dans une variété de situations, tout en étant capable d'effectuer d'autres tâches utiles. Un bon exemple de ceci serait le Caterpillar C9.7 Super Heavy Duty Truck, which has been designed specifically as a mixer truck with a range of advantages over its competitors.If you have any questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 ou [email protected]!

cement mixer truck price

Best new cement mixer truck price in 2022

UN camion malaxeur à béton is a vehicle that is used to mix raw materials to make concrete. We have collected the best new cement mixer truck price in 2022, which will help you learn more about this type of equipment.


Combien coûte un camion malaxeur à béton?

cement mixer truck price
cement mixer truck price

cement mixer truck price

UN cement mixer truck price of heavy machinery that can cost between $100,000 et $250,000. You can buy a new one for cement mixer truck price or an older used model. Prices depend on the age of the machine and its condition as well as where you purchase it from (new or used). The average cost is around $150,000.

Cement mixer truck price are typically sold in two categories: new and used. New cement mixer trucks are often more expensive than used ones because of their superior condition, but if you don’t mind getting something that’s been previously owned then buying a used one will save some money. The average cost for each type ranges between $50-$150K depending on factors like location and condition; however most people choose to pay this amount simply because they don’t have much choice when it comes down to buying something without any other options available at all

How much is a used concrete mixer truck?

used cement mixer truck for sale
used cement mixer truck for sale

used cement mixer truck for sale

  • Used concrete mixer truck prices vary depending on the model and condition of the vehicle, as well as its specifications. Par exemple, a used cement mixer truck price more if it has more horsepower than a similar model which does not have that attachment.
  • The cost of buying a new Cement Mixer Truck varies based upon the model chosen, but typically ranges from $50,000 à $100,000.

The cost of buying a used Cement Mixer Truck varies based upon the model chosen, but typically ranges from $5,000 à $25,000. The price of a new Cement Mixer Truck ranges from $50,000 à $100,000 depending on the model chosen. A used concrete mixer truck will cost more if it has more horsepower than a similar model which does not have that attachment.

What is the capacity of a cement mixer truck?

camion malaxeur de ciment à vendre
camion malaxeur de ciment à vendre

camion malaxeur de ciment à vendre

The capacity of a bétonnière truck is the amount of concrete that can be held in its drum. This number varies depending on the size and model of the truck, but as a general rule, larger trucks are capable of holding more concrete. It’s important to note that not all trucks are created equal: some may have their drum designed in such a way that it can hold more than others—even though they may be the same size.

Cement mixer trucks are generally measured by volume rather than weight (as with other vehicles). The most common measurement for this purpose is cubic yards (which are equal to 27 cubic feet).

What life expectancy of a cement mixer truck?

cement mixer truck rental

The lifespan of a cement mixer truck is dependent on the brand, model and usage. The life expectancy of a camion malaxeur volumétrique est 10 à 15 années, but it will depend on how well you take care of the machine. If you maintain your vehicle regularly, it can last longer than its expected lifespan.

If you want to increase the longevity of your vehicle, you should keep in mind some best practices that will help improve its durability:

  • Regularly check oil levels so there’s no chance of running out at an inconvenient time (par exemple., when making deliveries).
  • In addition to checking oil levels before every use, periodically check belts for cracks or wear and tear as well as other parts for signs of damage such as leaks and loose screws/bolts.

How to choose a best cement mixer truck?

cement mixer truck parts

The first step in the process of choosing a cement mixer truck is to figure out what you’ll be using it for. This will help you narrow down your search and understand which features are most important to you. Some features that may be relevant include:

  • Size: Most people choose 3 yard cement mixer camions, but if you need more capacity or power, there are larger options available as well.
  • Power: How much power do you need? If speed is important to your business, then look at models with more horsepower (HP). Or if strength is key, go with a larger front drum and wider tires.
  • Capacité: How much concrete can your vehicle hold? Cement mixers come in various capacities—from 40 en haut 100 cubic feet—so make sure to get one that’s big enough for your needs!

How much does a cement mixer truck cost?

cement concrete mixer truck price
cement concrete mixer truck price

cement concrete mixer truck price

Obtenez des devis de camion GRATUITS

  • Obtenez des devis GRATUITS pour les camions locaux dès aujourd'hui
  • Comparez les meilleurs prix
  • Économisez de l'argent sur votre nouveau camion aujourd'hui!

