3 yard concrete mixer for sale

UN 3 bétonnière de jardin is a type of machine used to mix concrete. The main function of a concrete mixer is to ensure that the cement, sand, and gravel are mixed together in order to form an even mixture. This can be accomplished with or without the use of water. There are many different types of concrete mixers available for purchase today such as stationary models and portable models which can be moved from site-to-site via trailer hitch or forklift attachment.

What is a 3 bétonnière de jardin?

3 bétonnière de jardin

best 3 bétonnière de jardin

UN 3 yard concrete mixer is a large capacity concrete mixer that has a capacity of 3 verges cubes. In other words, it can hold up to 3 cubic yards of concrete at once. The name comes from the fact that this size of mixer can fit into most backhoes and skid steer loaders’ bucket sockets or spouts, which makes it easy for contractors to transport it from site-to-site.

This type of mixing equipment is often used when there are long distances between the mixing site and where the material will be poured; toutefois, many contractors prefer this kind of truck because they can use it on multiple projects before they have to clean out the drum again.

How a 3 yard concrete mixer Works?

How the 3 yard camion malaxeur à béton mobile works depends on the type of mixer you have.

A rotary concrete mixer uses a large drum to mix your concrete and water. This drum is powered by an engine that turns the drum at high speeds, resulting in a homogeneous mix with no lumps or air pockets. These mixers can also be used for other materials such as sand, peat moss and even plastic bottles.

A stationary cement mixer uses a mixing chamber that’s shaped like an eggbeater to blend materials together into a smooth mixture. The mixing chamber will spin as it mixes your ingredients together, creating more air pockets than a rotary cement mixer but still ensuring you’ll have an even consistency throughout your batch of concrete.

If you’re looking for something smaller than three yards, there are also options available in 1 yard sizes; however these aren’t quite as heavy duty or versatile as their larger counterparts so keep that in mind if you’re unsure whether or not this size would work well for your needs

How long can a 3 yard concrete mixer last?

3 yard concrete mixer for sale

3 yard concrete mixer life

How long a 3 yard concrete mixer can last depends on a few factors. The most important factor is the quality of the concrete mixer that you buy. A good quality concrete mixer will last for many years, while a low-quality one may break down in as little as six months.

The second most important factor is how often you use your concrete mixer. If you only use it occasionally, then your machine should last for quite some time. Cependant, if you are constantly using it to mix up large batches of concrete to be poured into new projects such as building foundations and roads, then it’s possible that your machine could break down after just one year or two years of heavy usage!

How much does a 3 yard concrete mixer cost?

3 yard concrete mixer price

La prix d'une bétonnière can vary depending on the brand, maquette, and size. The most expensive concrete mixers run between $100,000 à $150,000. The least expensive ones will be under $10,000 but these are not ideal for any serious construction site as they are made with low-quality materials and break quickly. The average price of a 3 yard concrete mixer is around $30-$50,000 so you should expect to pay somewhere in that range if you want a quality machine that will last you years or even decades!

How to choose a good 3 bétonnière de jardin?

bien 3 bétonnière de jardin

best 3 bétonnière de jardin

The first thing you should do when you’re looking for a 3 yard concrete mixer is to make sure that it’s a good brand. There are many brands on the market, but not all of them produce high-quality products. The only way to know whether or not a company has been producing quality products is by looking at their reputation and reviews from customers who have previously bought their products. If the company has received positive feedback from previous buyers and has received numerous awards over time, then they’re probably worth considering further.3.5m3 self-loading concrete mixer can also meet your needs.

Another important factor when choosing your 3 yard concrete mixer will be priceif you’re on a tight budget then finding one that fits into your budget will be important so it doesn’t drain away all of your savings! You also want to check out warranty information as well as construction details since these things will help in determining whether or not this particular model suits your needs best (when compared against others within same range).

where to buy a 3 bétonnière de jardin?


3 bétonnière de jardin

3 yard concrete mixer for sale

3 yard concrete mixer is a special product for the construction site. It can produce high quality concrete to meet different customer needs.

Si tu veux buy cementmixer,please be careful in choosing one because there are many fake products on the market. Par conséquent, we recommend buying from our company which provides reliable products at competitive prices.If you have any questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 or [email protected]!

en outre, if you have any questions about it or need help when using this machine, contact our customer service team and they will give you an answer as soon as possible!


