truk siap pakai

Berapa Biaya Truk Ready Mix?

Truk siap pakai merupakan tulang punggung industri konstruksi. Mereka memungkinkan pembangun untuk mengangkut beton dalam jumlah besar dengan cepat dan efisien, memungkinkan mereka menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka lebih cepat daripada jika mereka harus menggunakan truk yang lebih kecil atau jumlah beton yang lebih sedikit. Yang telah dibilang, masih banyak yang perlu diketahui tentang truk pengaduk siap pakai daripada seberapa banyak yang dapat mereka tampung!

Berapa yard dalam truk ready mix?

truk siap pakai mini

Truk ready mix adalah kendaraan yang mengangkut beton, aspal dan bahan lain yang dibutuhkan untuk proyek konstruksi. Truk ready mix biasanya terbuat dari baja atau aluminium, datang dalam berbagai ukuran dan dapat dibawa kemana saja 1 pekarangan ke 10 yard bahan pada suatu waktu. Satu yard setara dengan 0.227 meter kubik beton, jadi a 4 truk pengaduk siap pekarangan bisa membawa sampai 10 yard kubik (10×0,227=2) beton sekaligus!

truk siap pakai
truk siap pakai

Berapa kapasitas truk beton siap pakai?

kapasitas truk ready mix

Kapasitas adalah jumlah material yang dapat ditampung oleh sebuah truk. Truk beton siap pakai diukur dalam yard kubik, yang setara dengan 27 kaki kubik (3 kaki oleh 3 kaki oleh 3 kaki). Kapasitas truk pengaduk siap bergantung pada tiga faktor utama: jenis truk apa yang Anda miliki, seberapa besar dan jenis beton apa yang Anda campur.

Ada dua jenis utama campuran siap pakai truk beton: truk tipper dan truk pengaduk. Truk sampah digunakan untuk memindahkan jumlah yang lebih kecil pada satu waktu sementara truk pengaduk lebih efisien dalam hal kecepatan produksi karena tidak memerlukan peralatan tambahan seperti konveyor atau peluncuran seperti pada truk pembuangan. Truk pengaduk biasanya memiliki kapasitas antara 2-16 yard kubik sementara tempat pembuangan memiliki kapasitas mulai dari 6-18 yard kubik tergantung pada ukurannya (lebih besar lebih baik).

Beton ready mix hadir dalam berbagai jenis termasuk pavers yang dicap kering, pavers cor basah atau bahkan lantai beton dekoratif yang berarti setiap produk memiliki persyaratan berat yang berbeda sebelum dapat dipindahkan dengan aman menggunakan truk ready mix Anda!

Apa saja jenis truk ready mix?

truk beton siap pakai

Truk ready mix tersedia dalam tiga tipe berbeda:

  • Dump truck adalah tipe paling dasar dari ready mixer truck. Mereka memiliki tempat tidur terbuka yang besar, sehingga mudah dimuat dan dibongkar. Desainnya juga membuatnya ideal untuk mengangkut material dalam jumlah besar ke lokasi konstruksi atau lokasi lain di mana material tersebut harus dibuang dari belakang..
  • Truk dengan ban pneumatik menggunakan udara terkompresi untuk menggerakkan bannya, yang mengurangi jumlah getaran yang biasanya terjadi dengan roda baja di jalan beton. Ini berarti mereka dapat bekerja lebih lama tanpa menjadi aus atau rusak daripada jenis truk pengaduk siap pakai lainnya..
truk beton siap pakai
truk beton siap pakai
  • Truk sampah beroda sama seperti truk sampah kecuali mereka memiliki ban pneumatik, bukan roda baja

Apa harapan hidup truk siap pakai?

suku cadang truk ready mix

Truk ready mix dibuat dengan bahan yang kokoh, tetapi mereka tidak bisa dihancurkan. Jika Anda merawat truk Anda dengan benar, itu bisa bertahan lama. Paling truk pengaduk beton setidaknya akan bertahan 20 tahun jika dipelihara dengan baik, dan beberapa bahkan lebih lama. Meskipun tidak ada cara untuk mengetahui dengan pasti berapa lama truk Anda akan bertahan, ada cara untuk membantu memastikannya bertahan selama mungkin:

  • Secara teratur periksa oli mesin dan level cairan transmisi
  • Ganti filter udara mesin setiap tahun
  • Apakah transmisi diservis setiap 3 bertahun-tahun (atau 30rb mil)
  • Jaga agar ban tetap terisi angin dan sejajar dengan benar

Semakin banyak perhatian yang Anda berikan untuk merawat truk beton pengaduk siap pakai Anda, semakin lama akan bertahan!

