on site concrete mixing

现场搅拌的混凝土卡车: 综合指南

现场搅拌的混凝土卡车 have become increasingly popular in the construction industry due to their convenience, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Unlike traditional concrete delivery methods, these trucks can mix and deliver fresh concrete directly to the job site, reducing the risk of waste and allowing for greater control over the quality of the concrete. 在本文中, we will discuss the benefits of using concrete trucks that mix on site and how they can improve your construction projects.


现场搅拌的混凝土卡车, also known as volumetric concrete mixers, 是运载必要成分以制造混凝土的车辆, 包括水泥, 水, 和聚合. 不同于传统的混凝土卡车, 运载预拌混凝土, 容积式搅拌机现场搅拌混凝土, 根据工作的具体要求.


on site concrete mixing
on site concrete mixing

Concrete trucks that mix on site have a compartmentalized hopper that holds the cement, 水, 和聚合. The operator can then mix the ingredients to the desired consistency and volume, allowing for greater control over the quality of the concrete. The mixer is calibrated to ensure that the correct amount of each ingredient is added, which minimizes waste and ensures consistency.

Benefits of using concrete trucks that mix on site

There are several benefits to using concrete trucks that mix on site. One of the primary benefits is the ability to produce fresh concrete on demand. 这消除了在现场运送和储存大量混凝土的需要, 这可能既昂贵又浪费. 现场搅拌还确保混凝土具有最高质量, 因为它可以实时调整以满足特定要求.

volumetric mixer rental
volumetric mixer rental

Cost savings with on-site mixing

Using concrete trucks that mix on site can also save money. 因为混凝土是现场搅拌的, 不需要额外的人力或设备来运输和浇筑混凝土. 这可以节省大量成本, 特别是对于较小的工作.

Increased efficiency and productivity

On-site mixing also increases efficiency and productivity. 这 tri axle dump truck can deliver the concrete directly to the job site, 减少运输混凝土所需的时间和精力. 这可以导致更快的完成时间和更少的延迟, 最终降低成本并提高生产力.

Consistent concrete quality

Concrete trucks that mix on site can also ensure consistent concrete quality. 因为混凝土是现场搅拌的, 可以实时调整以满足特定要求, 比如实力, 一致性, 和工作性. 这降低了成品中出现错误或不一致的风险.

Reduced waste and environmental impact

Using concrete trucks that mix on site can also help reduce waste and environmental impact. 因为混凝土是现场搅拌的, 无需处理多余或未使用的混凝土. 这可以减少工作现场产生的废物量,并最终减少建设项目对环境的影响.

mobile mix concrete truck for sale
mobile mix concrete truck for sale

Flexibility in concrete production

On-site mixing also provides flexibility in concrete production. 操作员可以根据需要调整组合以满足特定要求, 例如不断变化的天气条件或工作地点的限制. 这种灵活性允许更好地控制混凝土的质量和一致性, 产生更好的成品.

Advantages of using concrete trucks that mix on site

Concrete trucks that mix on site offer several advantages over traditional concrete delivery methods. 首先, 由于材料是在现场混合的,因此它们确保了更新鲜和更高质量的混凝土混合物. 此外, 它们在为不同项目混合不同类型的混凝土方面具有更大的灵活性. 最后, 他们可以通过只提供特定项目所需数量的混凝土来帮助减少浪费并节省时间.

Factors affecting the cost of concrete trucks that mix on site

cost of concrete trucks that mix on site can vary depending on several factors. 一个主要因素是卡车的尺寸, 大卡车通常成本更高. 混合中使用的材料类型也会影响成本, 卡车运送混凝土必须行驶的距离. 最后, 与交付和混合过程相关的人工成本和其他费用也会影响总体成本.

Tips for buying or renting a concrete truck that mixes on site

volumetric concrete mixer for sale
volumetric concrete mixer for sale

When looking to buy or rent a concrete truck that mixes on site, 有几个重要因素需要考虑. 首先, it’s important to determine the size and capacity of the truck that will best suit your project needs. 此外, it’s important to consider the quality and reputation of the manufacturer or rental company, as well as the availability of any necessary parts or support. 最后, it’s important to consider the overall cost and value of the truck, including any maintenance or repair costs.

Maintenance and care for concrete trucks that mix on site

Proper maintenance and care is essential to keep concrete 卡车 that mix on site functioning properly and effectively. Regular cleaning and inspections are necessary to prevent clogs or damage to the mixer, while proper lubrication and fluid levels are important for the engine and other mechanical components. It’s also important to store the truck in a dry and secure location when not in use to prevent damage from the elements or theft.