3 yard concrete mixer for sale is a very good product to have in your business. It is easy to use, and it will help you mix concrete quickly and efficiently. If you are looking for a new mixer for your job site, then this article may be helpful to you. We have reviewed some of the best models on the market today so that we can help make an informed decision about which one will work best for your needs.

Truck Guide:camion malaxeur

UN camion malaxeur is a special type of truck used for mixing concrete in the field. The mixer trucks are equipped with long-lasting and durable components that enable efficient mixing of concrete. Mixer trucks are used to mix a large amount of concrete at one time, which saves time and money while providing great quality. It’s essential that you choose the right mixer truck pour votre projet.

What is a mixer truck?

camion malaxeur

camion malaxeur

Mixer trucks are used to mix concrete. They can be used in construction and building projects, such as roadworks or building sites. These mixer trucks are also known as concrete mixing trucks, cement mixers and batch plants.

How a mixer truck Works?

A mixer truck is a truck that has a mixer on it. The mixer is used to mix sand, cement and water in order to make the concrete for a construction site. The mixer truck delivers the concrete to the construction site where it can be poured into forms and left to dry.

What is the capacity of the mixer truck?

mixer truck capacity

mixer truck capacity

The capacity of the mixer truck is a critical factor in determining the amount of material that you can carry. The average bucket capacity for a camion malaxeur à béton est 1 cubic yard (m³), which means it can carry about 27 bags of cement and gravel, ou 18 bags of sand. Cependant, this number depends on several factors such as:

  • Dump height (the distance between the floor and top of truck’s cavity)
  • Track width
  • Wheelbase length

How long can a mixer truck last?

mixer truck life

A mixer truck is a heavy duty vehicle that is used to mix concrete, asphalt, sand and cement in bulk. The mixer truck can be configured with different types of mixing equipment including drum type mixers or container mounted batching plants.

Mixer trucks are used for various applications such as construction sites, building sites and road maintenance work. The mixer truck can also be used in the construction industry where it may be required to transport concrete from one place to another at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather conditions or unexpected delays on site. Mixer trucks have been designed with this flexibility in mind so that they can easily cope with whatever demands are put upon them during their working life span (which may vary between 10 years – 20 years depending on usage).The same goes for Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique.

A new generation of mixer trucks has been developed recently which incorporates an intelligent drive system which allows operators greater control over how much product comes out when they operate the bucket lift mechanism manually while still keeping within manufacturer’s stipulated tolerances during normal operation modes (i.,e., automatic).

How much does a mixer truck cost?

mixer truck price

La prix d'un camion toupie is determined by many factors. The most important ones are:

  • Capacité: the capacity of mixer trucks can vary from 2 à 60 verges cubes, but the most common capacities are 5, 7, 10 et 15 verges cubes. The smaller ones are usually used for short distances and the larger ones for long distances.
  • Marque: there are several brands that produce mixer trucks such as Caterpillar, Komatsu, JCB and Volvo. Some brands make both construction equipment (e.g. excavators) and heavy-duty trucks like dumpers or backhoes too so you should get familiar with their portfolio before deciding which one to go for!
  • Model/features: depending on what features do you need your new truck to have? Do you want it to have a cab over engine design so that you can easily access all engine parts without removing panels? Do you want it equipped with dual rear tires so that they don’t wear out prematurely when pulling heavy loads uphill? What kind of transmission do you prefermanual or automatic?

How to choose a good mixer truck?

good mixer truck

good mixer truck

A mixer truck is the most versatile vehicle in the construction industry. You can use it to mix concrete, apply mortar, transport bricks and other items. It’s an essential piece of equipment for any contractor or builder who needs to get their materials where they need to go quickly and efficiently.

If you’re looking to buy a new mixer truck, there are a few things you should keep in mind before making your choice:

  • How much work will I be doing with this vehicle? If you have varied needs for hauling material from different locations around town, then having multiple vehicles may be more efficient than having just one larger model that does everything well but isn’t able to handle smaller tasks very easily.
  • How often am I going to be using this vehicle? If it’s something that will only see light duty once in awhile (like moving some building materials from one site), then getting something like a golf cart might make sense instead of investing money into buying something bigger that won’t necessarily get any more use than what would fit on top of similar-sized models which could run closer under $10k depending upon how many extras or accessories come standard with each option chosen (ie: racks/racks).

where to buy a mixer truck?

Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique

buy a mixer truck

La camion malaxeur à béton is a four-wheeled vehicle that carries different kinds of ready-to-use compound. It is used to mix the materials needed for construction and other purposes, like concrete. Mixer trucks are usually used in construction sites where heavy materials need to be transported. They have specific characteristics such as its rotating drum for mixing materials and blowers for air ventilation to allow better mixing of the materials inside the drum. If you want to buy one, here are some things you should consider:

  • You should first read reviews from other people who have already bought or used this type of equipment before buying one yourself. You can also ask family members or friends who might know someone who has a mixer truck so that they can give their recommendations based on what they saw or heard about these vehicles during their time using them at work sites.

Si vous avez des questions, N'hésitez pas à nous contacter:+0086 157-1386-6881 or [email protected]!


camion malaxeur is a kind of transport vehicles, it is mainly used for transporting cement and concrete. It has many features, such as high loading capacity, stable running performance and high efficiency. It can transport materials with the same density at the same time so that you can save money on transportation costs! en outre, mixer trucks have a long service life which means that they can be used for many years without any problems.

Cementmixer Buying Guide

Cementmixer are essential machines to the construction and mining industries. They are used to mix the dry ingredients, such as sand, gravel and cement in order to create a strong mixture that can be used for concrete foundations, walls or roads. Cement mixers have many different sizes and capacities depending on what type of work will be done with them and how much cement is needed for each project. Some nouveau camion malaxeur à ciment can even produce more than 100 cubic yards of concrete per hour!

What is a cementmixer?




A cement mixer is a machine used to mix cement with water, sable et gravier. This mixture is known as concrete, which is then poured into forms to create structures like buildings or bridges.

A cement mixer is typically powered by an engine and can be operated manually or automatically depending on the needs of the user.

How cementmixer Works?

A cement mixer is a machine used to mix cement with water. Cement is the binding agent in concrete, and mixing it with water makes it into a paste that can be applied to form concrete. A cement mixer works by continuously drawing in dry ingredients (cement and sand) from the hopper at one end of the machine and mixing them constantly before pouring the mixture out into a tub or 4 camion malaxeur à béton at another end of the machine. A small amount of water is added during this process for consistency; this allows for better control over how much water goes into your batch as well as how long each batch takes to make.

Cement mixers have many different uses when applied correctly:

  • They can add strength and durability to buildings by making concrete more durable than normal mortar
  • They can be used as an alternative way to create concrete mixtures without having people constantly working on building sites

How much is the cementmixer?

cementmixer price

The cost of a cement mixer depends on the size, taper, and brand. You can find small-sized mixers for under $1,000 while camion de ciment de haute qualité ones may cost more than $10,000. The price will also depend on the accessories that come with your purchase. For instance, some models have an automatic feeding system while others don’t include it in their package deal.

So how much is the cement mixer? Well, that depends on where you’re buying it from and what kind of model you want to buy!

What is the capacity of cementmixer?

cementmixer capacity

cementmixer capacity

Capacity is the volume of your mixer.

Mixers come in different volumes, the most common is a 5 camion malaxeur à béton(à propos 1/3 of a cubic yard).

The capacity of cementmixer is an important attribute to consider when buying one. Cement mixers are available in a wide range of sizes, from small portable models that can be taken anywhere there’s electricity or gas (like camping) to massive stationary units that stay in one place.

How long can a cementmixer last?

cementmixer life

There is no one set amount of time that a cement mixer truck can be expected to last. The life expectancy of the mixer depends primarily on two factors: the quality of construction and maintenance, and how it is used. If you use your mobile cement mixer truck correctement, it will last longer than if you do not.

Here are some ways to use your cement mixer truck in a way that will extend its life: – Change the oil regularly. Oil is the lifeblood of your cement mixer truck, and changing it regularly will keep it running smoothly and efficiently.

Don’t overload the mixer. Overloading the mixer will cause undue stress on the vehicle’s engine and transmission, which can lead to unnecessary wear and tear.

Don’t run the engine too hard. If your cement mixer truck is working properly, it should not be necessary to run the engine at high RPMs for extended periods of time. This can cause undue stress on the vehicle’s transmission and axles, which will lead to premature failure.

