autobetoniera in loco

Camion di betonaggio in loco: Una soluzione versatile per i progetti di costruzione

Quando si tratta di progetti di costruzione, avere l'attrezzatura giusta è essenziale per un esito positivo. Un'attrezzatura che è diventata sempre più popolare negli ultimi anni è l'autobetoniera in loco. Questa soluzione innovativa offre una serie di vantaggi, compresa una maggiore efficienza, risparmi, e un migliore controllo di qualità. In questo articolo, esploreremo i vantaggi dell'utilizzo di un'autobetoniera in loco, oltre a fornire suggerimenti per la selezione del camion giusto per il tuo progetto.

Cos'è un'autobetoniera in loco?

Un in loco autobetoniera è un'attrezzatura versatile e innovativa che sta diventando sempre più popolare nel settore edile. Questa unità mobile è progettata per miscelare e consegnare calcestruzzo fresco direttamente in cantiere. Contiene tutti i componenti necessari per la miscelazione e l'erogazione del calcestruzzo, incluso un tamburo miscelatore, serbatoio d'acqua, e distributore di additivi. Il calcestruzzo viene miscelato in cantiere, eliminando la necessità di consegne multiple da un fornitore concreto.

Vantaggi delle autobetoniere in loco

autobetoniera in loco
autobetoniera in loco

Le autobetoniere in loco offrono una serie di vantaggi rispetto ai metodi tradizionali di consegna del calcestruzzo. Uno dei vantaggi più significativi è l'aumento dell'efficienza. Con un'autobetoniera in loco, il calcestruzzo può essere consegnato esattamente quando è necessario, riducendo i tempi di inattività e aumentando la produttività. Inoltre, perché il calcestruzzo viene miscelato in loco, non è necessario ordinare il calcestruzzo in eccesso, che può portare a sprechi e aumento dei costi. Finalmente, le autobetoniere in loco offrono un migliore controllo della qualità rispetto ai metodi tradizionali di consegna del calcestruzzo, poiché il calcestruzzo può essere adattato per soddisfare i requisiti specifici del progetto.

Maggiore efficienza

Calcestruzzo in loco carri miscelatori offrire una maggiore efficienza eliminando la necessità di consegne multiple da un fornitore concreto. Con un'autobetoniera in loco, il calcestruzzo può essere miscelato e consegnato esattamente quando è necessario, riducendo i tempi di inattività e aumentando la produttività. Inoltre, perché il calcestruzzo viene miscelato in loco, non è necessario ordinare il calcestruzzo in eccesso, che può portare a sprechi e aumento dei costi.


Anche le autobetoniere in loco possono comportare notevoli risparmi sui costi. Perché il calcestruzzo viene miscelato in loco, non è necessario ordinare il calcestruzzo in eccesso, che può portare a sprechi e aumento dei costi. Inoltre, le autobetoniere in loco possono aiutare a ridurre i costi di manodopera, poiché sono necessari meno lavoratori per trasportare e movimentare il calcestruzzo.

Controllo di qualità migliorato

buon camion betoniera
buon camion betoniera

Le autobetoniere in loco offrono un migliore controllo della qualità rispetto ai metodi tradizionali di consegna del calcestruzzo. Perché il calcestruzzo viene miscelato in loco, può essere regolato per soddisfare i requisiti specifici del progetto. Ciò garantisce che il prodotto finale soddisfi gli standard necessari, e riduce il rischio di errori o difetti.

Selezione dell'autobetoniera giusta in loco

Quando si seleziona un calcestruzzo carro miscelatore, è importante considerare diversi fattori. Uno dei più importanti è la capacità del tamburo del miscelatore. A seconda delle dimensioni del progetto, potrebbe essere necessario un tamburo miscelatore più grande o più piccolo. Altri fattori da considerare includono la fonte di alimentazione del camion, e le dimensioni complessive dell'unità.

Capacità del tamburo del miscelatore

La capacità del tamburo del miscelatore è una considerazione importante nella scelta di un'autobetoniera in loco. A seconda delle dimensioni del progetto, potrebbe essere necessario un tamburo miscelatore più grande o più piccolo. Un tamburo miscelatore più grande può aiutare a migliorare l'efficienza riducendo il numero di volte in cui il tamburo deve essere riempito.

Fonte di potere

Vendo autobetoniera
Vendo autobetoniera

Le autobetoniere in loco possono essere alimentate a diesel, benzina, o elettricità. La scelta della fonte di alimentazione dipenderà dalle esigenze specifiche del progetto, così come tutte le normative ambientali che possono essere in vigore. I camion diesel sono in genere più potenti e offrono una maggiore mobilità, mentre i camion elettrici sono più silenziosi e più rispettosi dell'ambiente.

Dimensioni dell'unità

Anche le dimensioni complessive dell'autobetoniera sono un fattore importante da considerare. A seconda delle condizioni del sito, potrebbe essere necessaria un'unità più grande o più piccola per garantire che il camion può manovrare facilmente sul luogo di lavoro. Potrebbe essere necessaria un'unità più grande per progetti più grandi, mentre un'unità più piccola può essere più adatta per i più piccoli, siti più ristretti.