Bagaimana memilih truk ready mix terbaik?

truk siap pakai untuk dijual

Memilih truk pengaduk siap terbaik bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Kami memiliki banyak parameter yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat memilih truk pengaduk siap pakai dan beberapa di antaranya adalah kualitas, efisiensi bahan bakar dan harga.

Hal pertama yang perlu Anda lakukan saat mencari truk pengaduk siap pakai yang baik adalah menemukan truk dengan kapasitas besar; ini berarti ia harus mampu membawa material sebanyak mungkin di dalam kendaraannya. Hal kedua adalah melihat output per jam; ini menunjukkan berapa banyak beton yang dapat diproduksi setiap jam dengan menggunakan mesin khusus ini. Anda juga harus melihat payload atau berat alat berat pilihan Anda sehingga Anda dapat menentukan apakah dapat membawa material berat tanpa masalah atau tidak.. Faktor penting lainnya adalah tenaga kuda karena ini menunjukkan berapa banyak tenaga yang dihasilkan mesin dan seberapa cepat mesin memindahkan semua material berat ini, jadi pastikan mesin yang Anda pilih memiliki tenaga kuda yang cukup untuk kebutuhan Anda.. Akhirnya, efisiensi bahan bakar juga harus diperhatikan terutama jika kita ingin mesin kita bekerja efisien sepanjang hari tanpa bermasalah dengan biaya perawatan di kemudian hari.

truk siap pakai untuk dijual
truk siap pakai untuk dijual

Berapa harga truk ready mix?

harga truk ready mix

Truk ready mix adalah bagian penting dari setiap lokasi konstruksi. Mereka digunakan untuk mengangkut semen dan bahan lainnya dari depot pasokan ke lokasi di lokasi. Truk siap pakai juga dikenal sebagai truk pengaduk beton, pabrik batching beton dan truk beton siap pakai.

Dapatkan Penawaran Truk GRATIS

  • Dapatkan Penawaran Truk Lokal GRATIS Hari Ini
  • Bandingkan Harga Terbaik
  • Hemat Uang Di Truk Baru Anda Hari Ini!

Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis Saya Sekarang

Biaya truk ready mix bervariasi tergantung pada ukuran dan jenis truk Anda memilih untuk membeli. Biaya truk mixer siap pakai juga tergantung pada mesin yang Anda pasang di dalamnya serta kapasitas bobotnya, jumlah as roda dan jenis bahan bakar (diesel atau bensin).


Seperti yang Anda lihat, ada banyak faktor yang berbeda yang masuk ke dalam biaya truk mixer siap pakai. Satu hal yang tidak kami bahas dalam posting blog ini adalah harga bahan bakar. Itu karena sangat bervariasi tergantung di mana Anda tinggal dan jenis truk yang Anda beli. Tapi apa pun masalahnya, kami harap artikel ini memberi Anda wawasan tentang berapa banyak uang yang dibutuhkan untuk membelinya! Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami:+0086 157-1386-6881 atau [email protected]!

on site concrete mixer truck

On site concrete mixer truck for sale

Concrete is a synthetic material, made by mixing water with cement and aggregates. Concrete can be used for many different construction projects like building roads, bridges or buildings. SEBUAH on site concrete mixer truck is a machine used to mix together water and cement powder in order to form concrete. If your site has some large construction project that needs onsite concrete mixing equipment then you should look into renting or buying an on site mixer truck from us!

What is a on site concrete mixer truck?

mix on site concrete truck

A on site concrete mixer truck is a vehicle that mixes concrete on site. It is a mobile concrete batching plant.

on site concrete mixer truck
on site concrete mixer truck

On site trucks are used to mix concrete and other materials at construction sites, allowing for fast and efficient production of the final product. The benefits of using one include:

  • Convenienceno need for large equipment or heavy machinery at the job site
  • Speedyou can get started quickly because most pre-mixes are ready to go, so there’s no waiting around for batches to dry
  • Accuracyprecise control over your mix allows you to achieve an exact consistency every time

Apa perbedaan antara truk semen dan truk beton??

on site concrete mixing truck

The difference between a truk semen and a truk beton is mainly in their capacity. Cement trucks are usually larger and have greater capacity than concrete trucks, which are more common on construction sites. Concrete trucks can be either front- or rear-loading, while cement trucks are typically rear-loading only.