Concrete trucks that mix on site offer numerous benefits for construction projects of all types and sizes. From fresher and higher quality concrete mixes to greater flexibility and reduced waste, these trucks are a valuable tool for any concrete delivery operation. By considering factors such as size, 成本, 和维护, you can ensure that you are making the most of this powerful tool and getting the best value for your investment.


Concrete Mixer Truck Price: Factors Affecting the Cost

混凝土搅拌车 are essential in the construction industry for transporting and mixing concrete on-site. 然而, the cost of these trucks can vary greatly depending on several factors. 在本文中, we’ll explore the factors affecting concrete mixer truck prices and how to get the best value for your investment.

Truck Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of the concrete mixer truck are two of the main factors that influence its price. Typically, larger trucks with higher capacities will cost more than smaller ones. 然而, selecting a 卡车 that is too small for your needs can result in inefficiencies and delays on the job site. Conversely, purchasing a truck that is too large can lead to unnecessary costs. 所以, buyers should carefully consider their needs and budget when selecting the size and capacity of the truck to ensure they get the best value for their investment.


Engine Power

The engine power of the truck is also a crucial factor in determining its price. 更高马力的发动机可以处理更重的负载并提供更好的性能, but they will also come at a higher 成本. 买家在选择卡车的发动机功率时应考虑他们的具体需求和预算. 例如, 如果卡车将主要用于较小的项目, 较低马力的发动机可能就足够了,并提供更好的价值.


new concrete mixer truck price
new concrete mixer truck price

混凝土搅拌车的品牌和型号也会影响其价格. Some brands may be more expensive than others due to their reputation for quality, reliability, and performance. 然而, buyers should also consider the maintenance and repair costs associated with different brands and models before making a purchase. 此外, newer models with advanced technologies may come at a higher cost but could provide more efficiency and productivity on the job site.

Mixer Type

There are two main types of concrete mixer trucks: drum mixer and volumetric mixer. Drum mixer trucks have a drum-shaped container where the concrete is mixed, while volumetric mixer trucks have a separate compartment for each material that is mixed on-site. Volumetric mixer trucks tend to be more expensive due to their advanced technology and ability to mix different types of materials. Buyers should consider their specific needs when selecting the type of mixer to ensure they get the best value for their investment.

Additional Features

mobile concrete mixer truck price
mobile concrete mixer truck price

Concrete mixer trucks can also come with additional features that can affect their price. 例如, some trucks may have a hydraulic chute that allows for more precise pouring of the concrete. Other features may include air conditioning, GPS, and advanced safety features. Buyers should carefully consider which features they need and which ones they can do without to ensure they get the best value for their investment.


The location where the concrete 搅拌车 is purchased can also affect its price. Prices may vary depending on the region, state, or country where the truck is being sold. 此外, factors such as taxes and transportation costs may also impact the final price of the truck. Buyers should consider all of these factors when selecting the location to purchase their truck.

sany concrete mixer truck price
sany concrete mixer truck price

Used vs. 新的

最后, buyers can also consider purchasing a used concrete mixer truck instead of a new one. Used trucks can often be purchased at a lower price but may require more maintenance and repairs. Buyers should carefully inspect any used trucks before purchasing them and consider their specific needs and budget when making a decision.


There are several factors that can affect the cost of a concrete mixer truck. Buyers should carefully consider their needs and budget when selecting the size, capacity, engine power, 品牌和型号, mixer type, additional features, location, and whether to purchase new or used. By doing so, they can ensure they get the best value for their investment and increase efficiency and productivity on the job site.

concrete mixer truck bodies

Concrete Mixer Truck Bodies: The Ultimate Guide

Concrete mixer trucks are an essential part of the construction industry. These trucks are designed to transport and mix concrete at the job site, allowing workers to quickly and efficiently pour foundations, walls, and other structures. One of the key components of any concrete mixer truck is the mixer body, which is responsible for holding and mixing the concrete. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at concrete mixer truck bodies, including their construction, 特征, and benefits.

What is a Concrete Mixer Truck Body?

一个 混凝土搅拌车 body is an essential part of a concrete mixer truck. 它是专门设计用于盛放和混合混凝土的专用容器. 通常安装在卡车底盘上, 搅拌机本体是混凝土搅拌车的一个组成部分. 搅拌机本体的转鼓随着车的移动而搅拌混凝土, 准备好在工地浇筑. 车身设计可承受恶劣的施工现场条件, 包括崎岖地形, 重物, 和极端天气条件.


concrete mixer truck bodies
concrete mixer truck bodies

有几种类型的混凝土搅拌车车身可供选择, 每个都有其独特的功能和优点. 标准搅拌机主体是最常见的类型,是大多数建筑应用的理想选择. 他们有一个旋转滚筒,可以在卡车移动时混合混凝土. 容积式混合器主体, 另一方面, 设计用于现场搅拌混凝土, 允许精确混合并减少材料浪费. 搅拌机搅拌机主体用于运输预拌混凝土,是大型建筑工地的理想选择.