Insomma, le autobetoniere in loco offrono una soluzione versatile ed efficiente per progetti di costruzione di tutte le dimensioni. Fornendo una migliore efficienza, risparmi, e controllo di qualità, questi carrelli stanno diventando una scelta sempre più popolare per le imprese edili di tutto il mondo. Quando si seleziona un'autobetoniera in loco, è importante considerare fattori come la capacità del tamburo del miscelatore, la fonte di alimentazione del camion, e le dimensioni complessive dell'unità per garantire che il carrello soddisfi le esigenze specifiche del progetto.


Best concrete mixing truck for sale in 2022

Concrete mixing truck are vehicles used to mix concrete and transport it to a construction site. The truck can either be stationary or mobile, depending on the type of construction that is being carried out. Concrete mixers are available in different sizes and capacities, depending on their intended use. They are capable of producing many tons of concrete per day when working at full capacity. In this article we will discuss what types of concrete mixing trucks exist and how much they cost before going into detail about how they work and how best to choose one for your needs.

What is a concrete mixing truck?


concrete mixing truck on site

A concrete mixing truck is a vehicle that mixes concrete in the right proportion. Concrete trucks are designed for transportation of concrete, and they can carry up to 6 metri cubi (5.6 m³) of dry mix or up to 4 metri cubi (3.6 m³) of wet mix at a time.

Concrete truck may also be called cement mixers, which is a misnomer; cement is not actually mixed with water when you produce concrete. Inoltre, some people refer to these vehicles as concrete pumps because they use pumps to transfer the material from one place to another via pipes and hoses rather than simply pouring it out onto the ground like you would with a wheelbarrow or bucket brigade system.

What is the capacity of a concrete mixing truck?

concrete mixing truck dimensions
concrete mixing truck dimensions

concrete mixing truck dimensions

Concrete mixer trucks have a capacity of 15 a 20 metri cubi, which is the largest capacity concrete mixer truck. Per esempio, UN 3 yard concrete mixer can hold roughly 7 tons of concrete at one time and requires about half an hour to fill. While this may seem like a lot, it only accounts for about half the weight of some large homes.

A 20-cubic yard concrete mixing truck can hold up to 12 tons at one time and take up to 2 hours to fill. This larger capacity will be able to handle even more material in its hopper than the 15 cubic yard machine, but it also takes longer when being filled because there’s more material inside it

How long does concrete last in mixer trucks?

how tall is a concrete mixing truck

In order to maintain your concrete mixer truck, you must make sure that the mixer drum is cleaned and the water system is free of excess debris. The blades should also be regularly inspected to ensure they are not cracked or broken. Once a year, the transmission should be serviced by an expert technician from a licensed garage.

The proper storage of your concrete camion betoniera is important for its longevity and functionality. The best way to store it when not in use is by parking it on level ground under cover where there are no sharp objects or other vehicles nearby. You can also keep it indoors if possible with no sunlight exposure and climate control settings at 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).

Cleaning your equipment after every use will help prevent mold growth as well as other damage that can occur when moisture collects inside of pipes due to poor ventilation systems in some older models made before today’s stricter standards were implemented by manufacturers worldwide.

What life expectancy of a concrete mixing truck?

concrete mixing truck hire
concrete mixing truck hire

concrete mixing truck hire

The life expectancy of a concrete mixer truck is dependent on how well you take care of it and how much you use it. If you’re looking to buy a used concrete mixer truck, then you should know the expected lifespan of the vehicle before committing to buy one.

Per esempio, if an average 20-ton concrete mixer truck lasts 30 anni, then it will be wise to make sure that yours has been well maintained so that it can last at least as long as its contemporaries. The same logic applies here when we talk about buying a new volumetric mixer truck: if your local dealer claims that their trucks have a lifetime warranty or better yet, 25 years on parts and labor (or something similar), then make sure that they’re telling the truth before committing any money!

How to choose a best concrete mixing truck?

Vendo autobetoniera

When buying a concrete mixer truck, è necessario considerare i seguenti fattori:

  • Capacità: The capacity of your truck should be enough to handle all of your needs. If you are running a construction company, then you will need an industrial-grade crane with an increased capacity that can carry more than 6 tons at once.
  • Lifespan: The lifespan of the machine depends on how much work it does and how often it is used. Per esempio, if you use your truck for small projects or infrequent ones, its lifespan will be much longer than if you are doing large-scale construction projects every day.
  • Price: Prices vary according to quality and brand name of each product available in the market so choose wisely before deciding on which one is best suited for your needs!

How much is a concrete mixer truck?

concrete mixing truck price
concrete mixing truck price

concrete mixing truck price

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The concrete prezzo autobetoniera can vary from $130,000 a $600,000. It depends on the capacity and features you need. Per esempio, if you need a small concrete mixer truck for your private use, then the price will be cheaper than if you want to buy a large capacity one for commercial purposes. The brand, country of origin and model also affect the cost of your vehicle.

