kant-en-klare mixwagen

How Much Does Ready mix truck Cost?

Ready mix truck are the backbone of the construction industry. They allow builders to transport large amounts of concrete quickly and efficiently, allowing them to get their work done more quickly than if they had to use smaller trucks or smaller amounts of concrete. That being said, there’s a lot more to know about ready mixer trucks than just how much they can hold!

How many yards in a ready mix truck?

mini ready mix truck

A ready mix truck is a vehicle that carries concrete, asphalt and other materials needed for construction projects. Ready mix trucks are typically made of steel or aluminum, come in different sizes and can carry anywhere from 1 yard to 10 yards of material at a time. A yard is equivalent to 0.227 cubic yards of concrete, so a 4 yard ready mixer truck can carry up to 10 kubieke meters (10×0.227=2) of concrete at once!

kant-en-klare mixwagen
kant-en-klare mixwagen

What is the capacity of a ready mix concrete truck?

ready mix truck capacity

Capacity is the amount of material that a truck can hold. Ready mix concrete trucks are measured in cubic yards, which is the equivalent to 27 cubic feet (3 feet by 3 feet by 3 voeten). The capacity of a ready mixer truck depends on three major factors: what type of truck you have, how big it is and what type of concrete you are mixing.

There are two main types of ready mix concrete trucks: tipper trucks and mixer trucks. Dump trucks are used for moving smaller amounts at a time while mixer trucks are more efficient when it comes to production speed because they don’t require any additional equipment such as conveyors or chutes like with dump trucks. Mixer trucks typically have capacities between 2-16 cubic yards while dumps have capacities ranging from 6-18 cubic yards depending on their size (larger being better).

Ready mix concrete comes in many different types including dry-stamped pavers, wet cast pavers or even decorative concrete flooring which means each product has different weight requirements before it can be moved safely into place using your ready mix truck!

What are the different types of ready mix truck?

concrete ready mix truck

Ready mix trucks come in three different types:

  • Dump trucks are the most basic type of ready mixer truck. They have a large open bed, so they’re easy to load and unload. Their design also makes them ideal for transporting large volumes of material to construction sites or other locations where they need to be dumped out of the back.
  • Pneumatic-tired trucks use compressed air to move their tires, which reduces the amount of vibration that would normally occur with steel wheels on concrete roads. This means they can run longer without becoming worn out or damaged than other types of ready mixer trucks..
concrete ready mix truck
concrete ready mix truck
  • Wheel-tired dump trucks are just like dump trucks except they have pneumatic tires instead of steel wheels

What life expectancy of a ready mix truck?

ready mix truck parts

Ready mix trucks are made with sturdy materials, but they are not indestructible. If you take proper care of your truck, it can last a long time. Most betonmixer vrachtwagen will last at least 20 years if properly maintained, and some even longer. While there is no way to know for sure how long your truck will last, there are ways to help ensure that it lasts as long as possible:

  • Regularly check the engine oil and transmission fluid levels
  • Change the engine air filter every year
  • Have the transmission serviced every 3 jaren (or 30k miles)
  • Keep tires properly inflated and aligned

The more attention you give towards maintaining your ready mixer concrete truck, the longer it will last!

How to choose the best ready mix truck?

ready mix truck for sale

Choosing the best ready mixer truck is not an easy task. We have many parameters to consider when choosing a ready mixer truck and some of them are quality, fuel efficiency and price.

The first thing you need to do when looking for a good ready mixer truck is finding one with a large capacity; this means that it should be able to carry as much material as possible in its vehicle. The second thing is looking at the output per hour; this indicates how much concrete can be produced every hour by using this particular machine. You should also look at the payload or weight of your chosen machine so that you can determine whether it can carry heavy materials without any problems or not. Another important factor is horsepower because it shows how much power does the engine produce and how fast does it move all these heavy materials around so make sure that your chosen machine has enough horsepower for what you need from it. Eindelijk, fuel efficiency should also be taken into consideration especially if we want our machines working efficiently all day long without having problems with maintenance costs later on down the road

ready mix truck for sale
ready mix truck for sale

How much does a ready mix truck cost?

klaar mix vrachtwagen prijs

Ready mix trucks are a key part of any construction site. They’re used to transport cement and other materials from the supply depot to locations on-site. Ready-mix trucks are also known as concrete mixer trucks, concrete batching plants and ready-mixed concrete trucks.