Concrete 搅拌车 bodies are made from a variety of materials, 包括钢铁, 铝, 或两者的结合. 钢是搅拌机主体结构中最常用的材料, 因为它很结实, 耐用的, 非常适合重型使用. 铝质轻且耐腐蚀, 使其成为搅拌机本体的热门选择. The choice of material for the mixer body depends on the construction company’s specific needs and preferences.

Features of Concrete Mixer Truck Bodies

best concrete mixer truck bodies
best concrete mixer truck bodies

Concrete mixer truck bodies come with several features that make them more efficient and easier to use. Some of these features include hydraulic systems for drum rotation, water tanks for adding water to the mix, and chutes for pouring the concrete. Other features may include air conditioning systems for the truck cabin, automated controls for the mixer, 和加强结构以提高耐用性.


Using a 现场混凝土搅拌车 body has several benefits for construction companies. 最大的好处之一是提高效率, 因为工人可以在现场混合和浇筑混凝土,而无需单独的搅拌站. 这减少了花在混凝土准备上的时间, 使施工过程更快、更高效. 此外, 使用搅拌车车体可降低材料浪费的风险并实现更精确的混合, 确保每次都提供一致且优质的混凝土.


concrete mixer truck bodies for sale
concrete mixer truck bodies for sale

正确维护和保养搅拌机主体对于确保其使用寿命和高效性能至关重要. 定期清洁和检查有助于防止生锈和其他类型的损坏, 而润滑可以帮助保持液压系统正常运行. Proper maintenance ensures the mixer body remains in optimal condition, prolonging its lifespan and saving the construction company money in the long run.

Choosing the Right Concrete Mixer Truck Body

Choosing the right mixer body depends on several factors, including the size of the project, the type of concrete being used, and the terrain of the job site. It’s important to work with a reputable manufacturer who can help guide you through the selection process. A trusted manufacturer can help you choose the right 推进式搅拌车 body for your specific needs, ensuring the construction project is completed successfully and on time.


Concrete mixer truck bodies are a vital component of the construction industry. By understanding their construction, 特征, and benefits, construction companies can choose the right mixer body for their needs and ensure its longevity with proper maintenance and care. Working with a reputable manufacturer is crucial in selecting the right mixer body, and this investment in quality will pay off in the form of increased efficiency, reduced material waste, and consistent, high-quality concrete results. Choose the right mixer body for your construction project and reap the benefits of efficient and

2 院子混凝土搅拌车

2 出售堆场混凝土搅拌车

2 院子混凝土搅拌车 is a very popular vehicle and it can be used for many projects. The cement mixer truck is a very good way of transporting asphalt and concrete as it has a large capacity.

2 yards concrete mixer truck

  • 2 yards concrete mixer truck is a special truck for concrete mixing and delivery.
  • It can be used for concrete mixing and delivery, especially in large construction sites.
  • 这 2 yards concrete mixer truck is suitable for these situations because it can mix and deliver the concrete to the construction site with one trip, saving you time on multiple trips back and forth from your plant or warehouse to your job site.*
2 院子混凝土搅拌车
2 院子混凝土搅拌车

concrete mixing station

Concrete mixing station is a kind of equipment used to 混合混凝土. It can be used in small, medium and large concrete mixing plant. It is mainly composed of a high pressure pump, a concrete mixer and a discharge device.

Concrete mixing stations are designed with an open hopper that allows you to add materials directly into the drum for quick mixing action. The discharge device will allow you to pour out your newly mixed material easily onto any surface you desire!

asphalt mixing station

Asphalt mixing station is a kind of concrete mixer truck that can be used for asphalt production. It has the advantages of high efficiency, low cost and good quality. And it’s also easy to operate with no need for any professional skills.

Asphalt mixing station includes two types: stationary asphalt batching plant and mobile asphalt mixer truck (also called 2-yard concrete mixer truck).

Stationary asphalt batching plant has larger capacity than mobile asphalt batching plant, but it’s more expensive; while mobile asphalt batching plant has lower capacity than stationary one but much cheaper price than it. So if you want to buy an asphalt mixing station which has large capacity and high productivity, then choose stationary one; if you want your investment return quickly without spending too much money on this project, then consider buying mobile type instead!

