6.5m3 自卸式混凝土搅拌车

6.5m3 自卸式混凝土搅拌车 | 新的

油箱:16 升
液压系统总容量:278 升
水箱:1465 升

6.5m3 Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck with Water Tank, Fuel Tank and other optional Features for Sale 2018 人才网 9240 E truck type is 自装载混凝土搅拌车. It is used to mix cement, 沙, gravel and other materials on site in a stationary position or to transport the mixed products from one place to another. Some of these trucks can be driven by electric power. This vehicle is mainly used in the construction of roads, bridges and high buildings.

6.5m3 自卸式混凝土搅拌车
6.5m3 自卸式混凝土搅拌车


1.The 6.5cbm drum tank can be rotated 270 水平度数.

2.4*4 四轮驱动, 变矩器传动皮带开式齿轮油泵.

3.The maximum speed of 6.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer can reach 23km/h.

4.The 6.5cbm self-loading concrete mixer truck uses a water flow meter for water flow control. 它确保了混凝土的良好质量.




1.2m3 自卸式混凝土搅拌车 | 新的

油箱:16 升
液压系统总容量:63 升
水箱:400 升

1.2m3自卸式混凝土搅拌车 该车辆由康明斯 4BTA 提供动力 + E6 发动机,功率为 57kW,配备先进的电气系统,可精确控制车载设备. 它有一个巨大的 转储箱 很大程度上延伸到 拖拉机 驾驶室,可以用液压起重机在一次操作中完全卸载. 垃圾箱可以升高到三个不同的高度, 使装卸更容易,同时减少产品损失, 它的移动系统包含所有可能的安全系统,让您在任何情况下都更加安心

1.2m3 自卸式混凝土搅拌车
1.2m3 自卸式混凝土搅拌车


1.1.2cbm圆桶罐可旋转 270 水平度数.

2.4*4 四轮驱动, 变矩器传动皮带开式齿轮油泵.

3.1.2m3自卸最大速度 混凝土搅拌机 可以达到23km/h.

4.1.2cbm自装式混凝土搅拌车采用水流量计进行水流控制. 它确保了混凝土的良好质量.




最佳新水泥搅拌车价格 2022

一个 混凝土搅拌车 是一种用于混合原材料以制造混凝土的车辆. 我们收集了最好的新水泥搅拌车价格 2022, 这将帮助您了解有关此类设备的更多信息.





一个 水泥搅拌车价格 重型机械的成本可能在 $100,000 和 $250,000. 您可以以水泥搅拌车价格或旧型号购买新的. 价格取决于机器的使用年限及其状况以及您从哪里购买 (新的或二手的). 平均成本约为 $150,000.

水泥搅拌车价格通常分为两类: 新的和二手的. 新的水泥搅拌车往往比旧的更贵,因为它们的条件优越, 但是如果您不介意购买以前拥有的东西,那么购买二手的将节省一些钱. 每种类型的平均成本在 50 美元到 15 万美元之间,具体取决于位置和条件等因素; 然而,大多数人选择支付这笔钱只是因为他们在购买没有任何其他选择的东西时没有太多选择




  • 二手混凝土搅拌车价格因车辆型号和状况而异, 以及它的规格. 例如, 一辆二手水泥搅拌车的价格比没有该附件的类似型号的马力更大.
  • 购买新水泥搅拌车的成本因所选型号而异, 但通常范围从 $50,000 至 $100,000.

购买二手水泥搅拌车的成本因所选型号而异, 但通常范围从 $5,000 至 $25,000. 一个的价格 新型水泥搅拌车 范围从 $50,000 至 $100,000 取决于选择的型号. 如果与没有该附件的类似型号相比,使用过的混凝土搅拌车的马力更大,那么它的成本会更高.




一个容量 水泥搅拌车 卡车是可以容纳在其滚筒中的混凝土量. 这个数字因卡车的大小和型号而异, 但作为一般规则, 更大的卡车能够容纳更多的混凝土. 需要注意的是,并非所有的卡车都是一样的: 有些人的鼓的设计方式可能比其他人更能容纳——即使它们的尺寸可能相同.

水泥搅拌车一般按体积而不是重量来计量 (与其他车辆一样). 为此目的最常见的测量是立方码 (等于 27 立方英尺).



水泥搅拌车的寿命取决于品牌, 型号及用途. 一个人的预期寿命 容积式搅拌车 是 10 至 15 年, 但这取决于您对机器的保养程度. 如果您定期保养您的车辆, 它可以比预期寿命更长.

如果您想延长车辆的使用寿命, 您应该记住一些有助于提高其耐用性的最佳实践:

  • 定期检查油位,以免在不方便的时候用完 (例如, 交货时).
  • 除了在每次使用前检查油位, 定期检查皮带是否有裂纹或磨损以及其他部件是否有损坏迹象,例如泄漏和螺钉/螺栓松动.