Ontvang GRATIS vrachtwagenoffertes

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  • Vergelijk de beste prijzen
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Ready mix truck costs vary depending on the size and soort vrachtwagen you choose to buy. The cost of a ready mixer truck is also dependent on the engine you install in it as well as its weight capacity, number of axles and fuel type (diesel or gasoline).


As you can see, there are a lot of different factors that go into the cost of a ready mixer truck. One thing we did not cover in this blog post is the price of fuel. That’s because it varies so much depending on where you live and the type of truck you buy. But whatever the case may be, we hope this article has given you some insight into how much money it costs to buy one! Als je vragen hebt, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!

on site concrete mixer truck

Ter plaatse betonmixer te koop

Beton is een synthetisch materiaal, gemaakt door water te mengen met cement en toeslagstoffen. Concrete can be used for many different construction projects like building roads, bridges or buildings. EEN on site concrete mixer truck is a machine used to mix together water and cement powder in order to form concrete. If your site has some large construction project that needs onsite concrete mixing equipment then you should look into renting or buying an on site mixer truck from us!

What is a on site concrete mixer truck?

mix on site concrete truck

A on site concrete mixer truck is a vehicle that mixes concrete on site. It is a mobile concrete batching plant.

on site concrete mixer truck
on site concrete mixer truck

On site trucks are used to mix concrete and other materials at construction sites, allowing for fast and efficient production of the final product. The benefits of using one include:

  • Convenienceno need for large equipment or heavy machinery at the job site
  • Speedyou can get started quickly because most pre-mixes are ready to go, so there’s no waiting around for batches to dry
  • Accuracyprecise control over your mix allows you to achieve an exact consistency every time

What is the difference between a cement truck and a concrete truck?

on site concrete mixing truck

The difference between a cement vrachtwagen and a betonnen vrachtwagen is mainly in their capacity. Cement trucks are usually larger and have greater capacity than concrete trucks, which are more common on construction sites. Concrete trucks can be either front- or rear-loading, while cement trucks are typically rear-loading only.

Hoeveel beton kan een mixer maken in een dag?

concrete mix on site truck

Concrete mixers can make up to 5 cubic yards of concrete in a day, but that may vary depending on what you’re mixing. The average concrete mixer truck makes one cubic yard per minute, or about 60 yards per hour.

concrete mix on site truck
concrete mix on site truck

Concrete mixer trucks are used to mix and deliver concrete for many different jobs. They can be used by construction companies to spread wet and dry mixes of cement, sand and stone aggregate on their job sites. Other uses include creating foundations for houses or buildings; paving roads; stromende trottoirs; maken van stoepranden en goten; hekken bouwen; en het repareren van trottoirs na een aardbeving of een orkaan.[4]

Welke levensverwachting van een betonmixer op locatie?

Hoe lang gaat een betonmixer mee?

The life expectancy of a on site betonmixer depends on many factors, zoals de kwaliteit van het voertuig en hoeveel het wordt gebruikt. Je zou verwachten dat je je betonmixer ongeveer 10 jaren voordat u deze door een andere moet vervangen. Sommige vrachtwagens kunnen veel langer meegaan dan andere, so it’s important that you do your research before purchasing any type of machinery or equipment.

How to choose the best on site concrete mixer truck?

concrete mixer truck on site

When looking for the best on site concrete mixer truck, it’s important to keep in mind your own needs and requirements. You may be looking for a large capacity machine or something more compact, but putting yourself in the driver’s seat is pivotal.

