kant-en-klare mixwagen

How Much Does Ready mix truck Cost?

Ready mix truck are the backbone of the construction industry. They allow builders to transport large amounts of concrete quickly and efficiently, allowing them to get their work done more quickly than if they had to use smaller trucks or smaller amounts of concrete. That being said, there’s a lot more to know about ready mixer trucks than just how much they can hold!

How many yards in a ready mix truck?

mini ready mix truck

A ready mix truck is a vehicle that carries concrete, asphalt and other materials needed for construction projects. Ready mix trucks are typically made of steel or aluminum, come in different sizes and can carry anywhere from 1 yard to 10 yards of material at a time. A yard is equivalent to 0.227 cubic yards of concrete, so a 4 yard ready mixer truck can carry up to 10 kubieke meters (10×0.227=2) of concrete at once!

kant-en-klare mixwagen
kant-en-klare mixwagen

What is the capacity of a ready mix concrete truck?

ready mix truck capacity

Capacity is the amount of material that a truck can hold. Ready mix concrete trucks are measured in cubic yards, which is the equivalent to 27 cubic feet (3 feet by 3 feet by 3 voeten). The capacity of a ready mixer truck depends on three major factors: what type of truck you have, how big it is and what type of concrete you are mixing.

There are two main types of ready mix concrete trucks: tipper trucks and mixer trucks. Dump trucks are used for moving smaller amounts at a time while mixer trucks are more efficient when it comes to production speed because they don’t require any additional equipment such as conveyors or chutes like with dump trucks. Mixer trucks typically have capacities between 2-16 cubic yards while dumps have capacities ranging from 6-18 cubic yards depending on their size (larger being better).

Ready mix concrete comes in many different types including dry-stamped pavers, wet cast pavers or even decorative concrete flooring which means each product has different weight requirements before it can be moved safely into place using your ready mix truck!

What are the different types of ready mix truck?

concrete ready mix truck

Ready mix trucks come in three different types:

  • Dump trucks are the most basic type of ready mixer truck. They have a large open bed, so they’re easy to load and unload. Their design also makes them ideal for transporting large volumes of material to construction sites or other locations where they need to be dumped out of the back.
  • Pneumatic-tired trucks use compressed air to move their tires, which reduces the amount of vibration that would normally occur with steel wheels on concrete roads. This means they can run longer without becoming worn out or damaged than other types of ready mixer trucks..
concrete ready mix truck
concrete ready mix truck
  • Wheel-tired dump trucks are just like dump trucks except they have pneumatic tires instead of steel wheels

What life expectancy of a ready mix truck?

ready mix truck parts

Ready mix trucks are made with sturdy materials, but they are not indestructible. If you take proper care of your truck, it can last a long time. Most betonmixer vrachtwagen will last at least 20 years if properly maintained, and some even longer. While there is no way to know for sure how long your truck will last, there are ways to help ensure that it lasts as long as possible:

  • Regularly check the engine oil and transmission fluid levels
  • Change the engine air filter every year
  • Have the transmission serviced every 3 jaren (or 30k miles)
  • Keep tires properly inflated and aligned

The more attention you give towards maintaining your ready mixer concrete truck, the longer it will last!

How to choose the best ready mix truck?

ready mix truck for sale

Choosing the best ready mixer truck is not an easy task. We have many parameters to consider when choosing a ready mixer truck and some of them are quality, fuel efficiency and price.

The first thing you need to do when looking for a good ready mixer truck is finding one with a large capacity; this means that it should be able to carry as much material as possible in its vehicle. The second thing is looking at the output per hour; this indicates how much concrete can be produced every hour by using this particular machine. You should also look at the payload or weight of your chosen machine so that you can determine whether it can carry heavy materials without any problems or not. Another important factor is horsepower because it shows how much power does the engine produce and how fast does it move all these heavy materials around so make sure that your chosen machine has enough horsepower for what you need from it. Eindelijk, fuel efficiency should also be taken into consideration especially if we want our machines working efficiently all day long without having problems with maintenance costs later on down the road

ready mix truck for sale
ready mix truck for sale

How much does a ready mix truck cost?

klaar mix vrachtwagen prijs

Ready mix trucks are a key part of any construction site. They’re used to transport cement and other materials from the supply depot to locations on-site. Ready-mix trucks are also known as concrete mixer trucks, concrete batching plants and ready-mixed concrete trucks.

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Ready mix truck costs vary depending on the size and soort vrachtwagen you choose to buy. The cost of a ready mixer truck is also dependent on the engine you install in it as well as its weight capacity, number of axles and fuel type (diesel or gasoline).


As you can see, there are a lot of different factors that go into the cost of a ready mixer truck. One thing we did not cover in this blog post is the price of fuel. That’s because it varies so much depending on where you live and the type of truck you buy. But whatever the case may be, we hope this article has given you some insight into how much money it costs to buy one! Als je vragen hebt, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!

kant-en-klare mixwagen

Best ready mix truck for sale in 2022

Ready mix truck is a heavy duty machine that is used to transport the concrete. Ready mix truck is also called concrete mixer or cement mixer. Ready mix trucks are used in the construction industry for transportation of concrete, asphalt and other materials. Ready mix concrete trucks are some times also referred as cement mixer or ready mix vehicles or cement pourers depending on the application.

