2022 new cement mixer truck for sale

If you’re a construction worker, you know that concrete is the foundation of your industry. It’s also one of the most important building materials in the world, which means it needs to be mixed quickly and effectively in order to keep up with demand. That’s where new cement mixer trucks come in. These vehicles are designed specifically for mixing concrete on-site as opposed to being taken off-site and mixed at a large factory or warehouse like many other types of building materials are made. New cement mixer trucks are compact and have large storage capacity compared to other types of vehicles used for transporting concrete. Namun, there are many different designs available depending on how much weight they need to carry or what type of project they will be used on (residential vs commercial).

new cement mixer truck

What is the truck that mixes cement called?

Cement mixer trucks are used to mix concrete on site. The truck can mix up to 10 tons of cement, which is enough for one day’s worth of work.

There are two types of cement mixer trucks

Cement mixer trucks are also called cement mixers and cement trucks. There are two types of cement mixer trucks: manual Dan automatic. A manual cement mixer truck requires the operator to manually operate the machine by moving levers and pedals, while an automatic cement mixer truck has a computerized system that controls mixing time and temperature settings.

How long does concrete last in mixer trucks?

The longevity of concrete is dependent on how long it sits in a mixer truck. Sebagai contoh, freshly mixed concrete will last longer than cement that has been sitting in the mixer truck for days or weeks.

Itu type of mixer truck can also affect how long concrete lasts. Mixer trucks are typically made with thicker steel than regular trucks, which leads to less heat transfer from the engine and thus cooler temperatures inside the cab (which means less likelihood of premature curing).

The type of cement used will also have an effect on how quickly concrete hardens. Cements with higher concentrations of air entrained within them take longer to cure and thus require more time before being poured into forms or spread out onto slabs as compared to cements with lower concentrations of air entrained within them because CO2 reacts faster than O2 during dehydration reactions causing faster curing times

TS-4.0 Self Loading Mixer Truck for sale

As you know, Itu TS-4.0 Truk Pengaduk Pemuatan Sendiri is a new generation of self loading new cement mixer truck, which owns high efficiency, high quality and beautiful appearance etc.

The features of TS-4.0 Self Loading Mixer Truck:

  • High performance and energy efficient;
  • Stable running and easy maintenance;
  • Advanced design concept with simple structure;

How do they clean the inside of cement trucks?

When you’re cleaning a cement truck, you have a few different options.

You can use a pressure washer. This will blast the grime off the inside of your truck, but it can also damage some surfaces, so be careful if this is an option for you.

You can also use a water hose to clean out the truck’s interior after you’ve emptied all of its contents and it’s been sitting empty for at least 48 jam (to give any moisture time to evaporate).

A vacuum works well too—it’s especially good if there’s loose material stuck on top of otherwise clean floors or walls (like sawdust). The dirtier the floor is, though, the more likely this method will leave streaks behind when used by itself. If that happens to be your situation, then try using another method after vacuuming—a broom might do wonders! Or maybe try using brush with soft bristles instead? In any case: just remember that it might take some trial-and-error before finding what works best for your particular situation—there are many ways people have devised over time for cleaning cement trucks!


When you’re looking for a new cement mixer truck, it’s important to know what features are right for your business. There are a lot of great options out there, so make sure you do some research before buying one!

What are the three types of concrete mixers?

Concrete, the most common building material on earth, is made from three things: cement, water and aggregate. It’s easy to see how these three components are combined to make concrete. But what about the process of mixing them? That requires an industrial mixer. Concrete mixers come in three styles: self-loading vertical axis drum mixers; twin-shaft drum machines that can handle any size job; and vertical axistwin shafts” (atau “cyclone”) machines that are used for smaller projects.

concrete mixers

Twin-shaft mixers

  • Twin-shaft mixers are the most common type of concrete mixer.
  • They are used in most construction sites, including housing estates.
  • They can be used for making concrete in large-scale projects such as road building and bridges.

Vertical axis mixers

The vertical-axis mixer is the most common type of concrete mixer and is typically used for smaller jobs. Its compact size makes it easier to operate, and the versatility of design allows it to be used on a wide range of projects.