Keep the vehicle clean. Keeping your cement mixer truck clean will ensure that it will last longer and perform better. – Protect the vehicle from rust. Rust is a major cause of premature equipment failure, and it can be prevented by applying a protective coating to the exterior of your cement mixer truck.

There are many factors that go into how long a cement mixer truck can last. These include the quality of the machine, the way it is used, and how often you change its oil. If you follow these simple guidelines, your cement mixer truck should last for years to come.

How to choose a good cementmixer?

Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique

good cementmixer

How to Get the Right Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique, there are several factors to consider. These include the capacity of your mixer and whether it is a stationary or mobile model. Other important considerations include the type of construction work you will be using it for and any special needs or requirements that may require special features such as air conditioning or climate control options.

Par exemple, if you are going to be working in hot weather conditions (more than 80 degrés Fahrenheit), a portable cement mixer could provide some relief from heat stress by allowing you to operate inside an air conditioned cab rather than being exposed directly to high temperatures outside the vehicle.

where to buy cementmixer?

high-quality cement mixer trucks

cementmixer for sale

Buying from a reputable dealer is important, and we are one of the best and most reputable dealers in the cement mixer industry. We have many years of experience in selling these machines and can offer you the best advice on what to look for when buying your machine.

Our goal is to make your decision easier by bringing together all of our knowledge into one place so that you don’t have to spend hours trawling through user reviews or company websites trying to find out if they’re any good.Learn about high-quality cement mixer trucks now.


These are some of the questions you should ask your dealer before buying a cement mixer. The answers to these questions will help you choose the right type of cement mixer for your needs. If you want more information about any other topic related to cement mixers, please feel free to contact us.

Mixer Truck Guide:Mobile Concrete Mixer Truck

When you need a camion malaxeur à béton mobile, it’s important to be prepared. Here is a guide to help you find the right mixer truck for your needs:

What is a mobile concrete mixer truck?

camion malaxeur à béton mobile

camion malaxeur à béton mobile

A mobile concrete mixer truck is a special vehicle that can be used for mixing concrete. It has a mobile mixer, concrete pump, and concrete mixer. The mobile mixer moves on the site to mix and pump concrete from one place to another. UN concrete mixer pump is mounted on the back of the truck and it pumps out wet or dry cement into a mixing drum when required. This drum rotates to stir up all the ingredients needed for making high-quality finished products such as pavers, blocks, bricks and more!

There are several types of mobile concrete mixer trucks?

mobile concrete mixer trucks types

The mobile concrete mixer truck is a vehicle that can transport and mix cement, sand, eau, and other materials to make fresh concrete at a job site. There are several types of mobile concrete mixer trucks available on the market today. The following sections describe each type in detail:

Wheel-mounted concrete mixer truck

  • Wheel-mounted concrete mixer truck (also called wheeled) is the most common type of mobile concrete mixers. It has an independent engine and chassis for self -loading equipment. This means that it does not need any additional support vehicles to move from one place to another; toutefois, these models are usually less efficient compared with other models because they carry all their load on their deck rather than using separate tractors or trailers like some other models do. Wheeled models are easy to maneuver around tight corners or narrow spaces but may struggle when carrying heavy loads over rough terrain since there will be less weight distributed between multiple axles as opposed to having heavier components further away from each other where they act more independently thus creating more stability during movement (as long as nothing goes wrong).

Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique

Camion malaxeur à chargement automatique

Self-loading mixer truck These models are the most efficient and have been gaining popularity due to their ability to load mixed concrete directly into the drum without any additional support vehicles.

This type of concrete mixer truck has an independent engine and chassis for self -loading equipment. This means that it does not need any additional support vehicles to move from one place to another; toutefois, these models are usually less efficient compared with other models because they carry all their load on their deck rather than using separate tractors or trailers like some other models do. Wheeled models are easy to maneuver around tight corners or narrow spaces but may struggle when carrying heavy loads over rough terrain.

What is the capacity of the mobile concrete mixer truck?

mobile concrete mixer truck capacity

It is important to know the capacity of your nouveau camion malaxeur à ciment, as it will affect your costs. It also affects the amount of time it takes to complete a job and how much fuel you use. The capacity of a mobile concrete mixer truck is measured in cubic meters (m^3), while its weight, power and engine are other factors that contribute to its overall capacity.