Berapa banyak beton yang bisa dibuat oleh mixer dalam sehari?

concrete mix on site truck

Concrete mixers can make up to 5 cubic yards of concrete in a day, but that may vary depending on what you’re mixing. The average concrete mixer truck makes one cubic yard per minute, or about 60 yard per jam.

concrete mix on site truck
concrete mix on site truck

Concrete mixer trucks are used to mix and deliver concrete for many different jobs. They can be used by construction companies to spread wet and dry mixes of cement, sand and stone aggregate on their job sites. Other uses include creating foundations for houses or buildings; paving roads; pouring sidewalks; making curbs and gutters; building fences; and repairing sidewalks after an earthquake or a hurricane.[4]

What life expectancy of a on site concrete mixer truck?

How long does a concrete mixer truck last?

The life expectancy of a on site truk pengaduk beton depends on many factors, such as the quality of the vehicle and how much it is used. You should expect to have your concrete mixer for about 10 years before needing to replace it with another one. Some trucks can last much longer than others, so it’s important that you do your research before purchasing any type of machinery or equipment.

How to choose the best on site concrete mixer truck?

concrete mixer truck on site

When looking for the best on site concrete mixer truck, it’s important to keep in mind your own needs and requirements. You may be looking for a large capacity machine or something more compact, but putting yourself in the driver’s seat is pivotal.

It’s also worth noting that there are many different types of trucks available on the market today. Ini termasuk:

  • Smaller two-wheel drive models
  • Four-wheel drive models with hydraulic steering. This will give you added control when maneuvering through tight spaces and make it easier to navigate uneven terrain such as driveways and construction sites.
mix on site concrete trucks near me
mix on site concrete trucks near me

How much does a on site concrete mixer truck cost?

mix on site concrete trucks near me

Itu price of an on-site concrete mixer truck can vary greatly depending on the model, ukuran, engine and features. Rata-rata, a used model costs between $15,000 ke $40,000 while a new one will set you back from $50,000 to well over $100,000.

Dapatkan Penawaran Truk GRATIS

  • Dapatkan Penawaran Truk Lokal GRATIS Hari Ini
  • Bandingkan Harga Terbaik
  • Hemat Uang Di Truk Baru Anda Hari Ini!

Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis Saya Sekarang

If you’re considering buying your own portable concrete mixer machine and would like more information about pricing in general then please call us at (800) 937 6092 or email us at [email protected] We’ll be happy to answer any questions that you have!


The on site concrete mixer truck is an important vehicle for construction sites, so you need to choose it carefully. Before purchasing a used truck, you should check its quality and performance. Besides the price and maintenance cost of the machine, if you want to know more details about this equipment, please contact us now!Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami:+0086 157-1386-6881 atau [email protected]!

Agitator truck

The Best Agitator truck for 2022

Concrete is a building material that is used in construction. It has been around for centuries, but it only became popular as a building material in the 20th century. It is one of the most widely used materials in the world today because it can be used to create just about anything: roads, bangunan, bridges, walkways and even dams. Concrete trucks are also commonly called cement mixers or agitator trucks because they carry concrete materials which need to be mixed with water before being poured into forming pans.

What is a agitator truck?

agitator truck vs mixer truck

A concrete mixer is a type of vehicle that is used to transport and mix concrete. There are two types of concrete mixers:

Agitator truck
Agitator truck
  • SEBUAH truck mixer (also called an agitator truck) mixes the cement, water and aggregate together in the truck bed before it gets poured into a mold at a construction site. Truck mixers are quite large, with capacities ranging from 75 cubic yards to 500 yard kubik. They can also be fitted with screens that sift out rocks or other undesirables before mixing them into the final product.
  • A drum mixer has an attached rotating drum that allows for continuous mixing during transport. Drum mixers come in capacities ranging between 6 cubic yards and 26 cubic yards—the latter being best suited for smaller projects such as driveways or patios because of its high capacity compared to other models on this list (26 yard kubik).