The engine size and power are crucial factors in determining how much it costs to buy a concrete mixer truck because they determine its performance as well as fuel consumption rates over time before needing replacement or repair work done on them again after use over time past their normal lifespan expectancy rate due to constant wear-and-tear that comes along with every machine type including human beings themselves because we all eventually die eventually regardless whether we’re rich or not since physical death doesn’t discriminate against anyone especially when there’s no cure yet discovered yet


Il best concrete mixing truck for sale in 2022 should be able to mix concrete in a variety of situations, while also being able to carry out other useful tasks. A good example of this would be the Caterpillar C9.7 Super Heavy Duty Truck, which has been designed specifically as a mixer truck with a range of advantages over its competitors.If you have any questions, Non esitate a contattarci:+0086 157-1386-6881 o [email protected]!

Mixer Truck Guide: autobetoniera

Concrete mixing trucks are the backbone of many construction projects. They’re used to deliver large volumes of concrete where it’s needed, and they can mix different mixes for specific jobs. There are a few things to consider when buying or renting a mixer truck, including how much concrete will be needed per job and what type of material you want to use in your concrete mixture. We’ve put together this truck guide so that you can learn everything there is to know about concrete mixing trucks before you make your purchase!

What is a concrete mixing truck?

concrete mixing truck on site


A concrete mixing truck is a vehicle that mixes concrete to be used in construction. It’s a heavy duty truck with a mixer mounted on the back and can carry up to 80 cubic yards of concrete.

How is concrete mixed in a truck?

concrete on site mixing truck

You will need to mix the concrete and then transport it to your construction site. A concrete mixer truck is used for this purpose. If you are looking for a job as a autobetoniera autista, this section will provide some helpful information about the job responsibilities and the training required for becoming a professional operator of these vehicles.

How does one use a concrete mixer truck?

concrete on site mixing truck

The process of mixing concrete in a truck can be broken down into three steps: preparation, loading and unloading, driving/steering. You’ll need to make sure that you have all the correct components before starting work on any project; these include everything from buckets or shovels for mixing up batches at home jobsites all through large containers where we mix several thousand cubic yards per load!

How many yards of concrete can a mixer truck hold?

concrete mixing truck dimensions

The capacity of a concrete mixer truck varies depending on the model, but it typically holds between 5 cubic yards and 9 cubic yards of concrete. Per esempio, if you have a 4 yard concrete mixer truck, you will require two trucks to complete your project within one day.

How much does it cost to rent a mixer truck?

The price for renting or leasing a cement mixer is based on several factors including: length of rental period; location where you need it delivered; type of equipment needed (for example: drum mixer or mechanical); whether you need delivery included; items that may be damaged during use (such as tires). Prices generally range from $200-$500 per day plus tax depending on these variables which makes this solution an affordable option for small scale projects!

What life expectancy of a concrete mixing truck?

The life expectancy of a concrete mixer truck is about 10 anni. The lifespan of the mixer truck depends on how well it is maintained and whether the parts used in its construction are high quality. An experienced mechanic should be able to determine if a mixer truck needs repairs or replacement based on how often it breaks down and how much time they spend repairing Mobile Concrete Mixer Truck.

Quanto costa un'autobetoniera?

mobile concrete mixing truck

concrete mixing truck price

Il concrete truck cost varies based on the size, engine and other features. Mixer trucks can range from $25,000 a $100,000. This is higher than the price of a concrete pump, which starts at about $15,000.

The price will also be affected by how many axles are included in the vehicle: 2-axle vehicles are generally less expensive than 3 o 4 axle vehicles because you don’t need as much power for them to operate.

How to choose a best concrete mixing truck?

mobile concrete mixing truck

Choosing a good mixing truck is not easy. You need to take into account the following factors:

  • Size of your truckIt is important to figure out how much concrete you need to mix in one load, and then choose a mixer that has enough capacity for this amount. If you have large jobs, then consider buying several smaller trucks rather than one big one.
  • Capacity of your truckWhen deciding on the right capacity for your mixer, you should consider the number and size of pours that are needed each day. A small 8 yard mixer will be sufficient for small building sites or residential work, but if you work on large commercial projects with many different pours every day then you may want something larger such as a 17 yarder instead.
  • Type of mixerThere are two main types available: batching plants (or batching trucks) and continuous mixers that make fresh concrete at each job site by mixing water with aggregates inside their tanks rather than transporting pre-mixed batches from central locations such as batch plants or ready mix facilities . Although both methods provide similar results in terms of quality control over consistency between pours made from different batches throughout a project cycle , they differ greatly when it comes down time spent between pours due .

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How to buy a concrete mixing truck?

Vendo autobetoniera

Vendo autobetoniera

When you are looking price of a concrete mixier camion, there are several things that you need to consider. One of the most important things is the condition of the truck. You should check that everything works properly and that there are no leaks or cracks in any part of the machine. Check if all parts are present, whether they look worn out or not, eccetera. Another very important thing is capacity – how much volume can be transported by this machine? Finalmente, it is also good to look at warranty issues: what type and how long does it last?


The mixer truck is one of the most important transport vehicles in the construction industry. If you are considering buying 3 yard concrete mixer for your projects, then make sure that you consider all the factors mentioned above before making a decision.If you have any questions, Non esitate a contattarci:+0086 157-1386-6881 o [email protected]!