6.5м3 Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой

6.5м3 Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой | Новый

Пробеги:Совершенно новый
Номинальная мощность:92кВт
Масляный бак:16 литры
Общая производительность гидравлической системы:278 литры
Водный танк:1465 литры

6.5m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck with Water Tank, Fuel Tank and other optional Features for Sale 2018 Таленет 9240 E truck type is автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой. It is used to mix cement, песок, gravel and other materials on site in a stationary position or to transport the mixed products from one place to another. Some of these trucks can be driven by electric power. This vehicle is mainly used in the construction of roads, bridges and high buildings.

6.5м3 Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой
6.5м3 Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой


1.The 6.5cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 градусов по горизонтали.

2.4*4 полноприводный автомобиль, ремень привода гидротрансформатора обрыв шестерни масляного насоса.

3.The maximum speed of 6.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer can reach 23km/h.

4.The 6.5cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. Обеспечивает хорошее качество бетона..

5.Высококачественные инженерные шины для большинства работ.

6.Оснащен точной системой взвешивания погрузчика для взвешивания заполнителя и цемента для точного соблюдения требований к рецептуре бетона..

автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой

1.2м3 Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой | Новый

Пробеги:Совершенно новый
Номинальная мощность:55кВт
Масляный бак:16 литры
Общая производительность гидравлической системы:63 литры
Водный танк:400 литры

1.2Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой м3 Автомобиль оснащен двигателем Cummins 4BTA. + Двигатель E6 мощностью 57 кВт оснащен усовершенствованной электрической системой для точного управления бортовым оборудованием.. Он имеет огромный мусорный ящик в значительной степени распространяется на трактор кабина и может быть полностью разгружена за одну операцию с помощью гидравлического подъемника. Коробка для мусора может быть поднята на три разные высоты., упростить погрузку и разгрузку и снизить потери продукта, его мобильная система, включающая в себя все возможные системы безопасности, дает дополнительное спокойствие в любых обстоятельствах

1.2м3 Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой
1.2м3 Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой


1.Бачок-барабан объемом 1,2 куб. м можно вращать 270 градусов по горизонтали.

2.4*4 полноприводный автомобиль, ремень привода гидротрансформатора обрыв шестерни масляного насоса.

3.Максимальная скорость саморазгрузки 1.2м3 бетономешалка может достигать 23 км/ч.

4.Автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой объемом 1,2 куб. м использует расходомер воды для контроля расхода воды.. Обеспечивает хорошее качество бетона..

5.Высококачественные инженерные шины для большинства работ.

6.Оснащен точной системой взвешивания погрузчика для взвешивания заполнителя и цемента для точного соблюдения требований к рецептуре бетона..

cement mixer truck price

Best new cement mixer truck price in 2022

А автобетоносмеситель is a vehicle that is used to mix raw materials to make concrete. We have collected the best new cement mixer truck price in 2022, which will help you learn more about this type of equipment.


How much is a concrete mixer truck?

cement mixer truck price
cement mixer truck price

cement mixer truck price

А cement mixer truck price of heavy machinery that can cost between $100,000 и $250,000. You can buy a new one for cement mixer truck price or an older used model. Prices depend on the age of the machine and its condition as well as where you purchase it from (новый или подержанный). The average cost is around $150,000.

Cement mixer truck price are typically sold in two categories: new and used. New cement mixer trucks are often more expensive than used ones because of their superior condition, but if you don’t mind getting something that’s been previously owned then buying a used one will save some money. The average cost for each type ranges between $50-$150K depending on factors like location and condition; however most people choose to pay this amount simply because they don’t have much choice when it comes down to buying something without any other options available at all

How much is a used concrete mixer truck?

used cement mixer truck for sale
used cement mixer truck for sale

used cement mixer truck for sale

  • Used concrete mixer truck prices vary depending on the model and condition of the vehicle, as well as its specifications. Например, a used cement mixer truck price more if it has more horsepower than a similar model which does not have that attachment.
  • The cost of buying a new Cement Mixer Truck varies based upon the model chosen, but typically ranges from $50,000 к $100,000.

The cost of buying a used Cement Mixer Truck varies based upon the model chosen, but typically ranges from $5,000 к $25,000. The price of a new Cement Mixer Truck ranges from $50,000 к $100,000 depending on the model chosen. A used concrete mixer truck will cost more if it has more horsepower than a similar model which does not have that attachment.

What is the capacity of a cement mixer truck?

автобетоносмеситель для продажи
автобетоносмеситель для продажи

автобетоносмеситель для продажи

The capacity of a Бетономешалка truck is the amount of concrete that can be held in its drum. This number varies depending on the size and model of the truck, but as a general rule, larger trucks are capable of holding more concrete. It’s important to note that not all trucks are created equal: some may have their drum designed in such a way that it can hold more than others—even though they may be the same size.

Cement mixer trucks are generally measured by volume rather than weight (as with other vehicles). The most common measurement for this purpose is cubic yards (which are equal to 27 кубический фут).

What life expectancy of a cement mixer truck?

cement mixer truck rental

The lifespan of a cement mixer truck is dependent on the brand, model and usage. The life expectancy of a volumetric mixer truck является 10 к 15 годы, but it will depend on how well you take care of the machine. If you maintain your vehicle regularly, it can last longer than its expected lifespan.

If you want to increase the longevity of your vehicle, you should keep in mind some best practices that will help improve its durability:

  • Regularly check oil levels so there’s no chance of running out at an inconvenient time (например, when making deliveries).
  • In addition to checking oil levels before every use, periodically check belts for cracks or wear and tear as well as other parts for signs of damage such as leaks and loose screws/bolts.