What is ready mix truck?

cement ready mix truck

kant-en-klare mixwagen
kant-en-klare mixwagen

Ready Mix concrete Trucks are trucks that transport and deliver concrete. They are used to transport concrete from a ready mix plant to construction sites and also used to transport concrete from a concrete batching plant to construction sites. They can also be used for other types of industry related activities such as transporting sand, gravel or dry stone aggregates over short distances or in smaller quantities than you would use in your business. Ready Mix-vrachtwagens can be single axle or tandem axle with low loaders (tippers) which carry the material on the back of the truck or flat bed trucks that carry the material in boxes on top of their trailer bodies.

Ready Mix concrete Trucks have either an enclosed cab or open cab design depending on what type of work they need done each day and how long they will be away from their base depot location

How does a ready mix truck work?

ready mix truck parts

Ready mix concrete trucks are used for a wide range of tasks, including construction, mining, and agriculture. Ready mix concrete trucks have been used to pave roads and runways since the early 1900s. Echter, they weren’t widely available until the 1960s when the demand for them increased dramatically due to increased infrastructure development.

Ready mix plants produce concrete by grinding together cement, sand and water—which can be premixed or delivered as separate ingredients—then adding other additives as needed (bijvoorbeeld: fly ash). The mixture is then transported via a conveyor belt from the plant’s hopper into large bins on top of each truck’s mixer drum where it is mixed with steel rollers before being discharged onto waiting trucks or onto concrete pads or forms in place at job sites where it will harden into place.

What is the capacity of a ready mix truck?

ready mix truck capacity
ready mix truck capacity

ready mix truck capacity

The capacity of a ready mix concrete truck is a measure of how much concrete it can carry at once. To calculate the capacity of a ready mix truck, simply multiply its weight by its volume.

Bijvoorbeeld, if you are looking at buying a ready mix truck for sale in 2022 with a weight of 35 tons and a volume of 12 cubic yards or 3 yard concrete mixer (a rough estimate), then its capacity is approximately 400 cubic yards or about 112 tonnes. The actual figure would change depending on what type of material was loaded into it and whether it was filled to its maximum level or not (more on this later).

This assumes that there is no additional weight added to the rear axle; additional loads could increase this figure slightly as well as making certain vehicles heavier than others which may result in them having slightly lower capacities than their competitors despite having similar dimensionssuch as when comparing two different makes/models made by different manufacturers who might use different materials during production processes).

How long does ready mix truck last?

ready mix truck weight

Ready mix truck longevity can be divided into three categories: 1) new trucks (often built by the same company that produces the ready mix concrete), 2) used trucks from other industries, En 3) modified models.

In het algemeen, a ready mix concrete truck will last anywhere from 10 tot 15 years with moderate use; echter, it’s important to note that how long your ready mix truck lasts depends on how often you use it. The more frequent your usage pattern is—orduty cycle—the faster you’ll wear out components of your vehicle.

How to choose a best ready mix truck?

ready mix truck dimensions
ready mix truck dimensions

ready mix truck dimensions

Before choosing a ready mix concrete truck, moet u rekening houden met de volgende factoren:

  • De kwaliteit van de vrachtwagen. The quality of a truck can be determined by its manufacturer, brand and model. It’s important to buy a high-quality ready mix truck as it will be more durable and reliable than other trucks.
  • The capacity of the truck. A good concrete mixer pump should have enough capacity to carry all materials needed for your project such as cement, sand and gravels etc., this will help in maximizing your profits while reducing waste due to overloading or underloading.
  • The engine of the ready mix concrete mixer machine plays an important role in determining how much horsepower it has which affects how much work can be done by one person at any given time period so always choose one according to your job requirements (for example if you need something to move around quickly then go with something that offers more power).
  • The size of the truck. The size of a ready mix concrete truck is determined by its length, width and height which you need to consider before buying one. Bijvoorbeeld, if you have a small job then go with something that’s smaller in size but if it’s large then buy something with more capacity.

How much does a ready mix truck cost?

klaar mix vrachtwagen prijs
klaar mix vrachtwagen prijs

klaar mix vrachtwagen prijs

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De prijs van een betonmixer truck depends on the capacity. The larger the capacity, hoe duurder het zal zijn. Ready mix concrete trucks are available in capacities ranging from 2 tot 5 cubic yards and can cost anywhere between $100,000 – $200,000. If you don’t have that kind of money lying around and would like to pay for your ready mix concrete truck in installments instead, you may want to consider leasing one instead of buying it outright since this option is much more affordable than purchasing one outright.

Ready mix trucks are available in many different options:

  • Power plant typeThis type of ready mix truck has its engine located at its rear end and drives through all four wheels with power being transmitted through an engine shaft which runs parallel to the axles; this is also referred to as “four-wheel drive” or 4WD
  • Closed cab – These types have full cab enclosures covering the driver’s seat area from above with two side doors (one on each side) located below that allow easy access into or out of the cab via steps mounted onto each door; some closed cabs also offer additional ventilation/heat vents within their cabs as well as roll-up windows along with safety glass windshields


Ready mix trucks are the good mixer truck to buy in 2022 because they have a lot of benefits.

Section: They are very durable and reliable. If you buy a ready mix concrete truck, it will last you a long time.

Takeaway: Buying a ready mix truck is the best decision you can make if you want to save money on your business expenses over time.If you have any questions, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!