It’s also worth noting that there are many different types of trucks available on the market today. Deze omvatten:

  • Kleinere modellen met tweewielaandrijving
  • Modellen met vierwielaandrijving en hydraulische besturing. Dit geeft u extra controle bij het manoeuvreren door krappe ruimtes en maakt het gemakkelijker om op oneffen terrein zoals opritten en bouwplaatsen te navigeren.
mix ter plaatse betonwagens bij mij in de buurt
mix ter plaatse betonwagens bij mij in de buurt

Hoeveel kost een betonmixer op locatie?

mix ter plaatse betonwagens bij mij in de buurt

De price of an on-site concrete mixer truck can vary greatly depending on the model, maat, engine and features. On average, a used model costs between $15,000 tot $40,000 while a new one will set you back from $50,000 to well over $100,000.

Ontvang GRATIS vrachtwagenoffertes

  • Ontvang vandaag nog GRATIS offertes voor lokale vrachtwagens
  • Vergelijk de beste prijzen
  • Bespaar vandaag geld op uw nieuwe vrachtwagen!

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If you’re considering buying your own portable concrete mixer machine and would like more information about pricing in general then please call us at (800) 937 6092 or email us at [email protected] We’ll be happy to answer any questions that you have!


De on-site betonmixer is een belangrijk voertuig voor bouwplaatsen, dus je moet het zorgvuldig kiezen. Before purchasing a used truck, u moet de kwaliteit en prestaties ervan controleren. Naast de prijs en onderhoudskosten van de machine, als u meer details over deze apparatuur wilt weten, neem dan nu contact met ons op!Als je vragen hebt, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!


De beste roerwagen voor 2022

Beton is een bouwmateriaal dat in de bouw wordt gebruikt. Het bestaat al eeuwen, maar het werd pas populair als bouwmateriaal in de 20e eeuw. Het is tegenwoordig een van de meest gebruikte materialen ter wereld, omdat het kan worden gebruikt om zo ongeveer alles te maken: wegen, gebouwen, bruggen, looppaden en zelfs dammen. Concrete trucks are also commonly called cement mixers or agitator trucks because they carry concrete materials which need to be mixed with water before being poured into forming pans.

Wat is een roerwagen?

roerwagen versus mengwagen

Een betonmixer is een type voertuig dat wordt gebruikt om beton te transporteren en te mengen. Er zijn twee soorten betonmixers:

  • EEN truck mixer (ook wel een roerwagen genoemd) mengt het cement, water en aggregaat samen in de laadbak van de vrachtwagen voordat het op een bouwplaats in een mal wordt gegoten. Vrachtwagenmixers zijn vrij groot, met capaciteiten variërend van 75 kubieke meter naar 500 kubieke meters. Ze kunnen ook worden uitgerust met schermen die stenen of andere ongewenste stoffen uitzeven voordat ze in het eindproduct worden gemengd.
  • Een trommelmenger heeft een aangebouwde roterende trommel die continu mengen tijdens transport mogelijk maakt. Drummixers zijn er in capaciteiten variërend van 6 kubieke meter en 26 cubic yards—the latter being best suited for smaller projects such as driveways or patios because of its high capacity compared to other models on this list (26 kubieke meters).

What is agitator truck used for?

agitator truck capacity

agitator truck capacity
agitator truck capacity

If you’re looking for the best concrete truck for 2022, consider reading on. Aggregates are transported by these trucks, which are also known as concrete mixers. They’re used in both the construction industry and mining industry and generally have a capacity of up to 100 tons of aggregate at a time.

Deze trucks kunnen worden uitgerust met een scala aan verschillende accessoires, waaronder:

  • Agitator blades that help mix cement, zand, grind of ander aggregaat samen
  • Een transportbandsysteem dat aggregaten van het ene uiteinde van het voertuig naar het andere transporteert
  • Hydraulische losarmen (ook wel ontladingsbomen genoemd) waarmee werknemers materiaal uit hun vrachtwagen kunnen lossen

Hoe breed is een betonroerwagen?

afmetingen betonroerwagen

Een van de belangrijkste overwegingen voor een betonroerwagen is de breedte. De gemiddelde breedte is ongeveer 1.5 meter, maar het kan zo breed zijn als 2 meter. Met een bredere vrachtwagen, u zult meer kracht en stabiliteit hebben bij het mengen van beton en het storten van materialen in uw bekistingen of sleuven. U kunt ook meer materiaal in één keer vervoeren zonder vaak te moeten stoppen of in de file te moeten staan ​​terwijl andere vrachtwagens op de weg ook proberen door te komen, wat betekent dat er over het algemeen minder tijd wordt verspild!