Some examples of scenarios in which you would use a vertical-axis concrete mixer include:

  • For small commercial jobs (misalnya, jalan masuk)
  • When space is limited or difficult to access (misalnya, under trees or in tight corners)

Drum mixers

A drum mixer is the most common type of concrete mixer. The drum is rotated by a motor and you pour the concrete directly into it.

Drum mixers come in two common sizes:

  • Kecil: These are typically between 3-5 cu/ft and can mix up to 25 yards of concrete at once, which makes them perfect for residential projects like driveways, patios and sidewalks. They’re also great for smaller commercial jobs like sidewalks or small buildings where you only have one truck available to do the mixing with.
  • Medium/Large: These mixers normally range from 7-10 cu/ft and can handle anywhere from 40-50 yards at once (depending on their horsepower).

Concrete mixers come in three styles.

You might be wondering what the difference between these three types of concrete mixers is. Let’s take a look at each one and see why they’re different.

  • Vertical axis: These are the most common type of concrete mixer, and they come in handy when you have a small job to do or a small space to work with. They’re also great if you’re only mixing small amounts of concrete at a time, because they can turn on their side to mix up smaller batches.
  • Twin shaft: If you need to mix large batches of concrete or want more power than what a vertical axis offers, then consider getting a twin shaft machine instead. This type works well for larger projects such as road construction and building foundations because it has two sets of blades that revolve vertically around each other (hencetwin”). It will give you better results than other kinds because its blades move faster through thicker mixes; Namun, this means that it takes longer for them to reach full speed so there may be some delay before you can begin mixing your materials together

What is self loading concrete mixer?

Self loading concrete mixer is a machine that can mix and load concrete on its own. It is a portable machine that can be moved from one place to another, which makes it easy to use. This machine is also known as hydraulic concrete mixer, because it uses hydraulic power to mix the ingredients in the drum of this device.

Self-loading concrete mixer has been widely used in construction sites by many professionals due to its efficient working capabilities and durability over time. It comes with several features such as:

  • A removable mixing drum which allows you to remove easily when filling up with cement, sand, aggregate etc. You can use an empty container without any problem at all!
  • The possibility of adding water inside your mixer before starting mixing process so as not waste too much time waiting for water being added later on

How much concrete do you need for a mixer lorry?

Before you can calculate how much concrete you will need for your mixer lorry, you need to know the size of your building. This is because each type of mixer truck has a max weight capacity and volume capacity. Once you know this information, it’s easy to determine how much concrete you need.

How much does a concrete mixer truck cost in India?

Truk Pengaduk Muatan Sendiri

The cost of a concrete mixer truck varies from model to model and company to company. The size and type of mixer influences the price, as does the brand, fitur, and style (yaitu, new or used).

Sebagai contoh, if you purchase a top-of-the-line commercial truck with several attachments in excellent condition that has been recently serviced by an authorized dealer, it would likely be more expensive than buying one with fewer features in poor condition at auction because it is no longer being manufactured.


I hope this article has helped you understand the different types of concrete mixers on offer. If you want any more information about the different models or would like us to help you choose one for your project, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami:+0086 157-1386-6881!

2022 latest self loading concrete mixer for sale

Itu self loading concrete mixer is a kind of new type machine for mixing concrete. It can mix materials by one time, it saves labor cost, reduce work steps and improve efficiency. It is widely used in commercial construction sites or civil engineering projects like road construction, wall building, urban construction and so on.

2.6m3 Truk Pengaduk Beton yang memuat sendiri


1.How to use a self loading concrete mixer?

2.We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be the right one for your needs.

3.Make sure you know what you need and then read more to find out more about the different types of mixers.

4.What is the best mixer for concrete?

5.We are here to help and we want to make sure that you are getting the best mixer for your needs.

6.This is not something that you want to do wrong.

7.7.It is important that you get it right and then you can use the self loading concrete model that you get for a very long time.


How to use a self loading concrete mixer?

The first thing you need to do when using a self-loading concrete mixer is ensuring that your site has sufficient space around itespecially when you’re mixing up large batches of concrete. You also need to check that there are no obstructions nearby which could cause damage if they were hit by flying debris (misalnya, windows). Akhirnya, make sure that everyone who’s going to be working near your site knows how far away they should stand while they’re operating equipment such as this because getting hit in the head by flying debris could lead someone back into hospital!