If you plan on using your mobile concrete mixer truck for small projects like patios or sidewalks, then you might only need a medium sized machine that can fit 3 m^3 of concrete at once. If you want to work on larger projects such as highways and bridges, then look for larger machines with higher capacities ranging from 5 m^3 up to 10 m^3 or more depending on how much material needs mixing.

How long can a mobile concrete mixer truck last?

mobile concrete mixer truck life

durable Self-loading mixer truck

There are many factors that can affect a mobile concrete mixer truck’s life span. Par exemple, the quality of the mixer truck itself and the driver’s experience play important roles in determining how long a mixer will last. In general, toutefois, most trucks are able to last for 10 years or longer before needing to be replaced as long as they are maintained properly.

How much is the mobile concrete mixer truck?

mobile concrete mixer truck price

La price of a mobile concrete mixer truck will depend on its capacity. The prices range from $50,000 à $200,000. It also depends on the brand and type of mobile concrete mixer truck. Par exemple, there are two main types: wheeled and tracked. The wheeled truck is more popular than the tracked one due to its lower cost compared to other models (though it’s still not exactly cheap). Furthermore, many brands sell different kinds of models with different specifications that can vary widely in price as well.

The location where you’re buying your mobile concrete mixer truck will affect how much it costs too; if you live in an area with high taxes or extensive regulations then those additional expenses will be added onto your purchase price as well (and this is true for any big ticket item).

How to buy a mobile concrete mixer truck?

buy a mobile concrete mixer truck

good mobile concrete mixer truck for sale

  • Choosing a good mobile concrete mixer truck is the first step. The quality of a mobile concrete mixer truck directly affects the quality of the concrete, so it must be ensured that there are no problems with the process of mixing and transporting.
  • There are many brands in the market, and you can choose according to your own needs. Par exemple, if you want to choose a new brand or an old brand manufacturer’s products, you should go to their store for reference or ask someone whose work is related to them.
  • After choosing a high quality cement mixer truck, check whether it meets your requirements. If it does not meet your requirements at all times after purchase, this may cause problems such as poor quality materials and low productivity during construction projects (such as filling in factory buildings). This will also increase costs due to repairs or replacements needed due to damage caused by improper operation over time because these trucks have been used improperly by others before they were purchased by yourself!


Concrete mixer trucks are a great way to transport and mix concrete. They allow you to get your business up and running quickly, without having to worry about how much space it will take up or how much money it will cost you. Concrete mixer trucks can be used for many different purposes, including construction work, building houses or even just mixing cement on your own property!

When looking at buying one of these machines there are several things you should think about before making any final decisions. Things like size, power and price all play an important role in determining which model is right for each individual customer’s needs

2022 best 5 camion malaxeur à béton à vendre

La 5 bétonnière de jardin is the most popular type of cement mixer truck for sale. The reason for this is because it’s a great size for both residential and commercial projects. UN 5 yard concrete mixer can mix up to 6 bags at a time, meaning you can get through many projects in one day. This article will tell you everything you need to know about buying a 5 camion malaxeur à béton.

How much is a 5 camion malaxeur à béton?

5 camion malaxeur à béton à vendre

5 yard concrete mixer truck price

The cost of a 5 yard concrete mixer truck depends on many factors, including what kind of options you have and where you’ll purchase it. Par exemple, if you’re looking to buy a new model, the price will be higher than if you were to buy it secondhand. A brand new model could easily go for $150,000 or more while a used version might only be worth $30,000 – so there’s quite the range in value here!

So what is the average price of this SINOTRUK HOWO Concrete Mixer Truck? Wellwe could give an exact figure but then someone would just call us out on it anyways because we don’t know every single detail about every single truck out there (and that would take forever). We can tell you that these trucks usually run anywhere from $100k+ depending on whether they are used or newly manufactured and where they were purchased from; however keep in mind that there are various other factors which affect their overall value such as how many years old each individual piece has been since being manufactured which means each one may vary slightly depending upon when exactly was made during its lifespan cycle; its condition (i.e., whether damaged or not); etcetera.

How many bags of concrete is 5 verges?