What is agitator truck used for?

agitator truck capacity

agitator truck capacity
agitator truck capacity

If you’re looking for the best concrete truck for 2022, consider reading on. Aggregates are transported by these trucks, which are also known as concrete mixers. They’re used in both the construction industry and mining industry and generally have a capacity of up to 100 tons of aggregate at a time.

These trucks can be equipped with an array of different accessories including:

  • Agitator blades that help mix cement, sand, gravel or other aggregate materials together
  • A conveyor belt system that transports aggregates from one end of the vehicle to another
  • Hydraulic unloading arms (also known as discharge booms) that enable workers to unload material out of their truck

How wide is a concrete agitator truck?

concrete agitator truck dimensions

One of the most important considerations for a concrete agitator truck is its width. The average width is about 1.5 meters, but it can be as wide as 2 meters. With a wider truck, you will have more power and stability when mixing concrete and pouring materials into your forms or trenches. You will also be able to carry more material at one time without having to stop frequently or wait in traffic jams with other trucks on the road trying to get through as well, which means less time wasted overall!

How to choose the best agitator truck?

normet agitator truck

There are many factors to consider when choosing the best cement truck for your needs.

Pertama, you must decide what type of truk pengaduk beton you need. There are two main types of advance mixer trucks: those with a 2-inch agitator and those with a 3-inch agitator. The larger size is preferred for moving heavy materials such as sand and gravel, but if you need to haul lighter loads such as topsoil or mulch this type of truck will be overkill and can make it difficult for smaller vehicles such as tractors or ATVs to maneuver around the site. If you plan on using an ATV rather than a larger vehicle, then go ahead and select one with a smaller diameter so that it will fit better in tight spaces while still providing adequate agitation power!

Kedua, when deciding which brand might be right for you there are several things listed below: Cost Efficiency Maintenance cost Durability Reliability

agitator truck for sale
agitator truck for sale

How much does a agitator truck cost?

agitator truck for sale

Dapatkan Penawaran Truk GRATIS

  • Dapatkan Penawaran Truk Lokal GRATIS Hari Ini
  • Bandingkan Harga Terbaik
  • Hemat Uang Di Truk Baru Anda Hari Ini!

Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis Saya Sekarang

Itu cost of a mixer truck can vary depending on the model and features. It is higher than most other types of trucks which have a lower price tag. The average cost for an agitator truck is around $57,000 while the average price for a mixer truck is around $30,000. This means that you’ll save money if you buy an agitator truck instead of just purchasing another type of concrete mixer.


The above is a list of the best agitator trucks for sale in 2022. The truck is one of the most important equipment for mixing cement and other materials. It can be used for different purposes depending on its size and design but in general it has been designed to mix concrete and other materials quickly with ease. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami:+0086 157-1386-6881 atau [email protected]!

Truck mounted concrete mixer

Truck mounted concrete mixer for sale

The concrete mixer is a machine used to mix concrete. It’s a large drum that rotates on its axis with an agitator in the center that keeps the concrete moving while it’s being mixed. The cement truck is used to transport and deliver ready-mix concrete to construction sites.

What is the difference between concrete and cement?

small truck mounted concrete mixer

It is a commonly held belief that concrete and cement are the same material, but in fact they are quite different. Concrete is a composite material made from cement, water and aggregate (sand and stone). Cement is the glue that holds concrete together: it hardens when exposed to air and forms an adhesive bond between the other two main ingredients of konkret.

Truck mounted concrete mixer
Truck mounted concrete mixer

Aggregate contributes to strength by adding mass and volume to your mix. The size of your sand or stone determines how strong your end product will be. A mix with large stones will produce a harder surface than one with smaller particles because there’s more weight behind each stone piece; this makes it more resistant to cracking under pressure or stress over time—think about how much stronger steel girders are compared to wood joists when building structures like bridges!

Apa perbedaan antara truk semen dan truk beton??

concrete mixer truck types

Although they may appear similar, there are differences between a cement truck and a truk beton. Both vehicles transport their respective materials, but they do so in different ways.