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The cement mixer truck price depends on many factors. The condition, year, and size of the truck are all important considerations when calculating the price. The price of a mobile cement mixer truck is typically less than that of a new one.

Cement mixer truck price can range in price from $100,000 to over $200,000 depending on brand and model. Most used models cost between $50,000-$70,000 while newer models may be priced as high as $150K+.

In general terms: A small capacity (1-2 verges cubes) mixer will cost around $60k; medium capacity (3-4 verges cubes) mixers are priced at approximately$80k; large capacity (5 cubic yards+) mixers can reach prices upward of $130k+ depending on make/model and condition/age


We have gone over the different types of cement mixer trucks and how much cement mixer truck price. It’s important to do your research before buying cementmixer any type of construction equipment because it will affect your business in a big way.If you have any questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 ou [email protected]!

camion malaxeur

Popular mixing truck for sale in 2022

Camions malaxeurs sont des véhicules spécialement conçus pour le malaxage et le pompage du béton. Ils se composent généralement d'un corps de citerne avec un système de mélange spécialisé monté à l'arrière. Il peut également être équipé de pompes pour transférer le béton à travers des tuyaux, ou pour injecter directement du béton dans les coffrages.

Qu'est-ce qu'un camion malaxeur?

camion malaxeur de ciment

camion malaxeur de ciment

Un camion malaxeur est un véhicule utilisé pour transporter du béton. Il peut également être appelé un bétonnière, et c'est essentiellement une forme d'appareil motorisé qui mélange le béton dans sa consistance finale. Ce processus est généralement effectué par des camions sur les chantiers de construction dans le but de produire du béton destiné à être utilisé dans les routes et autres projets d'infrastructure.. Les camions malaxeurs sont également utilisés dans la production d'asphalte, et certains modèles peuvent même mélanger des matériaux tels que le sable et le gravier avec la pâte de ciment afin de les rendre adaptés à des fins de construction comme le pavage de routes ou le matériau de terrasse.

Comment utiliser un camion malaxeur à béton?

camion malaxeur de béton

Un camion à béton est une pièce de machinerie lourde utilisée pour mélanger et transporter le béton d'un endroit à un autre. Le mélangeur lui-même peut être fixé à l'arrière du camion, ou il peut être dans sa propre remorque. Une fois que vous avez votre camion et votre malaxeur prêts, you need to learn how to use them.

Première, make sure that all of your safety equipment is on before starting your engine. This includes a hard hat, work boots, safety glasses/goggles, ear plugs/ear muffs (depending on what kind of job you’re doing), gloves and a long-sleeved shirt or jacket (to protect against splashes).

Make sure that all materials are loaded into their appropriate compartments before starting up again (this should include water). Don’t forget about any accessories that might be necessary for the job at hand such as shovels or brooms!

When using this type of camion malaxeur à béton mobile it’s important not only take into account local laws but also weather conditions such as snowfall where applicable because this could affect traction levels which may lead into accidents if precautions aren’t taken ahead time.

How long is a concrete mixing truck?

mud mixing truck for sale

mud mixing truck for sale

UN camion à béton is a vehicle that mixes and transports concrete. The mixing truck has two compartments, one for the concrete and one for the water. There is also an engine compartment where you can store your tools and supplies.

The truck is used to transport and mix the concrete at your job site. You load up the materials at a plant, then drive them to whatever job you’re working on. When you get there, use your mixer truck to mix up some fresh cement!

What life expectancy of a mixing truck?

on site cement mixing truck

A truck is a heavy duty vehicle. As such, la durée de vie d'un camion malaxeur est 8 à 15 années. Cela dépend de la qualité et de l'entretien du camion. Si vous l'utilisez plus de 8 heures par jour, cela peut réduire la durée de vie de votre camion malaxeur.

en outre, si le camion n'est pas bien entretenu et conduit prudemment, cela peut réduire la durée de vie de vos camions malaxeurs. Il est donc très important que les conducteurs prennent bien soin de leurs véhicules et ne les surchargent pas..

Combien coûte un camion malaxeur?

prix du camion malaxeur

prix du camion malaxeur

Coût du camion à béton entre $20,000 et $80,000. The price depends on the model and features you want to buy. A higher price means more power, longer lifespan and better reliability.

The price also depends on the brand of your truck. You can find a cheap truck for about $20,000 or get a high-end model for over $80,000.