2 yard concrete mixer truck capacity

2 yard concrete mixer truck capacity is a very important factor to consider when buying a truck. The capacity of the truck should be suitable for the size of your project. 例如, if you are working on a small residential home or building then a 2 yard concrete mixer truck will be sufficient for your needs as it can hold up to 8 cubic yards of concrete at once and has an overall weight limit that’s ideal for transporting heavy loads without damaging roads or bridges. 然而, if you’re working on something larger like an apartment complex or church then you may need something bigger like an 8 yarder which can hold up to 16 cubic yards of material at oncethis type would also benefit from being equipped with hydraulics so its bucket won’t tear up pavement while moving around materials!

concrete mixer truck capacity
concrete mixer truck capacity

How to choose the best 2 院子混凝土搅拌车?

Choosing the best 2 yard concrete mixer truck is not an easy task. There are some factors that you should consider before making your final decision. Here are some tips:

  • Capacity of the 搅拌车: This is one of the most important things to keep in mind while choosing a concrete mixer truck. The capacity of your truck should be enough for your construction projects and can also save money on fuel consumption, as well as time spent travelling back and forth between locations where you need to pour concrete.
  • Mixer truck capacity: You should also look at how much material each batch can hold when using this particular model/brand/type of machine (例如, 2 码). If it doesn’t have enough room to hold all your materials at once, then it won’t be very useful unless all batches were smaller than average size ones!

How much does a 2 yard concrete mixer truck cost?


The cost of a 2 yard concrete mixer truck depends on the model, brand and capacity. 例如:

  • If you want to buy a new 2 yard concrete mixer truck with the capacity of 5 立方码 (或者 2 立方米), then it will cost you around $105000-$110000 美元.
  • If you want to buy an used 2 yard concrete mixer truck with the same capacity, then it will cost you between $45000-$50000 美元.


We hope you enjoyed reading this article on 2 yard concrete mixer truck and found it useful. If there is anything else you would like to know about our products or service, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

china concrete mixer truck


混凝土是世界上最受欢迎的建筑材料之一. 它不仅用作道路的基础, 但也可用于建造建筑物和其他结构. 制作混凝土的最佳方法是将水泥和水适当混合以达到合适的稠度. 如果您手动执行此过程,可能会很耗时, 这就是为什么很多人喜欢使用 中国混凝土搅拌车 反而. A concrete mixer truck has rotating blades that help mix cement faster than any other machine or tool on earth! If you are planning on building something with concrete soon, then you will need to buy one these machines from a good manufacturer like Chintai Cement Mixer Trucks Co., 有限公司. However before buying anything always ask yourself “What features should I look for when purchasing a China concrete mixer truck?

What is a china concrete mixer truck?

concrete mixer truck china

A China 混凝土搅拌车 is a vehicle that is used to mix and transport concrete. It can be either on the ground or on the water. It is designed to mix and transport concrete from one place to another and can be used in construction sites.

The most common use of this 卡车类型 is in building roads or laying down foundations for buildings, such as houses or office blocks. These trucks are also known as drum mixers because they have an upright barrel shape when empty, which allows them to mix the ingredients inside by rotating around inside its own body!

china concrete mixer truck
china concrete mixer truck

What is the capacity of a china concrete mixer truck?

cement mixer truck size

The capacity of a china concrete mixer truck is measured in cubic yards. The size of the drum determines how much concrete it can hold and this will determine the capacity. 例如, 如果你有一个 3 cubic yard mixer truck, that means it can hold up to 3 yards of concrete at once.

Some trucks are designed with larger drums so they have more space for holding more material at once but these types of trucks tend to be more expensive than smaller versions because they require more powerful engines and bigger frames.

What life expectancy of a china concrete mixer truck?

biggest concrete mixer truck

A China concrete mixer truck is a special vehicle that can be used to transport materials such as concrete, sand and other materials. The life expectancy of a China concrete mixer truck depends on how well it’s maintained and how it’s used. If you maintain your China concrete mixer truck properly, then you will ensure that its life expectancy is extended for many years to come.

biggest concrete mixer truck
biggest concrete mixer truck

How to choose the best china concrete mixer truck?

used concrete mixer trucks china

Choosing a china concrete mixer truck is not just as simple as choosing the one that you think will be easy to use, or even one of the most affordable ones. 事实上,购买任何类型的机器时都需要考虑很多因素, 特别是如果它将用于工作目的.