A cement truck is used to transport dry cement from the manufacturing plants to various locations around town or across state lines. The vehicle’s hopper contains large amounts of dry cement that can be loaded into a mixer for further processing on site.

concrete mixer truck types
concrete mixer truck types

SEBUAH advance mixer truck, on the other hand, transports wet concrete from one location to another for use as mortar or grout between bricks or blocks of stone. Concrete mixers usually have small tanks on board where water is mixed with sand, gravel and other aggregates before being placed into forms or poured directly onto surfaces where it hardens into strong building materials like sidewalks and patios

What life expectancy of a truck mounted concrete mixer?

harga truk pengaduk beton

The life expectancy of a truck mounted concrete mixer depends on how it is used. If you are using the truck mounted concrete mixer in heavy duty construction sites, then it will last longer. Namun, if you are using your truck mounted concrete mixer in residential construction sites, then it will not last as long because of the lack of strength and durability needed for that kind of work.

Although some people argue that there is no difference between the two kinds of work when it comes to how long they can last before they need to be replaced or repaired due to damage caused by wear and tear which occurs over time due to repeated use, I believe otherwise because residential construction requires less power than commercial construction does so, karena itu, any tool used here would probably be less durable than those used at other sites where there is more pressure put on them since everything must conform precisely according to plan without any mistakes being made whatsoever so that everyone involved can finish their tasks quickly without having wasted time trying again later during another shift (this applies especially well during rush hour traffic).

How to choose the best truck mounted concrete mixer?

best concrete mixer truck

It is important to find the right mix truck-mounted concrete mixer for your needs. There are many different features and brands on the market, so how do you know which one will be right for you? There are many things to consider when picking out a truck-mounted concrete mixer, but there are a few key aspects that can help you make a smart decision.

  • Kapasitas (how much concrete can be mixed at once)
  • Mixing time (how long it takes for concrete to be mixed)
  • Portability (is it easy to move around?)

How much does a truck mounted concrete mixer cost?

truck mounted concrete mixer cost

truck mounted concrete mixer cost
truck mounted concrete mixer cost

Itu cost of a truck mounted concrete mixer varies depending on the model, size and features. The average cost for a small mixer that can be used in residential construction projects is around $50,000 ke $100,000. In contrast, large sized mixers are available for as much as $250,000 ke $400,000.

Dapatkan Penawaran Truk GRATIS

  • Dapatkan Penawaran Truk Lokal GRATIS Hari Ini
  • Bandingkan Harga Terbaik
  • Hemat Uang Di Truk Baru Anda Hari Ini!

Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis Saya Sekarang

You may be wondering: “How can I justify spending this much money when I could just rent a truck?” The answer is simple—truck mounted concrete mixers save you time and money! Sebagai contoh, if it takes you three hours to load the ready-mix truck with materials at your job site and drive back to the ready-mix plant before returning back again with another load of materials


It is important to know the difference between cement and concrete. There are many types of cement, but only one type that can be used as a binding agent in concrete production. The most common type of cement used for this purpose is Portland Cement. Ini type of cement is made by heating limestone and clay together in an oven until they form a powder called clinker.

Then this powder is ground into smaller pieces which creates fine particles called sand (or just sand). Next step is adding water into the mix until it becomes gooey paste called mortar; then pour it into moulds where they will harden over time!Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami:+0086 157-1386-6881 atau [email protected]!

used concrete mixer truck

used concrete mixer truck for sale in 2022

SEBUAH used concrete mixer truck is a machine that mixes concrete, mortar and other building materials in order to create a homogeneous mixture. Concrete mixer trucks are used in construction as well as mining operations. They can be either stationary or mobile and can be powered by diesel engines of up to 100 horsepower (75 kW).

How much does a concrete mixing truck cost?

harga truk pengaduk beton

Concrete mixer trucks are available in many different sizes and price ranges. The type of concrete mixer truck you purchase will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Concrete mixers vary greatly in cost, but the average price is between $50,000 Dan $75,000 for a new machine. You can also purchase used machines from as low as $15,000 to as high as $150,000 depending on the condition of the vehicle and its features.

used concrete mixer truck
used concrete mixer truck

Is it worth buying a cement mixer?

truk pengaduk semen untuk dijual

SEBUAH 3 mixer beton halaman truck can be a great investment for your business. You’ll need to consider the cost of buying and maintaining a used concrete mixer truck before making your decision.

A new, modern model of concrete mixer truck can cost up to $150,000 USD, but if you’re looking for a used one, expect to pay between $10-40,000 USD.

There’s no set life expectancy for these vehicles as they depend on how well they’re maintained and used. The newer models tend to last longer than older ones because of their advanced technology and construction materials (such as carbon fiber).