选择水泥搅拌车过程的第一步是弄清楚您将使用它来做什么. 这将帮助您缩小搜索范围并了解哪些功能对您最重要. 一些可能相关的功能包括:

  • 尺寸: 大多数人选择 3 庭院水泥搅拌机 卡车, 但如果您需要更多容量或功率, 还有更大的选择.
  • 力量: 你需要多少电量? 如果速度对您的业务很重要, 然后看看马力更大的车型 (生命值). 或者如果力量是关键, 搭配更大的前鼓和更宽的轮胎.
  • 容量: 你的车能装多少混凝土? 水泥搅拌机有多种能力——从 40 向上 100 立方英尺——所以一定要买一个足够大的来满足你的需要!





  • 立即获得免费的本地卡车报价
  • 比较最优惠的价格
  • 立即为您的新卡车省钱!


水泥搅拌车价格取决于很多因素. 条件, 年, 卡车的尺寸和尺寸都是计算价格时的重要考虑因素. 一个的价格 移动式水泥搅拌车 通常小于新的.

水泥搅拌车价格范围从 $100,000 结束 $200,000 取决于品牌和型号. 最常用的型号成本介于 $50,000-$70,000 而较新型号的价格可能高达 15 万美元以上.

笼统: 容量小 (1-2 立方码) 混音器将花费大约 60,000 美元; 中等容量 (3-4 立方码) 混音器的价格约为 8 万美元; 大容量 (5 立方码+) 根据品牌/型号和条件/年龄,搅拌机的价格可以达到 13 万美元以上


我们已经了解了不同类型的水泥搅拌车以及水泥搅拌车的价格. 之前做研究很重要 购买水泥搅拌机 任何类型的建筑设备,因为它会在很大程度上影响您的业务。如果您有任何问题, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!

2022 new cement mixer truck for sale

If you’re a construction worker, you know that concrete is the foundation of your industry. It’s also one of the most important building materials in the world, which means it needs to be mixed quickly and effectively in order to keep up with demand. That’s where new cement mixer trucks come in. These vehicles are designed specifically for mixing concrete on-site as opposed to being taken off-site and mixed at a large factory or warehouse like many other types of building materials are made. New cement mixer trucks are compact and have large storage capacity compared to other types of vehicles used for transporting concrete. 然而, there are many different designs available depending on how much weight they need to carry or what type of project they will be used on (residential vs commercial).


What is the truck that mixes cement called?

Cement mixer trucks are used to mix concrete on site. The truck can mix up to 10 tons of cement, which is enough for one day’s worth of work.


Cement mixer trucks are also called cement mixers and cement trucks. 有两种类型的水泥搅拌车: manual automatic. A manual cement mixer truck requires the operator to manually operate the machine by moving levers and pedals, while an automatic cement mixer truck has a computerized system that controls mixing time and temperature settings.


The longevity of concrete is dependent on how long it sits in a mixer truck. 例如, freshly mixed concrete will last longer than cement that has been sitting in the mixer truck for days or weeks.

type of mixer truck can also affect how long concrete lasts. Mixer trucks are typically made with thicker steel than regular trucks, which leads to less heat transfer from the engine and thus cooler temperatures inside the cab (which means less likelihood of premature curing).

The type of cement used will also have an effect on how quickly concrete hardens. Cements with higher concentrations of air entrained within them take longer to cure and thus require more time before being poured into forms or spread out onto slabs as compared to cements with lower concentrations of air entrained within them because CO2 reacts faster than O2 during dehydration reactions causing faster curing times

TS-4.0 Self Loading Mixer Truck for sale

As you know, 这 TS-4.0 自装式搅拌车 is a new generation of self loading new cement mixer truck, which owns high efficiency, high quality and beautiful appearance etc.

The features of TS-4.0 Self Loading Mixer Truck:

  • High performance and energy efficient;
  • Stable running and easy maintenance;
  • Advanced design concept with simple structure;

How do they clean the inside of cement trucks?

When you’re cleaning a cement truck, you have a few different options.

You can use a pressure washer. This will blast the grime off the inside of your truck, but it can also damage some surfaces, so be careful if this is an option for you.

You can also use a water hose to clean out the truck’s interior after you’ve emptied all of its contents and it’s been sitting empty for at least 48 hours (to give any moisture time to evaporate).

A vacuum works well too—it’s especially good if there’s loose material stuck on top of otherwise clean floors or walls (like sawdust). The dirtier the floor is, though, the more likely this method will leave streaks behind when used by itself. If that happens to be your situation, then try using another method after vacuuming—a broom might do wonders! Or maybe try using brush with soft bristles instead? In any case: just remember that it might take some trial-and-error before finding what works best for your particular situation—there are many ways people have devised over time for cleaning cement trucks!


When you’re looking for a new cement mixer truck, it’s important to know what features are right for your business. There are a lot of great options out there, so make sure you do some research before buying one!