Hoe u de beste roerwagen kiest?

normet roerwagen

There are many factors to consider when choosing the best cement truck for your needs.

First, you must decide what type of betonmixer vrachtwagen you need. There are two main types of advance mixer trucks: those with a 2-inch agitator and those with a 3-inch agitator. The larger size is preferred for moving heavy materials such as sand and gravel, maar als u lichtere ladingen moet vervoeren, zoals teelaarde of mulch, is dit type vrachtwagen overdreven en kan het voor kleinere voertuigen, zoals tractoren of ATV's, moeilijk worden om over het terrein te manoeuvreren. Als u van plan bent een ATV te gebruiken in plaats van een groter voertuig, ga je gang en kies er een met een kleinere diameter, zodat deze beter in krappe ruimtes past en toch voldoende roerkracht levert!

Seconde, bij het beslissen welk merk geschikt voor u zou kunnen zijn, worden hieronder verschillende dingen vermeld: Kostenefficiëntie Onderhoudskosten Duurzaamheid Betrouwbaarheid

roerwagen te koop
roerwagen te koop

Hoeveel kost een roerwagen?

roerwagen te koop

Ontvang GRATIS vrachtwagenoffertes

  • Ontvang vandaag nog GRATIS offertes voor lokale vrachtwagens
  • Vergelijk de beste prijzen
  • Bespaar vandaag geld op uw nieuwe vrachtwagen!

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De cost of a mixer truck can vary depending on the model and features. Het is hoger dan de meeste andere soorten vrachtwagens die een lager prijskaartje hebben. De gemiddelde kosten voor een roerwagen zijn ongeveer $57,000 terwijl de gemiddelde prijs voor een mengwagen rond is $30,000. This means that you’ll save money if you buy an agitator truck instead of just purchasing another type of concrete mixer.


The above is a list of the best agitator trucks for sale in 2022. The truck is one of the most important equipment for mixing cement and other materials. Het kan voor verschillende doeleinden worden gebruikt, afhankelijk van de grootte en het ontwerp, maar over het algemeen is het ontworpen om snel en gemakkelijk beton en andere materialen te mengen. Als je vragen hebt, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!

Op vrachtwagen gemonteerde betonmixer

Truck mounted concrete mixer for sale

The concrete mixer is a machine used to mix concrete. It’s a large drum that rotates on its axis with an agitator in the center that keeps the concrete moving while it’s being mixed. The cement truck is used to transport and deliver ready-mix concrete to construction sites.

What is the difference between concrete and cement?

small truck mounted concrete mixer

It is a commonly held belief that concrete and cement are the same material, but in fact they are quite different. Beton is een composietmateriaal gemaakt van cement, water en aggregaat (zand en steen). Cement is de lijm die beton bij elkaar houdt: het hardt uit bij blootstelling aan lucht en vormt een lijmverbinding tussen de andere twee hoofdingrediënten van concreet.

Op vrachtwagen gemonteerde betonmixer
Op vrachtwagen gemonteerde betonmixer

Aggregaat draagt ​​bij aan kracht door massa en volume aan uw mix toe te voegen. De maat van je zand of steen bepaalt hoe sterk je eindproduct wordt. A mix with large stones will produce a harder surface than one with smaller particles because there’s more weight behind each stone piece; this makes it more resistant to cracking under pressure or stress over time—think about how much stronger steel girders are compared to wood joists when building structures like bridges!