What life expectancy of a used concrete mixer truck?

used concrete mixer truck life

Life expectancy is a hard thing to define. It’s not as simple as saying that something lasts for so many years, because it depends on the environment and use of the product. A well-maintained car could last longer than a poorly maintained one.

The average life expectancy of a volumentric mixer truck adalah 10-15 years if it is used in normal conditions with regular maintenance and cleaning by trained personnel. It can go up to 20 years if you take care of them properly, but there are no guarantees that they will last more than 15 years unless they are kept in good condition at all times.

If you want to know how long your concrete mixer truck will last, you must consider its condition before buying it or renting one from us. It needs regular cleaning by trained professionals who know how much pressure should be applied when cleaning different parts of these vehicles so as not damage them unnecessarily during this process which could increase their chances breaking down prematurely due to excessive wear caused by improper maintenance practices such as neglecting routine inspection checks or failing not maintaining proper lubrication levels on moving parts like gears or bearings etcetera

How to choose a best used concrete mixer truck?

best cement mixer truck

best cement mixer truck
best cement mixer truck
  • The first thing to consider is the cost of advance mixer truck. This includes the purchase price, licensing fees and registration costs, as well as any other relevant fees that may be associated with purchasing it.
  • Next you should consider what it will cost you to maintain your vehicle over time so that you can use it safely and reliably for years to come (if possible). This might include parts like oil filters or batteries that need replacing every once in a while; tires worn down by weather conditions or heavy loads; filters for internal systems such as air conditioning units; gasoline for fueling up on trips between jobsites; new paint jobs due to accidents or scratches from rocks/debris flying off trucks ahead of yours on freeway ramps [dll.].
  • You also need money saved up just in case something breaks down while driving between jobsites during peak times—especially since no one likes being stuck on freeways during rush hour traffic! It’s always better safe than sorry when dealing with vehicles like these because they’re expensive investments worth protecting against breakdowns whenever possible (think electrical malfunctions due to overheating components).

How much does a used concrete mixer truck cost?

used concrete mixer truck price

Dapatkan Penawaran Truk GRATIS

  • Dapatkan Penawaran Truk Lokal GRATIS Hari Ini
  • Bandingkan Harga Terbaik
  • Hemat Uang Di Truk Baru Anda Hari Ini!

Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis Saya Sekarang

The cost of a used concrete mixer truck can vary greatly depending on the type and model, as well as its condition. The location of the sale is also important, as you’ll generally pay more for a used concrete mixer truck in an area with higher demand.

used concrete mixer truck price
used concrete mixer truck price

In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20,000 ke $35,000 for a standard-sized concrete mixer truck that’s fairly new (less than five years old). If you’re shopping around and find something similar but not quite in good enough shape or with all the features you need to make it work well for your business, don’t forget that some companies offer refurbished models at competitive prices!


Kesimpulannya, the most important thing is to choose a good quality used concrete mixer truck. The price of a second-hand truk pengaduk beton yang memuat sendiri can be much lower than an equivalent new machine, but you need to make sure that it has been well looked after and will give you years of service. If possible ask for a test drive before buying or at least inspect the vehicle thoroughly so that there are no hidden problems with its equipment. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami:+0086 157-1386-6881 atau [email protected]!

truk pengaduk beton

Berapa yard kubik dalam truk pengaduk beton?

Jika Anda sedang mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan tentang truk beton atau beton siap pakai, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat. Kami akan memandu Anda melalui semua pengukuran utama a truk pengaduk beton dan menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana mereka berhubungan satu sama lain, dimulai dengan yard kubik.

Berapa meter kubik dalam truk beton siap pakai?

truk beton siap pakai

Truk beton digunakan untuk mengangkut beton. Jumlah beton yang dapat ditampung sebuah truk diukur dalam meter kubik. Satu meter kubik didefinisikan sebagai volume yang dapat ditempati oleh sebuah kubus yang panjang sisinya satu meter. Jika Anda memikirkannya, ini masuk akal—Anda mengukur ruang di dalam wadah tempat sesuatu berada, jadi tidak masuk akal untuk mengukur dimensinya.

truk beton siap pakai
truk beton siap pakai

SEBUAH truk siap pakai menampung rata-rata lima meter kubik material (Padahal angka ini berbeda-beda tergantung jenis beton siap pakai), yang berarti setiap truk mempunyai material yang cukup untuk sekitar 50 kaki (4 m2) dari lantai yang dituangkan atau 10 kaki (1 m2) dari pelapis dinding yang dituangkan!