5 yards of concrete

5 bags of concrete equal 1 cubic yard. A 5-yard mixer truck can hold up to 16 cubic yards of concrete, which is equal to 64 standard bags of concrete.

It may be helpful to think of 5 yards as 2 tons because 1 ton equals 2,000 pounds and 5 bags weigh about 50 pounds each. So if you have a 3-ton truck you’d need 9 bags or 18 cubic yards to fill it up.

How much is a 5 yard concrete mixer truck full of concrete?

5.5m3 Self-loading concrete mixer truck for sale

concrete mixer truck price

There are many factors that will affect the cost of your 5 yard camion malaxeur à béton. You should consider all of these when searching for one, so you can make sure you get the best deal possible.

  • The type of cement mixer you buy will impact its price. The more specialized your needs are, the higher the cost of buying a suitable mixer truck will be.
  • Size plays an important role in determining how much money you’ll have to pay for this equipment; smaller models tend to be less expensive than larger ones because they require fewer parts and resources to build them

How long can a 5 yard concrete mixer truck last?

5 yard concrete mixer truck life

5.5m3 Self-loading concrete mixer truck

On average, un 5.5m3 Self-loading concrete mixer truck can last for many years. This is because they are built to be durable and strong. The structure of the truck is strong and reinforced with steel beams in order to prevent damage from occurring during transport or while in use. The body will also be made out of high quality materials that are resistant to rusting or being damaged by outside elements such as rainwater.

The hydraulic system within a 5 yard concrete mixer truck also ensures that you can use your mixer for as long as possible without having any issues with it breaking down or malfunctioning at all

What is the best cement mixer to buy?

best cement mixer

A concrete mixer truck is a machine that’s used to mix concrete. Concrete mixes are produced by combining aggregates, water and cement which are then mixed in the vehicle’s drum.The best 5 yard concrete mixer trucks for sale can be found at https://www.talenetmix.com/.

How to buy a 5 camion malaxeur à béton?

5 camion malaxeur à béton

buy a 5 camion malaxeur à béton

  • Buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck from a reputable dealer.
  • Buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck with a warranty.
  • Buy a 5 yard concrete mixer truck with a manual transmission.
  • Buy a 5 yard camion malaxeur à béton with an automatic transmission, but stick to the manual if you have any experience driving stick-shift cars or trucks because most dealerships don’t know how to drive standard vehicles and will likely stall out your vehicle on the test drive or during delivery of the vehicle.
  • If you do not want to deal with engine maintenance and repairs later down the road, buy one that has been well maintained by its previous owners/users and make sure that it comes with all required maintenance records for easy reference in case something does go wrong later on down the road!


If you’re looking to buy a 5 camion malaxeur à béton, we have high quality cement mixer truck for sale. We know that it can be hard to find the right truck for your needs and budget, but don’t worry! At 5 Yard Concrete Mixer Truck, we offer many different options for different budgets and needs. If you want more information about our trucks or anything else related to concrete mixing equipment please contact us today by filling out our online form.

combien coûte une bétonnière?

prix d'une bétonnière c'est très differant, lié à la marque et au modèle, quel béton un mélangeur vous devez acheter. veuillez continuer à lire.

Quel est le prix d'un camion malaxeur?

prix d'un camion toupie

7.66Camion malaxeur à béton CBM FAW 8x4 350HP

Le prix d'un camion malaxeur est beaucoup plus cher que le prix d'une machine malaxeur.

prix d'une bétonnière

Le prix d'un camion malaxeur à béton peut être déterminé par de nombreux facteurs tels que la marque, taper, modèle et taille.

Par exemple: si on prend la même marque et le même modèle, donc les prix seront comparables; mais si nous prenons différentes marques ou modèles ou tailles, donc il existe de grosses différences de prix. Le prix dépend également de l'endroit où vous l'achetez en Chine ou dans d'autres pays tels que.

Quel est le prix d'un mélangeur?

prix d'un mixeur

Le prix d'un mélangeur n'est pas bon marché. Il est communément admis que le prix de la bétonnière n'est pas bon marché, mais cela ne veut pas dire que le prix d'une bétonnière est cher. Le prix d'une bétonnière varie d'une marque à l'autre et d'un modèle à l'autre en fonction de plusieurs facteurs comme la puissance du moteur, capacité du tambour mélangeur et autres. Si vous souhaitez acheter une nouvelle machine ou une machine d'occasion à un prix abordable en ligne, vous pouvez trouver de nombreuses entreprises qui les vendent à des prix très compétitifs avec la livraison gratuite dans le monde entier comme [Vendre un camion malaxeur de ciment de haute qualité].