We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be the right one for your needs.

We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be the right one for your needs.

1.8m3 Truk Pengaduk Beton yang memuat sendiri
1.8m3 Truk Pengaduk Beton yang memuat sendiri

The first thing is that our mixers can be used inside and outside. They are made out of stainless steel, which will help prevent rusting and corrosion. The inside of the mixer has been coated with epoxy paint so it’s easy to clean up after use, no matter where it was used (indoors or outdoors). This keeps maintenance costs down while still offering a quality product that lasts longer than other models on the market today!

1.2m3 Truk Pengaduk Beton yang memuat sendiri
1.2m3 Truk Pengaduk Beton yang memuat sendiri

Make sure you know what you need and then read more to find out more about the different types of mixers.

You need to know what you need and then find out more about the different types of mixers.

Find out what you need, make sure that you know what you need and then read more to find out more about the different types of mixers.

You need to know what you need, make sure that you know what you want, and then keep reading because we’ve got a lot more information on concrete mixers for sale.

What is the best mixer for concrete?

The best mixer for concrete is the one that will be able to mix your concrete for the job you need it for. There are many different types of mixers, each with their own specifications and features, but they all have one thing in common: they need to be able to mix the concrete properly.

A good mixer should be able to mix the concrete quickly and efficiently so that it can dry out faster than if it were left unmixed. If you’re planning on building something from scratch then you want a good quality self-loading concrete mixer because this type of machine is designed specifically for mixing large quantities of dry materials such as sand, stone dust and cement powder together in order to create strong foundations which will last long into future generations without needing any repairs or maintenance work done on them once complete

We are here to help and we want to make sure that you are getting the best mixer for your needs.

If you are looking to buy an automatic concrete mixer, it is important to know that you are getting the right machine for your needs. Our team of experts can help ensure that you find the best machine for your business. We want to make sure that you are getting the best machine for your company and we want to make sure that we help make this process as easy as possible for you.

This is not something that you want to do wrong.

When you are looking for the best self-loading concrete mixer, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. You have to make sure that you get the right size of mixer for your needs and that it is going to be able to do what you want it to do. It’s not going to be something that is easy on your wallet but it will help ensure that your business is running smoothly.

It is important that you get it right and then you can use the self loading concrete model that you get for a very long time.

It is very important that you get it right and then you can use the self loading concrete model that you get for a very long time. Don’t make the mistake of getting the wrong model, or not getting a self loading concrete mixer at all because if this is something that you will be using every day, then it needs to be right.

The best way to ensure that this happens is by speaking to someone who knows all about these things so they can help guide you through the process of buying one.


We are here to help and we want to make sure that you are getting the best mixer for your needs. This is not something that you want to do wrong. Make sure you know what you need and then read more about the different types of mixers. We have so many machines to choose from and we want to make sure that the one you are getting is going to be right machine for concrete.

concrete mixer truck for sale in 2022

Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the world. It is often referred to asliquid stoneand has been used by humans for thousands of years. Concrete is made from various types of stone, sand and cement, which have been mixed together in order to make a strong substance that can be poured into forms or molds to create anything from sidewalks and curbstones to entire buildings!

For the truk pengaduk beton, Kami provide you with a variety of models, such as diesel concrete mixers for sale and electric concrete mixers for sale. Also we have some small concrete mixer trucks and large ones with high production capacity which meet your demand in daily life.


1.Apa perbedaan antara truk semen dan truk beton??

2.What are the disadvantages of concrete mixer?

3.How Long Can concrete be placed after mixing?

4.Advantages of self-loading concrete mixer trucks


Self-loading mixer truck

Apa perbedaan antara truk semen dan truk beton??

Cement trucks are used to transport cement over longer distances, while concrete trucks are used to transport concrete over shorter distances.

Cement is a fine powder that can be mixed with water and sand to create concrete. Cement trucks have a larger capacity than the average concrete truck, which makes them ideal for transporting large amounts of material over long distances.

What are the disadvantages of concrete mixer?

Concrete mixer is not suitable for high-rise buildings, because the concreter will have to climb up and down the ladder, which is inconvenient.

Also, concrete mixer trucks are not suitable for large-scale construction. If there are too many people on the ground and in the middle of the road, it will cause traffic jams when driving on a busy road.