What is the difference between a cement truck and a concrete truck?

soorten betonmixers

Although they may appear similar, there are differences between a cement truck and a betonnen vrachtwagen. Beide voertuigen vervoeren hun respectieve materialen, maar ze doen dat op verschillende manieren.

Een cementwagen wordt gebruikt om droog cement van de fabrieken naar verschillende locaties in de stad of over staatsgrenzen te vervoeren. De hopper van het voertuig bevat grote hoeveelheden droog cement die in een mixer kunnen worden geladen voor verdere verwerking ter plaatse.

soorten betonmixers
soorten betonmixers

EEN geavanceerde mengwagen, anderzijds, transporteert nat beton van de ene locatie naar de andere voor gebruik als mortel of voegmiddel tussen bakstenen of steenblokken. Concrete mixers usually have small tanks on board where water is mixed with sand, gravel and other aggregates before being placed into forms or poured directly onto surfaces where it hardens into strong building materials like sidewalks and patios

What life expectancy of a truck mounted concrete mixer?

betonmixer prijs

The life expectancy of a truck mounted concrete mixer depends on how it is used. If you are using the truck mounted concrete mixer in heavy duty construction sites, then it will last longer. Echter, if you are using your truck mounted concrete mixer in residential construction sites, then it will not last as long because of the lack of strength and durability needed for that kind of work.

Although some people argue that there is no difference between the two kinds of work when it comes to how long they can last before they need to be replaced or repaired due to damage caused by wear and tear which occurs over time due to repeated use, I believe otherwise because residential construction requires less power than commercial construction does so, daarom, any tool used here would probably be less durable than those used at other sites where there is more pressure put on them since everything must conform precisely according to plan without any mistakes being made whatsoever so that everyone involved can finish their tasks quickly without having wasted time trying again later during another shift (this applies especially well during rush hour traffic).

How to choose the best truck mounted concrete mixer?

best concrete mixer truck

It is important to find the right mix truck-mounted concrete mixer for your needs. There are many different features and brands on the market, so how do you know which one will be right for you? There are many things to consider when picking out a truck-mounted concrete mixer, but there are a few key aspects that can help you make a smart decision.

  • Capaciteit (how much concrete can be mixed at once)
  • Mixing time (how long it takes for concrete to be mixed)
  • Portability (is it easy to move around?)

How much does a truck mounted concrete mixer cost?

truck mounted concrete mixer cost

truck mounted concrete mixer cost
truck mounted concrete mixer cost

De cost of a truck mounted concrete mixer varies depending on the model, size and features. The average cost for a small mixer that can be used in residential construction projects is around $50,000 tot $100,000. In contrast, large sized mixers are available for as much as $250,000 tot $400,000.

Ontvang GRATIS vrachtwagenoffertes

  • Ontvang vandaag nog GRATIS offertes voor lokale vrachtwagens
  • Vergelijk de beste prijzen
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You may be wondering: “How can I justify spending this much money when I could just rent a truck?” The answer is simple—truck mounted concrete mixers save you time and money! Bijvoorbeeld, if it takes you three hours to load the ready-mix truck with materials at your job site and drive back to the ready-mix plant before returning back again with another load of materials


It is important to know the difference between cement and concrete. There are many types of cement, but only one type that can be used as a binding agent in concrete production. The most common type of cement used for this purpose is Portland Cement. Dit type of cement is made by heating limestone and clay together in an oven until they form a powder called clinker.

Then this powder is ground into smaller pieces which creates fine particles called sand (or just sand). Next step is adding water into the mix until it becomes gooey paste called mortar; then pour it into moulds where they will harden over time!Als je vragen hebt, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!

used concrete mixer truck

used concrete mixer truck for sale in 2022

EEN used concrete mixer truck is a machine that mixes concrete, mortar and other building materials in order to create a homogeneous mixture. Concrete mixer trucks are used in construction as well as mining operations. They can be either stationary or mobile and can be powered by diesel engines of up to 100 horsepower (75 kW).