Combien coûte un camion malaxeur à béton à chargement automatique?

prix du camion malaxeur à chargement automatique

Le prix du camion malaxeur à béton est basé sur la marque, modèle et capacité. Le prix du camion malaxeur à béton est différent selon les pays. Le prix du camion malaxeur à béton est également fortement affecté par le fait qu'il soit auto-chargeant ou non. Dans certains cas, Le coût de bétonnières portatives peut être plus élevé que celui des véhicules fixes car ils nécessitent un châssis séparé pour les déplacer et sont plus difficiles à conduire en raison de leur petite taille. Ils peuvent également utiliser un moteur qui a été converti pour être utilisé avec un chariot élévateur ou un tracteur au lieu d'en utiliser un spécialement conçu à cet effet..

De nombreux facteurs influent sur la variation des coûts au sein de ces catégories:

  • Marque & Modèle: Certaines marques proposent meilleure pompe à béton machines que d'autres; Donc, leurs prix peuvent être plus élevés que la moyenne en raison de l'augmentation des coûts associés au maintien de normes élevées pendant les processus de production ainsi qu'à l'offre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires telles que des options technologiques avancées qui peuvent rester inutilisées mais qui ajoutent encore de la valeur (e g Poignées en caoutchouc plutôt qu'en plastique). 2) Capacité: Les modèles de plus petite capacité ont tendance à avoir des prix plus bas car ils nécessitent moins d'entrée de matière par cycle – cependant, il peut y avoir des arrêts plus fréquents lors du chargement/déchargement des matériaux, ce qui pourrait entraîner des coûts de transport supplémentaires si les niveaux de consommation de carburant dépassent les limites optimales; à l'inverse, les unités de grande capacité tendent vers des prix plus élevés en raison des coûts d'investissement initiaux, car les nouvelles technologies doivent être développées spécifiquement pour elles (par exemple des réservoirs de carburant plus grands). 3) Exigences d'entretien: Étant donné que ces types de machines disposent d'un espace limité à l'intérieur où les particules de poussière peuvent s'accumuler au fil du temps sans être nettoyées régulièrement, des tâches de maintenance devront être effectuées tous les mois/an en fonction des niveaux d'utilisation.”

Quel est le prix du camion malaxeur à béton?

camion malaxeur à béton

Si vous voulez connaître le prix du camion malaxeur à béton, vous pouvez nous contacter directement. Nous sommes l'un des principaux fournisseurs en Chine et avons une bonne réputation. Nous vous fournirons un service fiable et des produits de qualité à des prix raisonnables.

Nous avons beaucoup types de bétonnière camions: camion malaxeur à chargement automatique, camion malaxeur semi-remorque, camion malaxeur de chargement de conteneurs et ainsi de suite. Les prix varient selon les différentes spécifications.

Comment acheter une bétonnière?

acheter une bétonnière


  • Comment obtenir le devis?

Première, vous pouvez faire une demande en nous envoyant un e-mail ou en laissant un message sur notre plateforme de service client en ligne. Deuxième, nous vous enverrons un devis dans 24 heures après réception de votre demande. Troisièmement, s'il y a des questions pendant le processus de devis et de soumission de la commande, veuillez nous contacter par téléphone ou par e-mail à tout moment!

  • Comment parler aux distributeurs?

Si vous avez des questions sur nos produits ou avant d'acheter une bétonnière ,vous pouvez parler directement avec les distributeurs par téléphone ou par e-mail. Ils seront heureux de vous aider! Nous avons des représentants commerciaux professionnels qui connaissent les caractéristiques et les fonctions de toutes sortes de bétonnières . You can consult them for how to get the right camion malaxeur à chargement automatique.


Le prix d'une bétonnière est principalement déterminé par sa qualité, performances et taille. Si vous voulez acheter la machine, nous vous proposons de choisir parmi nos produits. They are all nouvelle bétonnière truck and have excellent performance. Nous vous fournirons le produit le plus adapté à vos besoins.