How Long Can concrete be placed after mixing?

You will want to place your concrete as soon as possible after it has been mixed. The longer you wait, the weaker it becomes. Concrete can be placed for about 15 minutes after mixing before significant strength loss occurs.

Concrete is susceptible to freezing, heat and moisture so you should take precautions to protect this material from these elements during storage and placement.

Advantages of self-loading concrete mixer trucks

The self-loading concrete mixer truck is ideal for moving and placing the mixer on the job site. This is because it has an elevated chassis, which means it can easily be placed in front of a high wall or up against a building. The truck also allows you to place your mixer in the most convenient location, which means less time spent getting ready for mixing and more time spent working on your project.

two operation methods namely automatic and manual operation.
You can choose the right one according to your own needs.


  1. High Production Capacity

Concrete mixer truck is a high-speed machine used in large-scale construction sites, and it has a high production capacity.

  1. Good Quality

Concrete mixing trucks have good quality and excellent performance, which can meet your construction demand in daily life well!

Our diesel concrete mixers for sale have high production capacity and good quality, which can meet your construction demand in daily life. 3. High return on investment

Our diesel concrete mixers for sale have high production capacity and good quality, which can meet your construction demand in daily life.

High production capacity: The mixer truck has the max output of 150m3/h, which is suitable for large-scale construction projects such as ports and airports, dll..

Good quality: Our diesel concrete mixers have strong driving performance and long service life. You can enjoy a safe and comfortable ride on every trip with us!

High return on investment: If you purchase one of our diesel mixer trucks now, we will give you free free training when you take delivery! We also offer flexible payment methods to fit your budget so don’t hesitate to contact us today!


At the end of the day, there are a lot of things to consider when choosing a concrete mixer truck. But hopefully, we’ve helped make it easier for you by providing some information about what makes them different and why you should consider buying one in the first place!

Our Self-loading mixer truck for sale have high production capacity and good quality, which can meet your construction demand in daily life.

The benefits of 3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer

Truk pengaduk beton yang memuat sendiri adalah self-propelled dan mobile, dan kapasitas produksinya sekitar 3.5 meter kubik per jam. Volume ember produk ini mencapai 6 meter kubik, sehingga sangat cocok untuk proyek konstruksi skala kecil yang tidak membutuhkan truk beton skala besar.


1.Introduction of 3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer

2.Features of 3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer

3.Where to buy 3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer?


3.5m3 mixer beton self-unloading

Introduction of 3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer

Itu 3.5m3 truk pengaduk beton yang memuat sendiri dirancang untuk memenuhi permintaan pasokan beton volume tinggi ke lokasi konstruksi. Secara efektif dapat menghemat biaya tenaga kerja, mengurangi waktu transportasi dan meningkatkan efisiensi kerja. Mixer beton self-loading telah banyak digunakan di negara ini dengan meningkatnya permintaan untuk pencampuran di tempat dan memasok beton, seperti Kenya, Kolumbia, Afrika Selatan dan Nigeria dll. Di samping itu, semakin banyak negara Eropa cenderung menggunakan truk pengaduk beton jenis ini karena kinerjanya yang hemat biaya.

Features of 3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer

Truk pengaduk beton self-loading 3,5m3 mudah dioperasikan dan dapat menyelesaikan pemuatan dan pencampuran secara mandiri. Dengan otomatisasi penuh, Anda dapat dengan mudah memulai mesin dan menyelesaikan proses pemuatan beton dengan menekan satu tombol pada panel kontrol.

Karena karakteristik beton itu sendiri, beton dapat dengan cepat diangkut ke lokasi konstruksi selama proses pencampuran. Untuk beton, kali ini ketat. Lebih-lebih lagi, penuangan beton harus terus menerus, dan tidak boleh ada jeda panjang di tengah, jika tidak, itu akan berdampak besar pada kualitas proyek. Truk pengaduk beton yang dapat memuat sendiri 3,5m3 dapat mengatasi masalah ini.

Dengan perkembangan masyarakat, semakin banyak gedung-gedung tinggi yang dibangun, dan jumlah struktur beton gantung juga meningkat. Karena itu, truk pengaduk beton yang memuat sendiri banyak digunakan di semua bagian negara. Truk pengaduk beton yang memuat sendiri memainkan peran penting dalam mengangkut beton. Ini tidak hanya sangat menghemat waktu konstruksi, tetapi juga mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja.

