2022 migliore 5 Vendo autobetoniera da cantiere

Il 5 yard concrete mixer is the most popular type of cement mixer truck for sale. The reason for this is because it’s a great size for both residential and commercial projects. UN 5 yard concrete mixer can mix up to 6 bags at a time, meaning you can get through many projects in one day. This article will tell you everything you need to know about buying a 5 yard concrete mixer truck.

How much is a 5 yard concrete mixer truck?

5 Vendo autobetoniera da cantiere

5 yard concrete mixer truck price

The cost of a 5 yard concrete mixer truck depends on many factors, including what kind of options you have and where you’ll purchase it. Per esempio, if you’re looking to buy a new model, the price will be higher than if you were to buy it secondhand. A brand new model could easily go for $150,000 or more while a used version might only be worth $30,000 – so there’s quite the range in value here!

So what is the average price of this SINOTRUK HOWO Concrete Mixer Truck? BENE… we could give an exact figure but then someone would just call us out on it anyways because we don’t know every single detail about every single truck out there (and that would take forever). We can tell you that these trucks usually run anywhere from $100k+ depending on whether they are used or newly manufactured and where they were purchased from; however keep in mind that there are various other factors which affect their overall value such as how many years old each individual piece has been since being manufactured which means each one may vary slightly depending upon when exactly was made during its lifespan cycle; its condition (cioè., whether damaged or not); etcetera.

How many bags of concrete is 5 iarde?

5 yards of concrete

5 bags of concrete equal 1 metro cubo. A 5-yard mixer truck can hold up to 16 cubic yards of concrete, which is equal to 64 standard bags of concrete.

It may be helpful to think of 5 yards as 2 tons because 1 ton equals 2,000 pounds and 5 bags weigh about 50 pounds each. So if you have a 3-ton truck you’d need 9 bags or 18 cubic yards to fill it up.

How much is a 5 yard concrete mixer truck full of concrete?

5.5m3 Self-loading concrete mixer truck for sale

prezzo autobetoniera

There are many factors that will affect the cost of your 5 yard autobetoniera. You should consider all of these when searching for one, so you can make sure you get the best deal possible.

  • The type of cement mixer you buy will impact its price. The more specialized your needs are, the higher the cost of buying a suitable mixer truck will be.
  • Size plays an important role in determining how much money you’ll have to pay for this equipment; smaller models tend to be less expensive than larger ones because they require fewer parts and resources to build them

How long can a 5 yard concrete mixer truck last?

5 yard concrete mixer truck life

5.5m3 Self-loading concrete mixer truck

On average, UN 5.5m3 Self-loading concrete mixer truck can last for many years. This is because they are built to be durable and strong. The structure of the truck is strong and reinforced with steel beams in order to prevent damage from occurring during transport or while in use. The body will also be made out of high quality materials that are resistant to rusting or being damaged by outside elements such as rainwater.

The hydraulic system within a 5 yard concrete mixer truck also ensures that you can use your mixer for as long as possible without having any issues with it breaking down or malfunctioning at all

What is the best cement mixer to buy?

best cement mixer

A concrete mixer truck is a machine that’s used to mix concrete. Concrete mixes are produced by combining aggregates, water and cement which are then mixed in the vehicle’s drum.The best 5 yard concrete mixer trucks for sale can be found at https://www.talenetmix.com/.

How to buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck?

5 yard concrete mixer truck

buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck

  • Buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck from a reputable dealer.
  • Buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck with a warranty.
  • Buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck with a manual transmission.
  • Buy a 5 yard autobetoniera with an automatic transmission, but stick to the manual if you have any experience driving stick-shift cars or trucks because most dealerships don’t know how to drive standard vehicles and will likely stall out your vehicle on the test drive or during delivery of the vehicle.
  • If you do not want to deal with engine maintenance and repairs later down the road, buy one that has been well maintained by its previous owners/users and make sure that it comes with all required maintenance records for easy reference in case something does go wrong later on down the road!


Se stai cercando di acquistare un 5 yard concrete mixer truck, we have high quality cement mixer truck for sale. We know that it can be hard to find the right truck for your needs and budget, but don’t worry! At 5 Yard Concrete Mixer Truck, we offer many different options for different budgets and needs. If you want more information about our trucks or anything else related to concrete mixing equipment please contact us today by filling out our online form.