How much does a concrete mixing truck cost?

betonmixer prijs

Concrete mixer trucks are available in many different sizes and price ranges. The type of concrete mixer truck you purchase will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Concrete mixers vary greatly in cost, but the average price is between $50,000 En $75,000 for a new machine. You can also purchase used machines from as low as $15,000 to as high as $150,000 depending on the condition of the vehicle and its features.

used concrete mixer truck
used concrete mixer truck

Is it worth buying a cement mixer?

cementmixer te koop

EEN 3 yard concrete mixer truck can be a great investment for your business. You’ll need to consider the cost of buying and maintaining a used concrete mixer truck before making your decision.

A new, modern model of concrete mixer truck can cost up to $150,000 USD, but if you’re looking for a used one, expect to pay between $10-40,000 USD.

There’s no set life expectancy for these vehicles as they depend on how well they’re maintained and used. The newer models tend to last longer than older ones because of their advanced technology and construction materials (such as carbon fiber).

What life expectancy of a used concrete mixer truck?

used concrete mixer truck life

Life expectancy is a hard thing to define. It’s not as simple as saying that something lasts for so many years, because it depends on the environment and use of the product. A well-maintained car could last longer than a poorly maintained one.

The average life expectancy of a volumentric mixer truck is 10-15 years if it is used in normal conditions with regular maintenance and cleaning by trained personnel. It can go up to 20 years if you take care of them properly, but there are no guarantees that they will last more than 15 years unless they are kept in good condition at all times.

If you want to know how long your concrete mixer truck will last, you must consider its condition before buying it or renting one from us. It needs regular cleaning by trained professionals who know how much pressure should be applied when cleaning different parts of these vehicles so as not damage them unnecessarily during this process which could increase their chances breaking down prematurely due to excessive wear caused by improper maintenance practices such as neglecting routine inspection checks or failing not maintaining proper lubrication levels on moving parts like gears or bearings etcetera

How to choose a best used concrete mixer truck?

best cement mixer truck

best cement mixer truck
best cement mixer truck
  • The first thing to consider is the cost of geavanceerde mengwagen. This includes the purchase price, licensing fees and registration costs, as well as any other relevant fees that may be associated with purchasing it.
  • Next you should consider what it will cost you to maintain your vehicle over time so that you can use it safely and reliably for years to come (if possible). This might include parts like oil filters or batteries that need replacing every once in a while; tires worn down by weather conditions or heavy loads; filters for internal systems such as air conditioning units; gasoline for fueling up on trips between jobsites; new paint jobs due to accidents or scratches from rocks/debris flying off trucks ahead of yours on freeway ramps [enz].
  • You also need money saved up just in case something breaks down while driving between jobsites during peak times—especially since no one likes being stuck on freeways during rush hour traffic! It’s always better safe than sorry when dealing with vehicles like these because they’re expensive investments worth protecting against breakdowns whenever possible (think electrical malfunctions due to overheating components).

How much does a used concrete mixer truck cost?

used concrete mixer truck price

Ontvang GRATIS vrachtwagenoffertes

  • Ontvang vandaag nog GRATIS offertes voor lokale vrachtwagens
  • Vergelijk de beste prijzen
  • Bespaar vandaag geld op uw nieuwe vrachtwagen!

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The cost of a used concrete mixer truck can vary greatly depending on the type and model, as well as its condition. The location of the sale is also important, as you’ll generally pay more for a used concrete mixer truck in an area with higher demand.

used concrete mixer truck price
used concrete mixer truck price

In het algemeen, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20,000 tot $35,000 for a standard-sized concrete mixer truck that’s fairly new (less than five years old). If you’re shopping around and find something similar but not quite in good enough shape or with all the features you need to make it work well for your business, don’t forget that some companies offer refurbished models at competitive prices!


Ten slotte, the most important thing is to choose a good quality used concrete mixer truck. The price of a second-hand zelfladende betonmixer can be much lower than an equivalent new machine, but you need to make sure that it has been well looked after and will give you years of service. If possible ask for a test drive before buying or at least inspect the vehicle thoroughly so that there are no hidden problems with its equipment. Als je vragen hebt, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!

betonmixer vrachtwagen

How many cubic yards in a concrete mixer truck?