Kami menggunakan bahan berkualitas tinggi dan komponen, yang dapat digunakan kembali dan menjamin jaminan kualitas produk. Mixer dilengkapi dengan sensor level untuk mengontrol ketinggian pengisian, mengurangi jumlah limbah beton, dan penerapan fungsi pelepasan otomatis dapat menghemat biaya tenaga kerja, meningkatkan efisiensi mesin dan meningkatkan keuntungan.

Where to buy 3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer?

Talenta adalah produsen profesional terkemuka global truk pengaduk beton, pabrik beton siap pakai, peralatan penanganan bahan bangunan. Kami memproduksi mixer beton self-loading kualitas terbaik di dunia. Talenta telah melengkapi dirinya dengan teknologi berkualitas tinggi dan pekerja terampil untuk memastikan produk kami memenuhi standar kontrol kualitas internasional, Selain itu, kami memiliki sistem layanan purna jual yang sempurna untuk memastikan bahwa pelanggan menikmati kepuasan penuh saat berbisnis dengan kami.


Itu Talenet 3.5m3 truk pengaduk beton yang memuat sendiri sangat ideal untuk proyek konstruksi rumah atau komersial apa pun. Truk kami dibuat agar tahan lama dan dilengkapi dengan undercarriage tertutup sepenuhnya untuk mencegah keausan pada peralatan Anda yang lain.

The difference between two concrete mixer trucks

Concrete mixer trucks and self-loading concrete mixers have one thing in common: they both are able to mix concrete. But as for their purpose, that’s not the same.


1.The difference

2.Why self-loading mixer trucks are more popular


truk pengaduk beton

The difference

Self-loading concrete mixer truck and concrete mixer truck have the same function of transporting and mixing of concrete. You can clearly see their difference on appearance. Biasanya, the concrete mixer truck is larger than the self-loading concrete mixer truck. The cab of the concrete mixer truck is like some other trucks, such as dump trucks, and the cab is in front of the mixing tank. While the cab of the self-loading concrete mixer truck is more like a operation room, and is beside the mixing tank.

With the self-loading concrete mixer truck, it is much more convenient for workers to unload the mixed concrete from the drum into a new place. No need more manpower and time to do so. Self-loading mixer can match with almost kind of mixer truck.

The self-loading concrete mixer truck is mainly composed of a mixing drum, a loading and unloading mechanism, a water supply system and a prime mover. It can be driven by diesel engine or electric motor as the power source. The mixer truck is used in large-scale construction projects to fill the concrete on site.

Why self-loading mixer trucks are more popular

Today is an age of technology, and to compete for the market share must be based on technology. The self-loading concrete mixer truck is a high-tech production equipment, which makes small concrete mixing trucks more competitive in the field of construction. The introduction of this new technology represents a breakthrough in small construction machinery.

Self-loading mixer truck is a new type of concrete machine capable of producing and transporting concrete. The operator can load and unload the cement, sand, stone and other materials through the rear door by himself without making any auxiliary arrangements. This greatly saves labor costs so as to improve construction efficiency and reduce construction costs.

The small self-loading mixer truck, like a 2.6m3 truk pengaduk beton yang memuat sendiri can arrive. The cost of traditional mixer trucks are expensive while small self-loading mixer trucks only need the price of raw materials, which is much cheaper. Traditional mixer trucks often waste time while small self-loading mixer trucks don’t. What’s more, the materials can be unloaded on site immediately after mixing.

The self-loading concrete mixer is the most advanced and efficient silo type concrete mixer. It takes advantage of the rotation and vibration speed of two independent gear transmissions to achieve double direction movement and get a more uniform transport effects under every condition. The self-loading concrete mixer has excellent performance and can save labor costs.


In a word, the appearance and application of self-loading concrete mixer truck has solved the thorny problems in the construction of midsize projects, and also brought the change in the efficiency of small projects. It represents a technological change, an innovative application and the gospel of thousands of projects.

Kami offer you Self-Loading Concrete Mixer, which is fairly easy to use and helps you save time. You can find both machines in our website https://hk.talenets.com/, if you are interested, contact us.