Berapa yard dalam satu muatan truk?

beban truk

Muatan truk melibatkan pengiriman 4 yard kubik, yang merupakan jumlah yang biasanya digunakan untuk memenuhi standar pengaduk beton. Satu yard kubik sama dengan 27 kaki kubik, yang dapat ditentukan dengan mengalikan lebarnya, panjang dan tinggi area Anda yang perlu diisi. Sebagai contoh: if you have an area that’s 10’x10’x2′ (atau 100 kaki), maka Anda akan mengalikannya 100 X 100 X 2 = 20,000 kaki kubik ruang. Jika truk berisi 4 material senilai yard kubik (yang sama dengan 2 ton), maka itu akan memakan waktu 40 memuat di 1.5 ton per muatan dengan total 60 ton (60 X 18) untuk mengisi semuanya 20,000 kaki kubik dengan mixer beton yang diangkut dengan truk dari toko pemasok beton lokal Anda!

Berapa kaki kubik truk beton?

truk pengaduk beton

truk pengaduk beton
truk pengaduk beton

Ukuran truk beton tergantung pada perusahaan dan lokasi. Ada berbagai ukuran truk yang dapat digunakan untuk beton, termasuk:

  • Sebuah truk beton kecil akan menjadi 4 yard kubik dan tahan kira-kira 160 kantong beton.
  • Truk beton ukuran standar adalah 9 yard kubik dan menampung sekitar 312 kantong semen.
  • Truk besar mampu menampung hingga 16 yard kubik (atau 528 tas) sekaligus, menjadikannya ideal jika Anda perlu mengisi area yang luas (seperti dalam konstruksi).

Berapa harga truk beton?

harga truk beton

Itu harga mixer beton truk bervariasi, tergantung pada ukuran dan fitur truk. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat membeli mixer kemiringan baru dengan harga sekitar $80,000 atau sewa satu untuk $3 per jam (termasuk pengemudi). Ini akan jauh lebih murah dibandingkan meminta perusahaan nyata datang ke lokasi Anda untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan tarif standar mereka. Jika Anda ingin membeli truk bekas, perkirakan untuk membayar sekitar $30k-$40k.

harga truk beton
harga truk beton

Berapa yard kubik beton?

3 truk pengaduk beton pekarangan untuk dijual

Dapatkan Penawaran Truk GRATIS

  • Dapatkan Penawaran Truk Lokal GRATIS Hari Ini
  • Bandingkan Harga Terbaik
  • Hemat Uang Di Truk Baru Anda Hari Ini!

Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis Saya Sekarang

1 yard kubik truk adalah 3 kaki lebar, 3 kaki dalam dan 3 kaki tinggi. Satu yard kubik setara dengan 27 kaki kubik. Artinya 1 halaman beton akan menempati ruang yang sama dengan tiga kali luas persegi yang sisi-sisinya berturut-turut 4 inci, 8 inci dan 12 panjangnya inci.

Itu juga kira-kira sama dengan 7 1/5 galon atau 454 pound (meskipun ini tergantung pada kepadatan). Untuk memberi Anda gambaran tentang berapa jumlahnya dalam sehari-hari: sekitar empat orang bisa muat di dalam satu yard kubik; jika Anda membangun ruang bawah tanah untuk rumah Anda dengannya, ruang bawah tanah Anda yang sudah jadi kira-kira 2-3 cerita tinggi!


Jumlah beton yang dapat diangkut oleh truk pengaduk beton tergantung pada jenis truknya, tapi untuk sebagian besar truk, ini tentang 150 yard. Berat beban ini kira-kira 7,300 pound, jadi Anda harus memastikan truk tersebut memiliki tenaga kuda yang cukup untuk mengangkutnya dengan aman. Mixer beton biasa dapat menampung sekitar 12 meter kubik bahan pada saat penuh; Namun, ada beberapa yang memiliki kapasitas lebih dari yang lain tergantung pada seberapa banyak pekerjaan yang perlu dilakukan sekaligus. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami:+0086 157-1386-6881 atau [email protected]!