How to choose a best cement mixer truck?

cement mixer truck parts

The first step in the process of choosing a cement mixer truck is to figure out what you’ll be using it for. This will help you narrow down your search and understand which features are most important to you. Some features that may be relevant include:

  • Size: Most people choose 3 yard cement mixer грузовые автомобили, but if you need more capacity or power, there are larger options available as well.
  • Power: How much power do you need? If speed is important to your business, then look at models with more horsepower (HP). Or if strength is key, go with a larger front drum and wider tires.
  • Вместимость: How much concrete can your vehicle hold? Cement mixers come in various capacities—from 40 вверх 100 cubic feet—so make sure to get one that’s big enough for your needs!

Сколько стоит автобетоносмеситель?

cement concrete mixer truck price
cement concrete mixer truck price

cement concrete mixer truck price

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  • Получите БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ расценки на местные грузовики сегодня
  • Сравните лучшие цены
  • Сэкономьте деньги на своем новом грузовике сегодня!

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The cement mixer truck price depends on many factors. The condition, year, and size of the truck are all important considerations when calculating the price. The price of a mobile cement mixer truck is typically less than that of a new one.

Cement mixer truck price can range in price from $100,000 to over $200,000 depending on brand and model. Most used models cost between $50,000-$70,000 while newer models may be priced as high as $150K+.

In general terms: A small capacity (1-2 кубические ярды) mixer will cost around $60k; medium capacity (3-4 кубические ярды) mixers are priced at approximately$80k; large capacity (5 cubic yards+) mixers can reach prices upward of $130k+ depending on make/model and condition/age


We have gone over the different types of cement mixer trucks and how much cement mixer truck price. It’s important to do your research before buying cementmixer any type of construction equipment because it will affect your business in a big way.If you have any questions, Не стесняйтесь связаться с нами:+0086 157-1386-6881 или же [email protected]!

2022 Продам новую бетономешалку

If you’re a construction worker, you know that concrete is the foundation of your industry. It’s also one of the most important building materials in the world, which means it needs to be mixed quickly and effectively in order to keep up with demand. That’s where new cement mixer trucks come in. These vehicles are designed specifically for mixing concrete on-site as opposed to being taken off-site and mixed at a large factory or warehouse like many other types of building materials are made. New cement mixer trucks are compact and have large storage capacity compared to other types of vehicles used for transporting concrete. Однако, there are many different designs available depending on how much weight they need to carry or what type of project they will be used on (residential vs commercial).

new cement mixer truck

What is the truck that mixes cement called?

Cement mixer trucks are used to mix concrete on site. The truck can mix up to 10 tons of cement, which is enough for one day’s worth of work.

There are two types of cement mixer trucks

Cement mixer trucks are also called cement mixers and cement trucks. There are two types of cement mixer trucks: manual и автоматический. A manual cement mixer truck requires the operator to manually operate the machine by moving levers and pedals, в то время как автоматический бетоносмеситель имеет компьютеризированную систему, которая контролирует время смешивания и настройки температуры..

Сколько хранится бетон в автобетоносмесителях?

Долговечность бетона зависит от того, как долго он находится в автобетоносмесителе.. Например, свежезамешанный бетон прослужит дольше, чем цемент, который находился в автобетоносмесителе в течение нескольких дней или недель..

The тип автобетоносмесителя также может повлиять на срок службы бетона.. Автобетоносмесители обычно изготавливаются из более толстой стали, чем обычные грузовики., which leads to less heat transfer from the engine and thus cooler temperatures inside the cab (which means less likelihood of premature curing).

The type of cement used will also have an effect on how quickly concrete hardens. Cements with higher concentrations of air entrained within them take longer to cure and thus require more time before being poured into forms or spread out onto slabs as compared to cements with lower concentrations of air entrained within them because CO2 reacts faster than O2 during dehydration reactions causing faster curing times

TS-4.0 Self Loading Mixer Truck for sale

As you know, The Автобетоносмеситель TS-4.0 с самозагрузкой is a new generation of self loading new cement mixer truck, which owns high efficiency, high quality and beautiful appearance etc.

The features of TS-4.0 Self Loading Mixer Truck:

  • High performance and energy efficient;
  • Stable running and easy maintenance;
  • Advanced design concept with simple structure;

How do they clean the inside of cement trucks?

When you’re cleaning a cement truck, you have a few different options.

You can use a pressure washer. This will blast the grime off the inside of your truck, but it can also damage some surfaces, so be careful if this is an option for you.

You can also use a water hose to clean out the truck’s interior after you’ve emptied all of its contents and it’s been sitting empty for at least 48 hours (to give any moisture time to evaporate).

A vacuum works well too—it’s especially good if there’s loose material stuck on top of otherwise clean floors or walls (like sawdust). The dirtier the floor is, though, the more likely this method will leave streaks behind when used by itself. If that happens to be your situation, затем попробуйте использовать другой метод после уборки пылесосом — метла может творить чудеса! Или, может быть, вместо этого попробуйте использовать щетку с мягкой щетиной?? В любом случае: просто помните, что может потребоваться некоторое время проб и ошибок, прежде чем найти то, что лучше всего подходит для вашей конкретной ситуации — есть много способов, которые люди разработали с течением времени для очистки цементовозов.!


Когда вы ищете новый автобетоносмеситель, важно знать, какие функции подходят для вашего бизнеса. Там много отличных вариантов, so make sure you do some research before buying one!