How to choose a best mixing truck?

Obtenez des devis de camion GRATUITS

  • Obtenez des devis GRATUITS pour les camions locaux dès aujourd'hui
  • Comparez les meilleurs prix
  • Économisez de l'argent sur votre nouveau camion aujourd'hui!

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  • Quality: You should first check the quality of mixing truck. Le camion doit être de haute qualité et durable.
  • Service après-vente: Le service après-vente est une autre chose importante à considérer lors de l'achat d'un nouveau produit. Une bonne marque offre un bon service après-vente, vous pouvez donc les contacter à tout moment en cas de problème avec votre nouveau produit et ils le résoudront dans les plus brefs délais, qui assure la satisfaction des clients et augmente la fidélité des clients envers eux.
  • Prix: Le prix est un facteur important qui pourrait influencer votre décision lors du choix d'un meilleur camion dans 2022, mais faites attention non seulement à son coût mais aussi à d'autres choses telles que sa qualité et ses services après-vente
  • Marque: Acheter auprès d'une entreprise bien connue garantira la satisfaction car ils sont établis depuis de nombreuses années, afin qu'ils fournissent de meilleurs produits avec des caractéristiques attrayantes que d'autres 4 camion malaxeur à béton fais.
  • Prochain, vous devriez considérer le prix du camion malaxeur: certaines entreprises proposent des produits bon marché, tandis que d'autres en vendent des chers. Si vous voulez acheter un camion pas cher, il vaut mieux aller en ligne et trouver une entreprise qui propose ce produit à un prix abordable.

Comment acheter un camion malaxeur?

camion malaxeur à vendre

camion malaxeur à vendre

Le camion malaxeur est un véhicule important qui est utilisé à diverses fins. Il peut être utilisé pour le transport de marchandises et de matériaux. Pour acheter un camion de bonne qualité, il doit répondre à certains critères.

  • Vérifier la qualité du camion malaxeur

Il est important de vérifier la qualité du camion malaxeur avant de décider d'en acheter un. Un camion de bonne qualité durera plus longtemps et offrira de meilleures performances que les camions de mauvaise qualité. Vous devez prêter attention à des facteurs tels que la durabilité, fuel efficiency, engine power etc while checking out the quality of your product.

If you are buying a used truck, make sure that the engine is in good condition. Check if there are any signs of rusting or leakage on the tank.


So to sum up, if you are looking to buy a mixing truck in 2022, we hope that this article has given you an idea of what is available and the best concrete truck out there right now. It’s important to know what you need before making your final decisionso make sure to do your research!Si vous avez des questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 ou [email protected]!

cement truck mixer

2022 Low price cement truck mixer for sale

Mixers are an important part of the construction industry. There are many types of cement truck mixer and they can be divided into two categories: static mixers, qui sont montés sur un camion malaxeur à béton, et mélangeurs portables qui sont déplacés d'un endroit à l'autre. Cet article examinera les deux types en détail et discutera du coût d'en louer ou d'en acheter un à divers endroits du pays..

Qu'est-ce que le camion malaxeur à ciment?

Pièces de malaxeur de camion de ciment

Un camion malaxeur est un véhicule qui mélange le béton. Il est utilisé pour mélanger et transporter le béton de l'usine au chantier de construction. Les camions malaxeurs à ciment sont également appelés camions malaxeurs à ciment ou camions malaxeurs à ciment.

Comment fonctionne un camion bétonnière?

cement truck mixer

camion bétonnière youtube

Le camion bétonnière a un tambour rotatif qui contient les ingrédients secs. Le tambour est alimenté par le moteur, une pompe hydraulique, ou un moteur électrique.

Les ingrédients secs sont introduits dans la chambre de mélange par une trémie à une extrémité du mélangeur. Le débit d'air entrant et sortant de cette chambre peut être contrôlé par des vannes de régulation situées de chaque côté de celle-ci.

Quels sont les deux types de camion malaxeur à ciment?

Il existe deux types de camions de ciment: camion malaxeur à chargement automatique et mélangeur hydraulique.

Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique

Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique

Ce type de camion de ciment le mélangeur est également appelé camion de ciment à chargement semi-automatique. La différence entre ce type de mélangeur et les autres est qu'il ne dispose pas d'un système d'alimentation entièrement automatique, vous devez donc charger manuellement les matériaux dans la trémie par sa porte supérieure. Une fois le bac plein, votre prochaine tâche sera d'appuyer sur le bouton de démarrage. Ensuite, il mélangera et versera automatiquement le béton des deux côtés de son corps en même temps jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit terminé avant de décharger les matériaux des deux côtés sur une surface plane. (comme la chaussée).

Mélangeur hydraulique

Ce type dispose d'un système hydraulique qui permet une grande précision lors du mélange des matériaux, car il peut être programmé en tournant les vannes ou en ajustant les points de pression afin de contrôler la quantité d'eau qui pénètre dans votre mélange avant de la verser sur des surfaces planes comme des dalles d'asphalte ou des allées en béton. /trottoirs où ils s'installent uniformément afin qu'il ne reste pas de flaques d'eau après qu'elles se soient asséchées avec le temps

Quelle espérance de vie d'une bétonnière ?

Durée de vie du mélangeur de camion de ciment

La durée de vie d'une bétonnière est d'environ cinq à sept ans. La durée de vie varie considérablement selon le type de mélangeur, mais en général on peut dire qu'un 3 bétonnière de jardin a une durée de vie moyenne de cinq à sept ans.

Il est généralement admis que la principale cause de défaillance est due à l'usure; la surchauffe du moteur, le dépannage de la boîte de vitesses, etc., sont les principales causes de panne.

Combien coûte un camion malaxeur à béton?

Prix ​​​​du mélangeur de camion de ciment

Prix ​​​​du mélangeur de camion de ciment

Obtenez des devis de camion GRATUITS

  • Obtenez des devis GRATUITS pour les camions locaux dès aujourd'hui
  • Comparez les meilleurs prix
  • Économisez de l'argent sur votre nouveau camion aujourd'hui!

Obtenez mes devis gratuits maintenant

  • Vous pouvez vous attendre à payer n'importe où à partir de $150,000 à $200,000 pour un nouveau camion malaxeur à béton. Certains modèles plus anciens peuvent être disponibles pour moins d'argent, mais la plupart des acheteurs voudront probablement acheter de nouveaux équipements.
  • Quand il s'agit de magasiner et de comparer les prix, rappelez-vous que vous voudrez obtenir plus que le prix le plus bas possible, vous voudrez également une bonne qualité camion malaxeur à béton mobile ça va durer
  • Il est important de se rappeler que chaque camion est différent; il est donc difficile de donner une fourchette de prix exacte car chacun est unique dans ses spécifications et ses caractéristiques. Cependant, vous pouvez utiliser notre site Web comme point de départ pour rechercher quels types de camions sont disponibles sur le marché aujourd'hui!

Comment choisir le meilleur camion malaxeur à ciment?

Bétonnière à vendre

Bétonnière à vendre

  • Considérez la qualité du mélangeur

La première étape pour choisir un meilleure bétonnière est de s'assurer que vous achetez un produit de haute qualité. Ceci est important car cela vous permettra d'avoir un mélange en douceur, qui évite les mottes et permet un meilleur compactage, durabilité, et la longévité de votre machine. Si vous vous apprêtez à acheter une nouvelle bétonnière, envisagez de faire des recherches sur les différentes marques disponibles sur le marché aujourd'hui afin de pouvoir déterminer quels mélangeurs sont les mieux adaptés à vos besoins. Un bon moyen de savoir quelles entreprises fabriquent des équipements de haute qualité est de consulter les avis d'autres utilisateurs qui ont acheté leurs produits avant d'inclure:

  • Considérez l'emplacement

Il est également important que lors du choix de l'emplacement de stockage de votre camion malaxeur, il y ait suffisamment d'espace disponible pour le stockage ainsi que pour le stationnement pendant l'utilisation. (si besoin).

Si vous cherchez un camion malaxeur à béton à entreposer sur une remorque, pensez à en acheter un qui est construit avec son propre cadre afin qu'il puisse être facilement attaché à la remorque. Cela vous permettra de déplacer votre équipement sans aucun tracas et peut même économiser de l'argent sur les coûts de carburant..


Si tu veux acheter bétonnière un camion, nous pouvons vous aider à trouver un bon prix. Nous avons de nombreuses années d'expérience dans ce domaine et avons coopéré avec de nombreux clients. Si vous avez des questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 ou [email protected]!