  • 容量: 您需要确保您的选择有足够的容量 (或权力) 你打算用它做什么. 如果您想要可以混合大量材料的东西,那么也许可以看看容量更大的型号.
  • 声誉/评论: 您还应该在购买他们的产品之前检查公司的声誉,并在线阅读有关以前从该公司购买过类似商品的其他客户的评论! 这边走, 尽管它可能比那些不太知名的品牌要花费更多的前期费用 – 由于他们的产品质量更高,使用寿命更长,因此他们仍然可以提供更好的整体价值!
used concrete mixer trucks china
used concrete mixer trucks china



中国混凝土搅拌车的成本 取决于尺寸, 车辆的型号和状况. The price can vary greatly based on these factors. If you use your mixer frequently, it’s best to purchase a new one since they’re built specifically for commercial use and will last longer than used models.


  • 立即获取免费的本地卡车报价
  • 比较最优惠的价格
  • 立即为您的新卡车省钱!


If you don’t plan to use your mixer very often, buying a used unit can save some money; 然而, there are still risks associated with purchasing this way that should be considered before making any decisions about purchasing either new or pre-owned equipment for sale in China today


我们见过很多具体的 搅拌车 在市场上, 但只有少数值得购买. 在做出最终决定之前,您需要仔细了解这些机器的容量和预期寿命。如果您有任何疑问, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!


How many cubic yards in a concrete mixer truck?

If you’re looking for the answer to a question about concrete trucks or ready mix concrete, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll walk you through all the key measurements of a 混凝土搅拌车 and show you how they relate to each other, starting with cubic yards.

How many cubic meters are in a ready mix concrete truck?


Concrete trucks are used to transport concrete. The amount of concrete a truck can hold is measured in cubic meters. A cubic meter is defined as the volume that would be occupied by a cube with sides one meter long. If you think about it, this makes sense—you’re measuring the space inside a container where something sits, so it wouldn’t make sense to measure its dimensions instead.


一个 准备好的混合卡车 holds five cubic meters of material on average (though this number varies depending on the type of ready mix concrete), which means that each truck has enough material for about 50 square feet (4 m2) of poured flooring or 10 square feet (1 m2) of poured wall finish!

How many yards are in a truck load?

truck load

A truck load involves the delivery of 4 立方码, which is the amount typically used to fill a standard 混凝土搅拌机. A cubic yard is equal to 27 立方英尺, which can be determined by multiplying the width, length and height of your area that needs to be filled. 例如: if you have an area that’s 10’x10’x2′ (或者 100 square feet), then you’d multiply 100 X 100 X 2 = 20,000 cubic feet of space. If a truck contains 4 cubic yards worth of material (which is equal to 2 tons), then it would take 40 loads at 1.5 tons per load for a total of 60 tons (60 X 18) in order to fill up all 20,000 cubic feet with concrete mixers trucked from your local concrete supplier’s shop!

How many cubic feet is a concrete truck?



The size of a concrete truck is dependent on the company and the location. There are many different sizes of trucks that can be used for concrete, 包括:

  • A small concrete truck will be 4 cubic yards and hold approximately 160 bags of concrete.
  • A standard-size concrete truck is 9 cubic yards and holds approximately 312 bags of cement.
  • Large trucks can hold up to 16 立方码 (或者 528 bags) at once, making them ideal if you need to fill a large area (such as in construction).

How much does a concrete truck cost?

concrete truck price

混凝土搅拌机的价格 truck varies, depending on the size and features of the truck. 例如, you can purchase a new tilt mixer for around $80,000 or rent one for $3 per hour (including driver). This would be considerably less expensive than having a concrete company come to your site to do the work at their standard rate. If you are looking to buy a used truck, expect to pay around $30k-$40k.

concrete truck price
concrete truck price

How much is a cubic yard of concrete?

3 出售堆场混凝土搅拌车


  • 立即获取免费的本地卡车报价
  • 比较最优惠的价格
  • 立即为您的新卡车省钱!


1 cubic yard of truck 是 3 脚宽, 3 feet deep and 3 feet high. A cubic yard is equivalent to 27 立方英尺. This means that 1 yard of concrete will occupy a space equal to three times the area of a square whose sides are respectively 4 inches, 8 inches and 12 inches long.

It’s also roughly equal to 7 1/5 gallons or 454 pounds (although this depends on density). To give you an idea of how much that is in everyday terms: about four people could fit inside one cubic yard; if you were building a basement for your house with it, your finished basement would be approximately 2-3 stories tall!


The amount of concrete that a concrete mixer truck can carry depends on the type of truck, but for most trucks it’s about 150 码. The weight of this load is approximately 7,300 pounds, so you’ll need to make sure the truck has enough horsepower to transport it safely. A typical concrete mixer can hold about 12 cubic yards of material at a time when full; 然而, there are some which have more capacity than others depending upon how much work needs doing at once.If you have any questions, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!