If you’re looking for the answer to a question about concrete trucks or ready mix concrete, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll walk you through all the key measurements of a betonmixer vrachtwagen and show you how they relate to each other, starting with cubic yards.

How many cubic meters are in a ready mix concrete truck?

ready mix concrete truck

Concrete trucks are used to transport concrete. The amount of concrete a truck can hold is measured in cubic meters. A cubic meter is defined as the volume that would be occupied by a cube with sides one meter long. If you think about it, this makes sense—you’re measuring the space inside a container where something sits, so it wouldn’t make sense to measure its dimensions instead.

ready mix concrete truck
ready mix concrete truck

EEN kant-en-klare mixwagen holds five cubic meters of material on average (though this number varies depending on the type of ready mix concrete), which means that each truck has enough material for about 50 square feet (4 m2) of poured flooring or 10 square feet (1 m2) of poured wall finish!

How many yards are in a truck load?

truck load

A truck load involves the delivery of 4 kubieke meters, which is the amount typically used to fill a standard betonmixer. A cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet, which can be determined by multiplying the width, length and height of your area that needs to be filled. Bijvoorbeeld: if you have an area that’s 10’x10’x2′ (of 100 square feet), then you’d multiply 100 x 100 x 2 = 20,000 cubic feet of space. If a truck contains 4 cubic yards worth of material (which is equal to 2 tons), then it would take 40 loads at 1.5 tons per load for a total of 60 tons (60 x 18) in order to fill up all 20,000 cubic feet with concrete mixers trucked from your local concrete supplier’s shop!

How many cubic feet is a concrete truck?

betonmixer vrachtwagen

betonmixer vrachtwagen
betonmixer vrachtwagen

The size of a concrete truck is dependent on the company and the location. There are many different sizes of trucks that can be used for concrete, inclusief:

  • A small concrete truck will be 4 cubic yards and hold approximately 160 bags of concrete.
  • A standard-size concrete truck is 9 cubic yards and holds approximately 312 bags of cement.
  • Large trucks can hold up to 16 kubieke meters (of 528 bags) at once, making them ideal if you need to fill a large area (such as in construction).

How much does a concrete truck cost?

concrete truck price

De prijs van een betonmixer truck varies, depending on the size and features of the truck. Bijvoorbeeld, you can purchase a new tilt mixer for around $80,000 or rent one for $3 per hour (including driver). This would be considerably less expensive than having a concrete company come to your site to do the work at their standard rate. If you are looking to buy a used truck, expect to pay around $30k-$40k.

concrete truck price
concrete truck price

How much is a cubic yard of concrete?

3 werf betonmixer te koop

Ontvang GRATIS vrachtwagenoffertes

  • Ontvang vandaag nog GRATIS offertes voor lokale vrachtwagens
  • Vergelijk de beste prijzen
  • Bespaar vandaag geld op uw nieuwe vrachtwagen!

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1 cubic yard of truck is 3 voeten breed, 3 feet deep and 3 feet high. A cubic yard is equivalent to 27 cubic feet. This means that 1 yard of concrete will occupy a space equal to three times the area of a square whose sides are respectively 4 inches, 8 inches and 12 inches long.

It’s also roughly equal to 7 1/5 gallons or 454 ponden (although this depends on density). To give you an idea of how much that is in everyday terms: about four people could fit inside one cubic yard; if you were building a basement for your house with it, your finished basement would be approximately 2-3 stories tall!


The amount of concrete that a concrete mixer truck can carry depends on the type of truck, but for most trucks it’s about 150 werven. The weight of this load is approximately 7,300 ponden, so you’ll need to make sure the truck has enough horsepower to transport it safely. A typical concrete mixer can hold about 12 cubic yards of material at a time when full; echter, there are some which have more capacity than others depending upon how much work needs doing at once.If you have any questions, voel je vrij om contact met ons op te nemen:+0086 157-1386-6881 of [email protected]!